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Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Anisimov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests: Tribotechnical material science.

Author (co-author) of 95 scientific works, participated in 22 international scientific conferences.

Supervisor of one defended Ph.D. dissertation.

Valerii Oleksiiovych Baranenko

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine.

Research interests: theory and methods of optimization; the theory of probability and its application in mechanics of structures.

1 monograph, over 150 scientific and educational works.

Vadym Davydovych Barskyi

1938 – 2023

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests: mathematical modeling of chemical engineering processes and systems.

5 monographs, over 230 scientific articles, 16 patents for inventions.

Supervisor of 4 doctoral and 23 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Mykhailo Vasyliovych Burmistr

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

  • Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine,
  • Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine,
  • Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education,
  • Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts of Russia.

Research interests: synthesis and study of properties of polymeric and composite materials.

Over 480 scientific works, 6 monographs, 13 textbooks, and manuals. He has 55 patents and patents. Awarded two gold and two silver medals for his research.

Supervisor of 10 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Kostiantyn Serhiiovych Burmistrov

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • reaction capacity of quinoid compounds,
  • synthesis of bioactive nitrogen-containing heterocycles; and compositions based on surfactants.

Supervisor of 4 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Yurii Mykolaiovych Vashchenko

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • development of scientific and technical principles of creating high-quality multi-layer elastomeric materials;
  • the study on the effective use of waste production and consumption of rubber industry,
  • the creation of new composite materials based on elastomers, using products of ground used tires and other rubber products.

Co-author of monographs, 381 scientific publications (of which – 124 articles), has 23 patents.

Supervisor of 4 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Oleksandr Borysovych Velichenko

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2020),
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (2018)

  • Member of the American Electrochemical Society,
  • International Electrochemical Society,
  • International Advisory Committee for lead-acid batteries,
  • Council in Electrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Deputy Chairman of the Chemistry Section of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science,
  • Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council on Examination of Dissertations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in Chemical Sciences,
  • Deputy Chairman of the expert group on the scientific direction “Mathematical Sciences and Natural Sciences” on the certification of higher education institutions in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities, as well as two permanent working groups of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Research interests:

  • electrochemistry of oxide and metal oxide materials;
  • electrocatalysis at high anodic potentials;
  • electrosynthesis of strong oxidants;
  • electrochemical devices for use in veterinary, medicine, and ecology, flowing electrochemical energy storage.

Author of more than 320 scientific publications, including leading international journals with a high impact factor, 10 patents and 17 monographs (13 of which are published in English by foreign publishers).

Supervisor of 8 Ph.D. defended dissertations and scientific advisor of 2 doctoral dissertations.

Viktor Hryhorovych Vereshchak

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (1992).

Research interests:

  • chemistry and technology of zirconium,
  • physical and chemical processes of creation and formation of nanoscale powder materials,
  • the technology of oxide powder nanomaterials.

Two monographs, 105 scientific papers, 15 patents.

Supervisor of 3 Ph.D. defended dissertations.


Borys Volodymyrovych Vynohradov

1940 – 2021

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests: dynamics and strength of the mechanical drum mills and other process equipment.

2 monographs, 4 manuals, 260 scientific papers, 47 patents.

Supervisor of 4 Ph.D. defended dissertations.



Larysa Dmytrivna Harmider

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences

Research interests:

  • logistic management of labor flows,
  • development of personnel potential,
  • personnel motivation,
  • human capital management.

The author of more than 166 scientific publications in domestic and foreign journals, 7 monographs, 6 author’s certificates and textbooks

Viktor Serhiiovych Hevod

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the boundaries of distribution phases;
  • adsorption equilibrium and kinetics;
  • innovative methods of water treatment.

Three monographs, co-author of over 140 scientific papers, 12 patents for inventions.

