Address: 202 room, Naberezhna Peremogy, 40b, Dnipro city, 49094
tel .: +38095-599-85-95 (Viber), +38097-704-13-15
Kateryna Ivanivna Tymchyi
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant
Anastasia Anatoliivna Heisun
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant
Mariia Volodymyrivna Minaieva
The faculty trains specialists in bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:
Branch of knowledge: 16 Chemical and bioengineering
Specialty: 161 Chemical Technology and Engineering
Educational program:
Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
Specialty: 162 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Educational program:
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Branch of knowledge: 22 Health care
Specialty: 226 Pharmacy
Educational program:
Branch of knowledge: 26 Civil security
Specialty: 263 Civil security
Educational program:
Graduating Departments:
– Technology of Organic Substances and Pharmaceuticals
– Biotechnology
– Labor Protection and Life Safety
General Departments:
– Organic Chemistry
– Health Care
Faculty of Organic Substances and Biotechnology– one of the oldest faculties of the University. Created in early 1953 on the basis of the Faculty of Technology, it began training students in two specialties: Technology of basic organic synthesis and Chemical technology of fuel. In 1954, the Faculty opened the specialty Technology of rubber, and in 1955 – the specialty Technology of plastic masses.
From the first years of the existence of the Faculty, great talented scientists made a great contribution to its formation and organization of studying and scientific work. Among them were O.S. Fomenko, V.I. Dahl, S.I.Burmistrov, G.A. Bloch, N.K. Moshchynska, O.Yu. Cretov. Thanks to their tireless work, many graduates of the Faculty became renowned scholars, researchers, researchers, university lecturers, and heads of industrial enterprises.
Over time, the structure of the Faculty and the nomenclature of specialties have changed. The development of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine has shown the need for a significant number of graduate professionals. According to the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine of June 30, 1994, SHEI USUCT was given a license for the right to train specialists in the field of Industrial Pharmacy.
Today, the Faculty of Organic Substances and Biotechnologyis a powerful center for training specialists in the field of chemical technology of organic substances, technology of pharmaceuticals, technology for the processing of polymers with their scientific schools, known and prominent not only in Ukraine and CIS countries, but also in countries of distant foreign countries. Academic developments traditionally associate faculty with the University of Florida (USA), the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany), and many of Russia’s main research centers. The Faculty trains bachelors and masters from three specialties. The Faculty consists of two general and three graduating departments.