address: room 452, ave. Gagarin, 8, the city of Dnipro, 49005
- room 455 – office of the Head of the Department, main building;
- room 452 – section of philosophy, main building;
- room 425 – section of Ukrainian studies, main building.
tel .: +38 (0562) 47-04-24
The modern Department of Philosophy and Ukrainian Studies is a general education department of the University, which teaches its disciplines to bachelors, masters and graduate students of the whole university. The Department works with foreign students and also participates in the work of the admissions committee of the university. In its current form, the Department of Philosophy and Ukrainian Studies was created from two departments: the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Ukrainian Studies on November 1, 2019, which had their own history of development and achievements.
The Department teaches 15 disciplines. 100% of teachers of the Department perform 5 or more points of compliance with paragraph 30 of the License Terms. All disciplines of the Department are provided with modern educational and methodical literature:
- new or updated work programs;
- lecture notes, seminar plans, methodical instructions, and methodical materials on separate subjects and modules;
- EM complex from all disciplines;
- test questions, as well as tests for internal verification of residual knowledge;
- distance learning courses.
Teachers of the Department work on 2 state budget topics:
- “Philosophy and culture in the context of digital and socio-cultural globalization” (Head – Head of the Department of Philosophy and Ukrainian Studies Chichkov Anatoly Grigorovich);
- “Socio-cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people of the XX – early XX centuries. XXI century. ” (Head – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Borisov Vladislav Leonidovich)
All disciplines of the Department have a worldview and value load, which is their core.
The Department initiated the organization of a separate section “Spiritual Foundations of Human Existence” in the traditional scientific conference “Chemistry and Modern Technologies” at our University, which publishes students and graduate students as ours, and from other universities on humanities and worldviews. Collections of the materials are being published.
Every year the Department organizes student competitions in the humanities.
Every year, on the recommendation of UNESCO, in November we celebrate the International Day of Philosophy and combine its holding with a meeting of the students’ philosophical club “Socrates and We”.
HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT – Chichkov Anatoliy Hryhorovych, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
Associate Professor Olena Mykolaivna Bashkeieva
Associate Professor Olha Mykolaivna Zaiets
Associate Professor Iryna Illivna Kakurina
Teacher Oleh Mykolaiovych Paterilo
Associate Professor Vladyslav Leonidovych Borysov
Associate Professor Natalia Kovaliova
Associate Professor Kulakevych Liudmyla Mykolaivna
Teacher Halyna Mykolaivna Kolisnyk
Engineer of the first category Halyna Ivanivna Kostyria
Engineer of the first category Nadiia Hryhorivna Milovska
- Philosophy
- Philosophy (graduate students)
- Philosophy and philosophical anthropology
- History of Ukraine
- History of Ukrainian Culture
- Ukrainian language for professional purposes
- Ukrainian as a foreign language
- Sociology
- Social responsibility (masters)
- Psychology and methods of teaching professional disciplines in higher education (masters)
- Logic
- Ethics of business relations
- Politology
- Psychology and methods of teaching professional disciplines (graduate students)
The activities of the Department are focused on the formation of the spiritual world of man (student), modern competencies, knowledge, skills, and abilities based on the standard of higher education. Disciplines of the Department belong to the fields of knowledge: humanities, social and behavioral sciences.
The Department was the initiator of the creation of a separate section “Spiritual Foundations of Human Existence” in the traditional international scientific conference “Chemistry and Modern Technologies”, which is held at our University every two years. Students, graduate students of our University, other institutions of higher education of Ukraine, and the world actively speak and publish their research on humanitarian and philosophical topics, the results of which are published scientific collections of materials.
Teachers of the Department take an active part in the research work, public life of the University.
The Department of Ukrainian Studies is a general department, provides future chemistry specialists with knowledge of Ukrainian studies disciplines, is engaged in national-patriotic education of student youth.
The staff of the Department consists of six persons: three associate professors, two lecturers, and technician.
The Department provides disciplines:
- History of Ukraine
- Ukrainian language in professional direction
- Ukrainian as a Foreign Language
The teachers of the Department take an active part in research work, public life of the university, study local studies, coordinate measures on national-patriotic education.
Collective of the Department of Ukrainian Studies
(from left to right: teacher Smahlii I.V., technician Yepik O.G., associate professor Borisov V.L., associate professor Kulakevych L.M., professor Kolisnik G.M., associate professor Kovaleva N.A. )
Award of the Department for winning the university competition