Supervisor of one Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Dmytro Vadymovych Hyrenko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • theoretical and technical electrochemistry,
  • physical and colloid chemistry,
  • research in the field of electrochemistry of oxide and metal-oxide materials,
  • electrocatalysis at high anode potentials;
  • electrosynthesis of strong oxidants (ozone, sodium hypochlorite, and others);
  • development of electrochemical devices for obtaining high-purity sodium hypochlorite solutions in veterinary medicine, medicine, and ecology.


  • scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers 1995-1997 for young scientists;
  • the gratitude of the mayor for high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the development of modern higher education, and training of qualified specialists in the field (November 2021).

Author (co-author) of more than 100 scientific publications, including 4 monographs and 3 patents.

Oleh Borysovych Hirin

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

  • Academician of the Higher School Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • laureate of The Yaroslav Mudryi Award in the Field of Science and Technology (Ukraine, 2015),
  • The International Academician K. F. Starodubov Award for Scientific Achievements (Ukraine, 2016),
  • The International Einstein Award for Scientific Achievement (the UK, 2011).


  • the Certificate of Honors of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2005),
  • Award of the Prime Minister of Ukraine,
  • the Badge of Honors “For Scientific Achievements” of the Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine (2005),
  • Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Research interests:

  • phase -, texture -, and structure formation of metals during electrocrystallization,
  • development of technologies for the production of coatings with improved properties.

Head of R & D projects carried out by request of the governments of Ukraine, the USA, Canada, and the European Union.

Author of over 250 scientific papers and 20 patents.

Viktor Ivanovych Holeus

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor


  • Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine,
  • Excellence in Education of Ukraine

Research interests:

  • the study of glass formation conditions;
  • the relationship between chemical structure, oxide composition, and physicochemical properties of borosilicate and other oxide glasses;
  • development of mathematical models to describe the properties of glasses according to their oxide composition;
  • synthesis of new oxide glasses and development of a basis for manufacturing electrical, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant and other functional coatings on metals and ceramics.

150 scientific publications and 50 patents.

Supervisor of 2 doctoral and 7 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Holichenko 

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor


  • Diplomas of the Dnipropetrovsk City Council (2010);
  • Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration (2017);
  • Soborna district council in the city of Dnipro (2018, 2019).

Research interests:

  • Complex compounds of transition metals with biological activity,
  • bioinorganic chemistry,
  • organometallic synthesis.

Feliks Yosypovych Danylov

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

  • Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine,
  • Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine,
  • vice-president of Ukrainian Electrochemical Society and the Ukrainian Association of Corrosion,
  • Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council in Electrochemistry NASU,
  • member of the International Electrochemical Society,
  • the representative of Ukraine in the International Council of corrosion.

Chief Editor of the magazine “Questions of chemistry and chemical technology“.

Research interests:

  • the study of adsorption phenomena in the electrode layer and their influence on electrochemical kinetics,
  • processes of nucleation and mass transfer;
  • development and commercialization of new advanced technologies of electrodeposition of metal, polymer and conversion coatings.

Over 400 scientific papers and 100 patents.

Supervisor of 28 Ph.D. and 6 doctoral defended dissertations.

Volodymyr Ivanovych Dubnytskyi

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Academician of National Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine.


  • winner of the State Prize of the USSR – 1979;
  • honorary sign “For the Development of Education” – 1995.

Research interests:

  • development of productive forces and regional economics;
  • economic cybernetics;
  • marketing and logistics problems.

Author of more than 298 publications, 12 of them in foreign scientific journals (Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Sweden); participant in 12 foreign conferences (Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Sweden).

Supervisor of 7 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Yurii Rakhmiielevych Ebich

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy.

Awards: the medal for the contribution in the development of education, science, and industry (2004).

Research interests:

  • physical chemistry of oligomeric systems and adhesives;
  • adjustment of phase and three-dimensional structure of composite materials with desired properties;
  • improving radio engineering composites, adhesives, anaerobic adhesives;
  • the ability of elastomeric polishing compositions for treatment of crystal elements.

Over 250 scientific publications, 19 certificates, and 8 patents of Ukraine.

