address: room 503, Naberezhna Peremohy, 40, the city of Dnipro, 49094
Department website:
The Department prepares specialists for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:
Branch of knowledge: 12 Information technologies
Specialty: 121 Software Engineering
122 Computer Science and Information Technologies
Educational program:
Software engineering (bachelor)
Computer Science(bachelor, master)
Specialty 121 “Software Engineering” is aimed at training specialists in software development – a profession that is in great demand in today’s world. Software engineers are able to create software systems that operate reliably and efficiently, the cost of development and maintenance of which is affordable, and that meet the requirements set by customers. Working in one of the fastest growing areas of the modern Ukrainian economy, software engineers can expect significant demand in the domestic and international labor market and a decent salary.
Specialty 122 “Computer Science” at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering of SHEI USUCT is aimed at preparing bachelors and masters who have knowledge in programming and algorithmic thinking. They know modern methods of constructing and analyzing effective algorithms and can apply them in specific tasks. They have the standards, methods, and means of managing the processes of the life cycle of information systems, products, and services IT. They actively use knowledge about modern technologies and tools for the implementation of automated design systems, including distributed intelligent computing environments.
Qualification levels
Bachelor of Computer Sciences – 4 years of education
Master of Computer Science – 1.5 years of education
Training in specialty 122 “Computer Science” – includes:
- Fundamentals of Programming (C ++)
- WEB-development (HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript)
- Theory of algorithms and data structures
- Databases (SQL), Intelligent Analysis of Data
- Computer Graphics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Optimal design of engineering systems
- Technologies of parallel computing
- Information security technologies
Technologies being studied
When preparing students for specialty 122 “Computer Science” use the most advanced software. Integrated development environments for Visual Studio and CodeBlocks are used to teach programming. When studying cross-platform programming, developed applications that are capable of operating under the control of various operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS). To create mathematical models, special packages of numerical methods and symbolic mathematics, such as Maple, Matlab, are used. Subjects on databases and data mining are actively explored and used by MSSQL Server and MySQL. Courses related to web design and web design are based on html5, css, javascript, PHP.
The benefits you will get when choosing this specialty:
- Modern learning technologies
- Training takes place on real tasks
- Employment in the best world companies
- Polite and skilled teachers
- Interesting Student Life
Possible employment
Senior students and our graduates work in the largest Ukrainian and world companies. Graduates who have found themselves in the field of information technology, work as programmers (C ++, C #, Java, PHP), front-end and back-end developers, database administrators, testers. Those who find themselves in engineering work as researchers and engineers in companies involved in the design and development of new equipment, equipment, and machinery.
The IS Department pays special attention to directing the research and examination work of the students, which significantly increases the quality of the output of the programming product, develops the analytical thinking of future specialists to find new possibilities for solving the tasks. From the beginning of education to graduation, students are able to test their skills in various Olympiads of different levels of the organization, competitions of students’ scientific works, speak at conferences with reports, theses, etc.
Careful, but disciplined attitude towards students, and professional teaching of teaching materials and extra extra-curriculum information on programming, contribute to high-quality student training, increases the chances of receiving a high paid job in the future, and is able to adapt quickly to work on complex tasks.