addresses: room 403, 422, 327, Ave. Gagarin, 8, the city of Dnipro, 49005
e-mail: [email protected]
The Department of Industrial Economics and Organization of Production trains specialists for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:
Branch of knowledge: 05 Social and behavioral sciences
Specialty: 051 Economy
Educational programs:
Quality Management – Ukrainian-Polish Double Degree Program
Since 2018, the Department has been taking part in the International program of double diplomas for economic specialties
Branch of knowledge:: 07 Management and administration
Specialty: 076 Entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities
Educational program: “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”
Project of professional retraining on the educational program "Quality Management"
The basis of the project is professional retraining of the target group on the educational program “Quality Management” (specialty
051 “Economy”), which is in demand in the labor market of Ukraine.
Quality management is a young and promising specialty, which is a new field of activity, formed at the intersection of the organization of production or provision of services with quality assurance in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian and international norms and standards. The knowledge gained in the course of training is a basic knowledge of the methodologies of preparation and implementation in enterprises of different systems for managing the quality of services or products, for the development of management and operation of information and organizational systems.
The executor of the project is the State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, which organizes and carries out professional retraining of project participants for the chosen program for a term of 10 months, starting September 1, 2018. The project ends with graduation in June. Classes are scheduled in the evening (from 15.00-16.00) and on Saturdays. At the request of the project participants, the training time can be changed.
All participants in vocational retraining should have higher education (not lower than “bachelor”).
As a result of completing the task of retraining, the graduates receive a certificate of professional retraining of the state sample (from SHEI USUCT).
Quality management is one of the functions of the enterprise to manage it, which actually ensures the quality of services and products at a high level through the prudent and competent management of production and its service.
With respect and sincere hope for further fruitful cooperation.
Curator of the educational program – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member AESU
Larysa Dmytrivna Garmider
[email protected] (066) 677-44-80
The Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics prepares specialists for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:
Branch of knowledge: 05 Social and behavioral sciences
Specialty: 051 Economics
Educational program:
Students studying in the field of “Economic Cybernetics” receive a system of knowledge on basic economic training and use of mathematical methods and models of analysis, forecasting of economic development of enterprises, markets, countries and regions.
Basic education of masters in conomic cybernetics is provided with economic, mathematical and informational and analytical training, most closely related to the standards of modern education in developed Western countries.
An expert in economic cybernetics can work:
- a system analyst and risk manager;
- economists-analysts in banks, insurance companies, advertising agencies, tax inspectorates;
- economists of large industrial associations;
- heads of private firms;
- economists, economic advisers, economic advisers;
- financial economists, financial analysts;
- advisers (state authorities).
- managers, accountants and financiers;
- project managers;
- business analysts and data science analysts;
- engineers and programmers;
- teachers of HEIs and colleges
The teaching staff of the Department consists of 16 people, including 3 doctors of economic sciences, 2 professors, 6 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 6 teachers, 1 engineer.
Project of professional retraining for the educational program "Economic security and business analytics"
The basis of the project is the professional retraining of the target group for the educational program “Economic security and business analytics” (specialty 051 “Economics”), which is in demand on the labor market of Ukraine.
Economic security and business intelligence is a comprehensive, practically oriented educational program that covers the full range of knowledge required for effective research, modeling, forecasting, and optimization of business processes through information technology, the use of statistical tools, and for analytical data analysis, electronic business, risk assessment.
The project executor is the State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology “, which organizes and carries out the professional retraining of the project participants for the chosen program for a period of 10 months, starting from September 1. The project ends with a graduation work in June. Classes are scheduled in the evening (from 15.00-16.00) and on Saturdays. At the request of the project participants, the training time can be changed.
All participants in vocational retraining must have higher education (not lower than “bachelor”).
As a result of the retraining task, graduates receive a certificate of professional retraining of the state standard (from SHEI USUCT)
Under the current conditions, the organization of security of enterprises encompasses, first of all, the fields of administrative, financial, economic, legal relations and interests, and requires specialists from advanced knowledge of economics, management, law.
With kind regards and sincere hope for further fruitful cooperation.
Curator of the educational program – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member. AINU
Svitlana Oleksandrivna Fedulova
[email protected] (067) 775-76-89