Address: room 302, ave. Gagarin, 8, the city of Dnipro, 49005
room 224, Naberezhna Peremogy, 40, the city of Dnipro, 49094
e-mail: [email protected]
Ihor Leonidovych Levchuk
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Natalia Oleksandrivna Minakova
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Olena Mykolaivna Hnatno
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Materials Science
Olha Volodymyrivna Khrystenko
Kateryna Valentynivna Haliba
The Faculty trains specialists in bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:
Branch of knowledge: 12 Information technologies
Branch of knowledge: 13 Mechanical engineerin Branch of knowledge:
Branch of knowledge: |
Specialty: 121 Software Engineering
Specialty: 131 Applied mechanics Specialty: 133 Industrial engineering Specialty: 132 Materials Science Specialty: Specialty: Specialty: Specialty: 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies Specialty: 152 Metrology and information-measuring technique |
Educational programs:
Educational programs: Mechanical engineering technologies Educational programs: Educational program: Jewelry, dental and orthopedic materials science Educational programs: Atomic energy Educational programs: Educational program: Automation and computer-integrated technologies Educational program: |
Graduating Departments:
- Innovative Engineering
- Information systems
- Energy
- Computer-integrated technologies and automation
- Software and information technology
- Specialized computer systems
- Materials science
General Department:
- Higher mathematics
The specialties on which the specialists are trained at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering are very relevant and necessary for the present. The development of information technologies and their use in chemical production requires specialists who would combine knowledge in the field of chemical and computer technology, create system of control of technological processes.
On specialty “Information control systems and technologies”(the direction of training “computer science”) are preparing specialists in the field of computer technology, programming, information systems and technologies. At the Department of Information Systems of our faculty, future specialists in the field of information systems are studying the following main sections of computer science: algorithms and data structures, programming languages, computer architecture, operating systems and computer networks, software development, databases and information -search systems, artificial intelligence and robotics, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, etc. Traditionally, the direction of “computer science” has a closer relationship with math. The most important goal of training computer science specialists at the Department of IC is to clearly understand the relationships that exist between applications and computer systems,
Specialty “Specialized computer systems” refers to the direction of preparation “computer engineering”. Computer Engineering is a discipline that combines computer science and computer network technologies. This area of engineering focuses not only on the work of computer systems, but also on their integration. Computer engineers at the SCS Department receive professional training in the field of electrical engineering, software and hardware and software integration. Our specialists in the specialty SCS are prepared for solving tasks, which include writing software and firmware for embedded microcontrollers; design of VLSI (supersized integrated circuits), mixed signal cards; development of operating systems; installation, adjustment and adjustment of computer facilities; design of modern computer complexes, systems and networks; technical diagnostics with the use of modern tools based on computers;
SHEI USUCT is the first educational institution in our region, which has started training of specialists in the field of Metrology and Information and Measurement Technologies (Bachelor) and the specialty Metrology and Measuring Technology(specialist and master). With twelve years of experience in training specialists, qualified teachers and appropriate material and technical base, we guarantee the qualitative training of specialists in this field. Features of the profession. Measuring devices are used in all spheres of life: counters, weights, radars, medical diagnostic tools, etc. The safety and health of people, product quality and economic performance depend on the accuracy of measurements. Tasks of the metrologist: verifying (checking) the operation of the devices in accordance with the requirements of the standards; participation in the development and implementation of standards; work with measuring equipment; development of measurement methods; quality control of products, etc.
Direction of preparation Automation and computer-integrated technologies (bachelor) and specialty Automated control of technological processes (specialist and master). Features of the profession. Each modern enterprise is one way or another automated, that is, operations are carried out by machines and apparatus without the direct participation of a person. Automation of production processes is needed to increase the technical level of production, productivity, lower cost, and improve product quality. Task of automation engineer: participation in development of projects of automation of production and their realization; programming of computer control systems; maintenance and operator control of the process; registration of technical documentation.
The places of work of graduates of the Departments: Dnipropetrovsk Regional Scientific and Technical Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification and its affiliate; metrology services and automation departments of many chemical, oil refining and food enterprises of Ukraine.From 1.09.2016
Since 1.09.2016, RADIO CLUBhas started its workon the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering!
We invite students of the Faculty who are interested in radio engineering and wish to obtain practical skills in manufacturing printed circuit boards, soldering and installation of electronic devices.
The design and development of electrical circuits is carried out with the help of the programs Microcap and Electronic Workbench .
For designing PCBs, the Sprint Layout application is used .
To record in a radio club please contact:
- Tetiana Mykoliivna Dubyak, art. lecturer, department of SCS;
- Valery Ivanovich Skirko, engineer 1 cat., Department of KITaM.