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address: Naberezhna Peremogy, 40a, Dnipro city, 49094, Ukraine

tel .:+38(050) 481–87–76

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

The head of the Department is Lina Oleksandrovna Sokolova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

The Department was founded in 1934 and has its long history.

The staff of the Department has 9 highly skilled specialists. Of them: 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 5 senior lecturers. Five teachers have the title “Master of Sports”.

Training auxiliary staff – 2 engineers of 1st category.

The educational process of physical education is carried out according to the credit-module system by the kinds of sports: basketball, volleyball, athletic gymnastics, female aesthetic gymnastics, fitness, badminton.

Students are divided into main and special medical groups according to their health status.

The sports club “Khimik” has been established at the Department, which unites teams and sports sections in: academic rowing, armsport, athletic gymnastics, badminton, basketball, volleyball, canoeing and canoeing, handball, table tennis, taekwondo, futsal , football, chess, checkers.

The sports complex of the university has 3 pitches, 2 game and 1 gym, as well as a water sports base.

The direction of the Department’s work is improvement of general physical training, development and increase of sports skills and strengthening of students’ health.


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Daniyil Koroliuk is the Master of Sports of Ukraine in swimming

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Psychological event “Emotional burnout”

Psychological event “Emotional burnout”

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