address: room 310, building of the problem laboratory, ave. Gagarina, 8, the city of Dnipro, 49005
tel .: +38(067) 632 – 20 – 66
The Department of Technologies of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, Fats and Food Products was founded in 1955 (then it was called the Department of Plastics Technology). During the period of its existence, the Department has trained more than 5,500 specialists in full-time and part-time education; about 70 candidate and 7 doctoral dissertations were defended by its graduates; Representation at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – 2 corresponding members and 1 academician of the NAS of Ukraine.
The Department conducts educational, methodical, and scientific activities in the field of knowledge “Chemical and Bioengineering” in the specialty “Chemical Technologies and Engineering” in the educational program “Chemical technologies of synthetic and natural polymers, paints and composites” (bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy) areas of knowledge “Production and technology” in the specialty “Food technology” for 3 educational programs “Technology of fat and fat substitutes“, “Technologies of bread, confectionery, macaroni products and food concentrates“, “Technological examination and food safety” (bachelor, master).
The basis of the Department is the professional training of students and research work.
Today the main direction of scientific activity is carrying out fundamental and applied work on the development of methods of synthesis of new ionic (including ionic liquids), organic and element-organic polymers; and also creation on their basis of glues, coverings, ion-exchange, and ion-conducting materials; binders and modifiers for polymeric composite and paint materials; heat-protective coatings for rocket and space technology; development of catalysts for esterification, transesterification, acidolysis of fatty raw materials; development of health food.
A new area of activity of the Department is the development of “Green Chemistry” technologies – synthesis of biofuels, solvents, modifiers of polymer compositions, lubricants, cleaners, and preservatives for weapons and military equipment derived from fatty raw materials of plant and animal origin.
The Department is the founder of the Research Laboratory of Paints and Printing Materials, where new paints and varnishes are developed and researched.
Specialty: 161 Chemical Technology and Engineering
Educational programs:
Chemical technologies of synthetic and natural polymers, paints and composites
Specialty: 181 Nutrition Technologies
Educational programs:
Technology of fat and fat substitutes
Technologies of bread, confectionery, macaroni products and food concentrates
Technological examination and food safety
Article on the Young Coatings 2 conference in the magazine “Lacquer Materials and Their Application”
Article on the Young Coatings 2 conference in the journal BUSINESS
The Department is an associate member of the Association of Ukrainian Manufacturers of paint and varnish products.
Professor Chervakov O.V. and associate professor Andriyanov M.V. are members of the Technical Committee 168 “LAKES AND PAINTS”, which is engaged in the development of national standards and their harmonization with the standards of the European Union.
Achievements and experience of the staff of the Department
Graduates of the Department occupy managerial positions at such enterprises of the chemical and food industry as:
- CJSC “Dnipropetrovsk Furniture Complex”
- Open Society “Progress” (Dnepropetrovsk)
- AMF “Furniture” LLC (Dnipropetrovsk)
- Closed Joint-Stock Company “Solonitsevsky Furniture Complex” (Kharkiv)
- LLC “Cherkassy Wood Processing Plant”
- LLC “Uniplit” (village of Vygoda, Ivano-Frankivsk region)
- Svispan Limited Limited Liability Company (Kostopol, Rivne Oblast)
- CJSC “Siliconpolymer” (Zaporozhye city)
- CJSC “Dneproplastmas” (Dnipropetrovsk)
- SE “Smoly” (Dniprodzerzhinsk)
- Zaporizhraziv LLC (Zaporozhye)
- CJSC Dnipro-Contact (Dnipropetrovsk)
- Open Society PP ZIP (city Dneprodzerzhinsk)
- CJSC Dniprotekhservice (Dnipropetrovsk)
- OJSC Azot (Cherkasy)
- CJSC “PCh” (Pavlograd)
- CJSC Dnipropetrovsk Olive-Extraction Plant
- OJSC “ACC” Pridneprovsky “
- OJSC “Dniprovsky Starch-Dairy Plant”
- Rainford Dairy Factory Rainford
- Procter & Gamble Menuffchuring Ukraine Ltd.
- CJSC “Zaporizhzhya Oil and Food Complex”
- OJSC “Vinnitsa Oil-and-Gas Plant”
- OJSC “Odessa Oil-and-Gas Plant”
- OJSC “Nizhyn Fat Complex”
- CJSC “Pologovskoe Oil and Extraction Plant”
- And this is far from a complete list!