Supervisor of 5 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Nataliia Mykhailivna Yevdokymenko

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • polymer and composite materials – theoretical and experimental studies of systems with cluster formations;
  • principles of optimal rubber recipes and modes of their production based on the notion of optimal phase and geometric structure of elastomeric compositions.

Petro Petrovych Yermakov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • theoretical and experimental studies of mass transfer, processes of ozonation and cavitation;  
  • intensification of physical and chemical processes;
  • fundamentals of informational space diagnostics, human structure, cancer theory; the restoration of a human body from disease, old age, and deformed programs of man control.

Organizer of 10 international scientific and technical conferences “Water: problems and solutions”.

Supervisor of one doctoral and one Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Viliam Mykhailovych Zadorskyi

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • optimization of chemical equipment,
  • improvement of existing and development of new chemical and related industries,
  • synergy in chemical engineering,
  • optimization of chemical technologies and equipment,
  • deep cleaning of substances,
  • flexible chemical technology.

A journalist, for many years represented the country in the NATO Science Programme of clean production.

The author of 4 books, more than 500 publications, and 400 inventions and patents.

Supervisor of 9 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Oleksandr Viktorovych Zaichuk

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor


  • Diploma of the II degree of the Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration for winning the competition “The best young scientist of the Dnipropetrovsk region” (2007);
  • Diploma of the Main Department of Education and Science of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration (2008);
  • Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2011-2012).

Research interests: problems of resource and energy saving in the production of fine and building ceramics.

Author of more than 120 publications, including more than 50 articles and 30 patents of Ukraine for inventions.

Supervisor of one defended Ph.D. dissertation.

Dmytro Hehemonovych Zelentsov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:  

  • computational methods of mechanics;
  • optimum design methods,
  • computational intelligence methods.

Over 140 articles, 2 monographs, 5 patents on software.

Supervisor of 6 Ph.D. defended dissertations.


Oleh Stanislavovych Kabat

Doctor of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Research interests: 

  • heat-resistant polymer composite materials,
  • tribotechnical materials science.

Author (co-author) of 138 scientific papers, including 51 articles in scientific journals, 8 patents of Ukraine for inventions, 79 abstracts, and texts of reports at international and domestic conferences.



Ihor Leonidovych Kovalenko

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor


  • Diplomas of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Council (2008) and Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration (2010);
  • Acknowledgments of the MES of Ukraine (2016).

In 2004-2011, he held the post of Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of SHEI USUCT, and in 2008-2011 – Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Dnipropetrovsk Region.

Research interests: technology of modern nitrate energy-condensed systems and non-trotyl industrial explosive materials with the maximum safety of manufacturing, handling and application in quarries, underground mines and at the construction of underground.

The author of more than 90 publications, including 1 monograph, in co-authorship; he has got 20 patents of Ukraine.

 Nataliia Anatoliivna Kovaliova

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Research interests:

  • agrarian history of Ukraine in the first quarter of the twentieth century, in particular, the peasant revolution of 1902-1922,
  • the history of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921.

Participant in educational events on the history of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921. Member of the Society of Agrarian Historians.

Author of two monographs and more than 90 scientific publications.

Volodymyr Petrovych Kolesnikov

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

Research interests:

  • an organizational and economic mechanism to increase the efficiency of chemical and petrochemical industries;
  • marketing management in chemical and petrochemical industries;
  • management of chemical and petrochemical enterprises in a hierarchical competitive environment;
  • improve in management of chemical and petrochemical industries by setting the potential of marketing;
  • management of marketing activities of chemical and petrochemical industries under uncertainty;
  • management of information, material and financial flows in logistics systems of chemical and petrochemical industries.

Over 100 scientific papers: 2 monographs, 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Supervisor of 3 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Vitalina Vitaliivna Komirna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Research interests:

  • development of productive forces and regional economics;
  • economic cybernetics,
  • marketing, and logistics problems.

Author (co-author) of more than 68 scientific papers in foreign scientific journals (Germany, Bulgaria).

She has participated in 22 international scientific and technical conferences.

