The Department of Chemical Engineering was founded on May 4, 1965. The first head of the department from 1965 to 1978 was a lecturer L.I. Mamont In the period of 1978-1981 the department was headed by associate professor V.А. Uspensky From 1982-2000 she was headed by a student of L.I. Mamon, Ph.D., Professor I.G. Ploshenko, and since 2000 and at this time – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V.I. Sitar.
Since 1965 the Department has started to train specialists in two specialties: “Chemical Engineering and Apparatus Engineering” and “Machines for the Polymer Materials Processing in Detail and Products“. After the reduction of the list-list of specialties in 1989, these two areas became specializations of the specialty “Equipment of chemical manufactures and enterprises of building materials“. In 1997 at the department the training of engineers was opened in the specialty “Technology of mechanical engineering”.
Experts that are now issued on the specialty “Chemical Engineering and Automated Design”, are prepared with basic training in the calculation and design of machines and apparatus. This decision was taken by the department in connection with the recommendations of enterprises and organizations that actively commissioned young specialists in this direction of training (development of new high-efficient machines and devices, modernization in order to increase the efficiency, reliability and durability of existing chemical equipment).
With the transition of the chemical engineering industry to work in conditions of market relations, sharply there were problems of a sharp increase in the quality of manufactured products. In turn, the production of high-quality and competitive products put forward requirements for the development and introduction of advanced technologies, as well as equipment upgrades. The work of enterprises in the conditions of the laws of the market economy requires the training of the relevant engineering staff, and in the first place, engineers of mechanical engineering. In response to numerous appeals from chemical engineering enterprises of Ukraine, the department on the basis of the specialization “Chemical engineering and CAD system” in 1998, carried out the first issue of technologists in mechanical engineering in the number of 9 people.
In 1982, a research laboratory was set up on the basis of the Department, which provides the results of tribotechnical studies of new materials, design bureaus and enterprises of the Concern “Pivdenmash”. The initiator of the opening of the laboratory “Tribology and dynamics of tribotechnical systems” and its first leader was the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor L.I. Mamont Currently, the laboratory is headed by a student of L.I. Mamon, Ph.D., Associate Professor AM Pipe.
One of the main directions of scientific activity of the department is the development of composite materials on the basis of heat-resistant polymers for the units of friction and sealing equipment, the scientific leader of which is the head of the department of chemical machine building and machine-building VI. Sitar
The theory of sealing of end seals was developed at the department, the author of which was associate professor L.I. Mamont Candidate of technical sciences, professor I.G. Ploshenko has developed the foundations of the theory of sealing of contact seals, which operate under selective transfer conditions. These scientific achievements allowed the establishment of a school of biblicals, which occupies the current place in this direction.
The Department has postgraduate studies, as well as an institution of study seekers, which allowed the professorial and teaching staff of the department to be fully staffed by specialists who have a Ph.D. During the years of existence of the Department, two doctoral theses and 15 candidate’s theses were defended on the most relevant scientific issues.
Today, the scientific activity of the Department is aimed at developing new machines and apparatuses for the chemical industry and increasing the reliability and durability of chemical technology both at design level and at the level of operation. The department has the original design of seals for chemical machines and apparatuses that operate under high pressure and temperature, as well as antifriction materials for friction units of chemical and related branches of the national economy. These developments are protected by copyright certificates for invention and patents. Work is underway on the development of cutting tools and technologies for inkjet and electroscope processing, the study of the influence of processing regimes on the structure and the chemical composition of surfaces of machine parts.
The educational process is also based on the widespread use of the latest scientific advances in the relevant fields of science and technology, various technical means and computer equipment. Teachers of the department issued educational aids with the stamp of the MONU.
The Department is staffed by highly skilled specialists. There are 14 teachers at the Department, including 1 professor, 1 doctor of sciences, 11 candidates of technical sciences.
Among the graduates of the Department there are two doctors of technical sciences, professors (O.A. Pivovarov and O.P. Naumenko), 22 candidates of technical sciences, 18 directors of industrial enterprises, more than 80 heads of entrepreneurial structures. Also, 14 graduates of the Department work as lecturers at SHEI USUCT, 5 of them are heads of different departments of our University.