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  1. Specialty: 133 Sectoral engineering. Specialization “Computer Design of Industrial Equipment”


    1.1. Technological foundations of machine building

    1.2. Operation and maintenance of machines

    1.3. History of engineering activity

    1.4. Strength and dynamics of machines

    1.5. CAD of chemical machines

    1.6. Design of technological equipment

    1.7. Design of tribotechnical systems

    1.8. Technological equipment of chemical manufactures

    1.9. Fundamentals of design in chemical machine and machine building

    1.10. Pre-diploma practice

    1.11. Preparation of qualifying bachelor’s work and state attestation (SA)


  1. Specialty: 133 Branch Engineering. Specialization “Computer design and operation of equipment for polymeric materials processing “


2.1. Technological foundations of machine building

2.2. Operation and maintenance of machines

2.3. History of engineering activity

2.4. CAD of chemical machines

2.5. Chemical-technological bases of production and processing of polymeric materials

2.6. Calculation and designing of the molding tool

2.7. Fundamentals of mathematical modeling of processes for the processing of polymer materials

2.8. Technological equipment for the production of products from plastics and elastomers

2.9. Mechanics and Rheology of Polymers

2.10. Pre-diploma practice

2.11. Preparation of qualifying bachelor’s work and state attestation (YES)


  1. Specialty: 131 Applied Mechanics.


3.1. Technological foundations of machine building

3.2. Operation and maintenance of machines

3.3. History of engineering activity

3.4. Strength and dynamics of machines

3.5. CAD Chemical Technology

3.6. Technological equipment

3.7. Welding processes and their equipment

3.8. Operation of the cutting tool

3.9. Fundamentals of mathematical modeling

3.10. Theory of cutting

3.11. Cutting tool

3.12.Technological methods of production of billets

3.13. Equipment and transportation of machining shops

3.14. Theoretical foundations of the technology of parts production and assembly of machines

3.15. Technology of processing of typical parts and assembling of machines

3.16. Mechano-assemblies and workshops

3.17.Departmental practice

3.18. Preparation of qualifying bachelor’s work and state attestation (SA)


The Department uses for the preparation of bachelors and masters:

one lecture hall, five specialized offices, one of which is a computer class and a classroom of term and graduate projects, as well as specialized laboratories:

  • laboratory of cutting and technology of machine building;
  • laboratory for strengthening the cutting tool;
  • welding laboratory;
  • Laboratory of dynamics of tribotechnical systems;
  • laboratory of chemical production equipment;
  • laboratory of tribotechnical materials science in machine building;
  • laboratory of composite materials and nanocomposites;
  • machine tool laboratory.