Author and co-author of 5 monographs, two textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Anatolii Ivanovych Kosolap

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Member of the European scientific society with continuous optimization EUROPT and International scientific society “Mathematical Optimization Society”.

Research interests: mathematical modeling and optimization of complex systems.

Author of more than 140 research papers on optimization, including 3 monographs, 4 textbooks. He developed an Excel_SP software package for modeling and optimization of complex systems, as well as dozens of other programs for solving optimization problems.

Participant in more than 30 international conferences, including: in Germany (Remagen, 2009), France (Toulouse, 2011, 2012)

Mykola Dmytrovych Koshel

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • the study of the processes and the creation of powerful electrochemical generators of electricity for underwater vehicles (systems of hydrazine-hydrogen peroxide, lithium-water and lithium-hydrogen peroxide),
  • electrochemical ecology,
  • study, and computer modeling of macro kinetics processes in electrochemical systems.

200 publications, 30 patents, 6 textbooks, and monographs.

Supervisor of 9 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Oleksandr Vasylovych Kravchenko

Doctor of Technical Science

Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna (Austria).

International Business Award of the European Business Assembly (Oxford, UK).

Research interests:

  • nonequilibrium low-temperature plasma,
  • chemical processes of carbon and nuclear fuel recycling,
  • simulation and optimization of chemical-technological systems.

He managed the development of complex machine systems for railways of Ukraine; participated in the development of new technology for the treatment of liquid radioactive waste.

Google  Scholar

Participant in international scientific conferences: Moldova, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Egypt, Israel, Croatia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Montenegro.

Author of 3 monographs, more than 165 scientific works.

Oktavian Stanislavovych Ksenzhek

1927 – 2019

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Soros Professor (1994).

Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Ecological Academy.

Research interests: macro kinetics of electrochemical processes, chemical power sources, electrochemical processes in biological systems.

Under his scientific guidance, studies of the peculiarities of the passage of electrochemical processes in conditions of weightlessness in space flight.

For the first time in Ukraine he organized a laboratory of bioelectrochemistry.

Author of about 400 scientific publications, including 3 monographs, one of which is published in English.

Supervisor of 9 doctoral and 28 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Mykola Yakovych Kuzmenko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • functional and carbofunctional oligomers with atoms Ti; B; and B and Ti in the structure simultaneously and properties of polymers with their use;
  • methods of synthesis, research of properties and application of carbofunctional Elemento-organic compounds;
  • efficient use of large chemical industry waste.

Author of 108 articles, 6 textbooks (5 of which were stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 73 completed works, 95 copyright certificates, and patents.

Supervisor of 5 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Ivan Mykhailovych Kuziaiev

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • modeling and design of equipment for polymeric materials processing,
  • modeling and structural development of extrusion units.

Author of 216 scientific papers, including 3 monographs and 4 textbooks.

Supervisor of 4 defended doctoral dissertations

Liudmyla Mykolaivna Kulakevych 

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor

Research interests:

  • Ukrainian literary process of the XX – early XIX century;
  • features of Ukrainian adventurous prose, its genre innovations on Ukrainian soil

Author of two monographs, one textbook, more than 70 scientific publications

Vitalii Pavlovych Kuprin

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

  • State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2011),
  • Excellence in Higher Education of Ukraine.

Research interests:

  • adsorption of organic compounds on solid surfaces,
  • the technology of obtaining and application of high energy emulsion systems.

Publications: over 200 scientific papers, 40 patents.

Supervisor of 2 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Tetiana Victorivna Lukianenko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

  • Prizewinner of the President of Ukraine for young scientists for the series of works “Nanocomposite electrocatalysts for controlled synthesis” in 2014,
  • Laureate of the Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Young Scientists in 2019.

Research interests:

  • research in the field of electrochemistry of oxide and composite nanostructured materials;
  • electrocatalysis at high anode potentials;
  • electrosynthesis of strong oxidants;
  • photocatalysis.

Publications: author (co-author) of more than 190 scientific papers in leading domestic and international professional publications, 10 monographs, 1 patent.

