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Address: Room 427, ave.Gagarin, 8, the city of Dnipro, 49005


Tel.: +38 095 61 39 712

Valerii Ivanovych Ovcharov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Sokolova Lina Aleksandrovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Liudmyla Mykolaivna Kulakevych

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Maryna Viktorivna Bedrina 

Iryna Anatoliivna Sirenko

The Faculty trains specialists in bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:

Branch of knowledge: 16 Chemical and bioengineering

Specialty: 161 Chemical Technology and Engineering

Educational programs:

Chemical technologies of macromolecular compounds

Chemical technologies of processing wood and vegetable raw materials

Chemical technologies of fuel and carbon materials

Chemical technologies of alternative energy resources

Chemical technologies for the processing of polymeric and composite materials

Branch of knowledge: 18 Production and technology

Specialty: 181 Nutrition Technologies

Educational program:

Fat and fat substitutes

Technologies of bread, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates

Technological expertise and food safety

Specialty: 186 Publishing and printing

Educational program:

Materials for publishing and polygraphic productions


Graduating Departments:

  • technologies of fuels, polymeric and polygraphic materials
  • technologies of natural and synthetic polymers, fats and food products

General Departments:


The need to expand industrial production of polymers on the basis of advanced technologies, training of qualified engineers-technologists on the synthesis and processing of polymers, the development of scientific schools on chemistry and technology of macromolecular compounds of the Soviet Union a new faculty – Faculty of High Molecular Compounds – was founded in 1964 at Dnipropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. The first dean of the Faculty was Associate Professor O.S. Formentko (1964-1965). At various times, the Faculty was headed by V.M. Nabyvach (1965-1972), I.M. Polianchikov (1972-1974), G.V. Tikhonov (1974-1978 gg.), M.S.Malovichko (1978-1985), V.P Belous (1985), O.O. Tertious (1985-1988), V.A. Aleksenko (1988-1992 years), M.V.Burmister (1992-1998), V.S.Kovalenko (1988-2007), S.A. Volkova (2007-2014). Now the Faculty is headed by D.Sc., prof. V.I.Ovcharov.


For many years, the Department of Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology (Head of the Department of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor P.G.Soroka) and the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (Head of the Department, Ph.D, Associate Professor S.A.Volkova) were included in the content of the Faculty.

The staff of the Faculty employs 73 people, among them 10 professors and doctors of sciences, 33 associate professors, 11 teachers and assistants, candidates of sciences. Leading scientists-professors of the Faculty: V.I. Dal, I.M. Hlushchenko, V.Yu. Didenko, N.K. Moshchinska, G.A. Bloch, Yu.V. Svetkin, E.O. Sporyagin, I.V.Koval, Z.V. Onyshchenko, V.S.Kutyanin created scientific schools that are widely known outside of Ukraine. Professors and doctors of sciences develop their and new scientific directions: M.Ya. Kuzmenko, K.M. Sukhyi, O.V. Chervakov, Yu.R. Ebich, N.M.Evdokimenko, Yu.M. Vashchenko, V.I.Ovcharov., V.D. Barskyi.

As of March 1, 2020, the Faculty has 325 full-time students and 173 part-time students, including about 30 students from the CIS countries and abroad.

Active multifaceted orientation of student life brings significant achievements in educational and scientific activities, as well as in sports, cultural improvement based on the national traditions of Ukraine. In the last academic year alone, 97 master’s theses were defended at the faculty, and 108 bachelors graduated.

According to the results of the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, the best students of the faculty became the winners of the scholarship program from the company – the company “MIROPLAST”.

Our sincere congratulations to the winners:

Yaroslava Neklesa, 3rd year student

Nadiya Asafova, 3rd year student

Kateryna Selivanova, 3rd year student

Oleksandr Halych, 3rd year student

Olha Doroshenko, 4th year student

The amateur art team of the faculty took 1st place at the festival of USUCT “Student Spring” in 2009, 2013, 2014, 2019, and in 2018 won the Grand Prix and became the winner of the festival. The Faculty is proud of the release of bright talents of the university – “golden” voices of Ksenia Bashibular (participant of the vocal show X-Factor), Polina Makarevych, Oleksiy Chumak.

Currently, an active position in the social life of the faculty is occupied by the organizer and participant of many student events Ruslan Golikov, volunteer, 2nd year student (2-TZh-91) Kateryna Zaitseva, chair of the student youth committee of the faculty, is fond of drawing from the Youth Communication Center “Positive Pavlograd”, NGO “Fainograd”).

The head Olga Ivanivna Polyakova deserves special words of gratitude for student well-being and order in the dormitory №4 for more than 16 years of work.

The most expensive property of the Faculty is thousands of graduates of 1964-2020.

Among the graduates of the Faculty – Vice President of the NAS of Ukraine V.P. Kukhar; Laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine V.V. Shevchenko, V.I. Uvarov, Yu.R. Kolesnik, P.G. Magpie; Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR E.O. Doba.

And yet – it’s dozens of leaders of large and small enterprises of chemical, petrochemical, and other sectors of the economy; hundreds of heads of departments of enterprises and organizations; thousands of qualified engineers-technologists, whose work creates the economic potential of Ukraine and other countries.