Head of the Council
Olena Valeriivna Velychko – head of the Council of Young Scientists, Ph.D., researcher of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry.

Deputy Chair of the Council
Chair of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Glass, Ceramics and Food
Anna O. Cheremisinova – Ph.D, Associate Professor of the Department of PA and ZHT. Maintains scientific contacts with domestic, foreign and international organizations of similar profile, conducts scientific correspondence of the Council with other councils, organizes preparation for publication of the Council’s publications.

Chair of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Economics
Responsible Secretary
Olha Evgeniivna Riabtseva – Ph.D, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Finance.

Chair of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Volodymyr V. Anisimov – Ph.D, assistant of the Department of Equipment for Chemical Production;

Chair of Young Scientists of the Faculty of High-Molecular Compounds
Svitlana M. Kuzmenko – Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds.
The Council of Young Scientists of SHEI USUCT was revived in 2002 in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine of 05.06.97 No. 1 / 9-216 “On Measures to Improve Students’ Scientific Work as an Integral Part of Educational Activities, Improvement of Work with Talented Scientific Youth” and the Decree of the President of Ukraine “Additional Measures for the Support of Young Scientists” of 09.04.2002 No. 315/2002.
At the beginning of its creation, the Council of Young Scientists included representatives of the University departments: Yevhen V Chernetskyi – assistant (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering); Natalia Yu. Naumenko – Ph.D., Department of Higher Mathematics; Svitlana Fedulova – assistant (Faculty of Economics); Oleksii O. Sihunov – Ph.D (Faculty of Glass, Ceramics and Food); Serhii O. Oparin – Ph.D. Faculty of High-Molecular Compounds); Oleksandr V. Zaichuk – Ph.D. (Faculty of Glass, Ceramics and Food).
Since then and until now, the composition of the CYS has changed, because the special criterion of its participation is the age requirement – 35 years.

From 2001-2004, Oleg V. Kravtsov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, was elected as Head of the CYS.
O.V. Kravtsov directed its activity on activization of professional growth of young scientists, joining their efforts for development of actual scientific problems and solving of priority of scientific tasks. He maintained and developed scientific initiatives of young scientists focused on their qualification development and consolidation in the departments of the University.

From 2004-2011, Ihor L. Kovalenko was appointed Head of the Council, Ph,D, associate professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry.
During this period, the work on the development and reform of the CYS of SHEI USUCT with the introduction of changes to the charter of the Council was continued. The priority directions of the work of CYS in the USUCT were determined in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine. Ihor L. Kovalenko carried out activities aimed at the effective development of the CYS: he organized many international conferences, scientific seminars and other events. Working groups on important areas were created to provide an effective integrated and systemic development of the Council. Together with the Regional CYS, he worked on the formation of the data bank for scientific researches of young scientists and the data bank on unique equipment; promoted the development of comprehensive scientific and diploma works within the University and with other institutions.

From 2011-2014, Inna V. Kovtunik, assistant professor of the Department of Fuel Materials, was elected Head of the Council.
Inna V. Kovtunik supported and expanded the Chair of Young Scientists of the University. In 2013, under her guidance, the Chair of Young Scientists of SHEI “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology” became the best among young scientists of the Dnipropetrovsk Region. She created and organized a team of young scientists who took an active part in sports competitions in the mini-football tournament for the Cup of the Council of Young Scientists of Dnipropetrovsk Region. Inna V. Kovtunik actively participated in all activities of the Council of Young Scientists of Dnipropetrovsk Region, such as visiting meetings, schools of young scientists, competitions, grants, seminars, and more.

From 2014-2016, Marharyta I. Skyba, Ph.D., assistant professor at the Department of Inorganic Substances and Ecology was appointed Head of the Council of Young Scientists.
She systematized and placed useful information on the site of the University concerning important issues for young scientists, postgraduates and doctoral students. Together with the deputy of the CYS I.A. Vasylenko, she started the work on the organization of scientific conferences for students, postgraduates and young scientists.

Since the end of 2016, Olena V. Velychko, Ph.D., researcher of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry.
has been appointed Head of the Council of Young Scientists.
Together with the Council’s activists and young scientists of the USUCT, the work on increasing the number of young scientists is taking part in regional, state contests, grants projects, and so on. Olena V. Velychko takes part in the activities of the Council of Young Scientists of Dnipropetrovsk Region.