Viktor Ivanovych Markov

1936 – 2023

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Awards: Excellence in Education of Ukraine.

He did research internships at Yale University (USA), Liverpool University (UK), the East China University of Chemical Technology (China, Shanghai).

Research interests: new methods of synthesis and regrouping of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds.

He developed technologies and organized the production of hexamethylene bis-maleimide – raw material for heat-resistant polymers for space technology, as well as process oils for metal forming by pressure for metallurgical plants of Ukraine.

Publications: over 150 scientific papers and 50 patents.

Supervisor of 21 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Valentyn Mykhailovych Nabivach

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Chromatographic Society and the collection Questions of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.

Research interests: the study of the nature of intermolecular interactions in specific systems in gas-liquid chromatography and the use of this method for the distribution and analysis of chemical products of thermal processing of coal.

Publications: author of 3 monographs, more than 300 publications in domestic and foreign journals, 4 textbooks (2 – stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

Supervisor of 3 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Oleksandr Petrovych Naumenko

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests: material-design and technological aspects of creating a super-low impact of a safe wheeled motor vehicle and multifunctional packaging of fast food products.

The author of almost 300 scientific works, including 13 monographs, 1 manual, and 144 patents.

Oleksandr Ivanovych Nesterenko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Research interests: solid-state physics, reaction-diffusion in multiphase metallic systems with moving boundaries phases.

Publications: author of 117 scientific papers, 2 monographs and 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on nuclear physics, mechanics and molecular physics.

Supervisor of 4 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Volodymyr Heorhiiovych Nefedov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • electrolysis of water to form gas phase at the electrodes,
  • transfer of gas and liquid phase to the electrode in the earth’s gravity and weightlessness,
  • movement control of multiphase systems by electric fields.

Publications: 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Mykola Vasyliovych Nikolenko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Mykola Vasyliovych Nikolenko did an internship at Uppsala University (Sweden). Specialist in colloid chemistry, analytical chemistry, general chemical technology.

Research interests: adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis, flotation enrichment technology, and others.

Publications: over 180 scientific publications.

Valerii Yevhenovych Nikolskyi

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • the creation of scientific principles of energy technology and efficient use of fuel;
  • development of new constructions of fuel-using gas-liquid apparatuses and fuel assemblies of chemical, machine-building, metallurgical industries, as well as rural and communal services.

His developments were widely introduced at numerous enterprises in the chemical industry, ferrous metallurgy, machine building both in Ukraine and abroad.

Publications: author of more than 120 scientific publications in scientific professional editions of Ukraine and in international scientific and metrical editions.

Oleksandr Vasyliovych Nosenko

1956 – 2017

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • glass and glass-ceramic materials,
  • glassy and glass-ceramic solid electrolytes for lithium power sources,
  • fusible glass solders.

Publications: over 100 scientific papers, 30 patents.

Supervisor of 2 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Valerii Ivanovych Ovcharov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Did an internship at the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany).

Research interests:

  • research of accelerated sulfur vulcanization processes,
  • modification, and strengthening of elastomeric compositions based on diene rubbers.

Publications: author of 3 monographs and one manual, more than 300 scientific papers, 15 patents, and copyright certificates.

Supervisor of 3 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Viktor Isaakovych Olevskyi

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • geometrically nonlinear shell theory;
  • methods of summation of divergent series,
  • mathematical modeling of technical processes,
  • methods of perturbation theory.

Publications: author and co-author of more than 80 scientific works including 5 scientific monographs and 4 copyright certificates. Participated in more than 10 international conferences.

Halyna Vasylivna Ohromii

Doctor of Medicine, Professor

Departmental awards: medal “Veteran of Labor”, badges “Author” and “For the development of education”.

Research interests: research of new technologies and criteria of tolerance to physical activity for students-athletes of different sections in higher education.

Publications: author and co-author of more than 160 scientific papers, including 2 monographs and 4 textbooks.

Svitlana Oleksiivna Petrova

1938 – 2016

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests: the study of electrochemical properties of dietary return redox systems.

Publications: author of over 100 scientific papers, patents for inventions, monographs.

Oleksandr Andriiovych Pivovarov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Rector of SHEI USUCT from 2013 to 2019.

Chairman of the Ukrainian Union of Scientists of the International Association for Risk Management for Preventive Medicine, headquartered in Tokyo (Japan).

Associate Member of the International Water Association (IWA), headquartered in the Netherlands.

Co-Director of 4 International Science and Peace International Conferences on Water for Peace and Countering Chemical, Biological and Radiation Terrorism.

He has participated in scientific conferences in Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, Croatia, France, Norway, China, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Moldova.

Research interests: theoretical and applied research of nonequilibrium low-temperature plasma in the technology of inorganic substances and other fields of science and production.

Publications: author (co-author) of 14 monographs, 5 textbooks, 3 textbooks, author (co-author) of more than 380 scientific publications, 69 patents and copyright certificates.

Supervisor of 9 Ph.D. theses and scientific advisor of 2 doctoral dissertations.

Tetiana Oleksandrivna Poshuieva

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Honorary Award from the Ukrainian Federation of Scientists for their contribution to the development of national science.

Research interests:

  • innovative approaches to creating a safe environment for the operation of enterprises;
  • research into investment and innovation component of the development of industrial enterprises;
  • controlling mechanism of the modern Ukrainian business entity.

Publications: author of more than 100 scientific works, including 6 monographs (2 singles), co-author of the textbook with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Vasyliovych Prosianyk

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Distinguished Education of Ukraine.

Research interests:

  • research in the field of synthesis, stereochemistry, and configurational stability of nitrogen-containing compounds,
  • synthesis and study of new biologically active compounds, including plant development regulators.

Publications: coauthor of more than 90 patents for inventions.

Supervisor of 12 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Viacheslav Serhiiovych Protsenko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Chemistry Section),
  • member of the expert group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on evaluating the effectiveness of the Free Economic Zone in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities in the field of mathematical sciences and natural sciences.
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on “Electrochemistry”,
  • Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council D 08.078.01,
  • Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the scientific professional magazine “Questions of chemistry and chemical technology“.


  • the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Excellence in Education” (2005), 
  • the badge “For scientific and educational achievements” (2016),
  • Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (2018).

Research interests: development of the theory of staged electrochemical reactions and research of electrodeposition processes of nanostructured coatings with metals, alloys, and composites with a predicted set of physicochemical and operational characteristics.

Publications: author and co-author of more than 150 scientific papers, including about 60 articles published in leading international scientific journals with a high impact factor and included in international scientific and metric databases. Co-author of collective monographs published in leading foreign publishers (USA, Germany). Protsenko VS is a co-author of several patents of Ukraine, published a US patent application.

Mykhailo Anatoliiovych Prialin

1936 – 2018 

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests: competitiveness of products and its evaluation.

Publications: over 140 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 7 textbooks.

Olga Petrovna Ryzhova

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of SHEI USUCT

Research interests:

  • research of patterns of color formation of enamel coatings and development of a method for predicting their optical-color characteristics;
  • synthesis of jewelry and art glasses that do not contain lead oxides;
  • obtaining on their basis coatings for non-ferrous metals.

Publications: more than 70 publications in the form of scientific articles, abstracts of reports at scientific conferences and patents, a co-author of a textbook stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science “Methods of research on silicate structures.”

Supervisor of 2 postgraduate students.

Arkadii Arkadiiovych Saliei

1956 – 2016 

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • development of new kinds of special cement using wastes mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine;
  • optimization of equipment for the production of building materials.

Publications: over 100 scientific publications, including 48 articles, 1 monograph, 12 certificates.

Supervisor of 3 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Tetiana Mykolaivna Satarova

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Award: “For outstanding achievements in agricultural science” of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

Research interests:

  • plant biotechnology,
  • molecular biotechnology,
  • cell, and genetic engineering in culture in vitro,
  • molecular marking signs of crops,
  • marker-associated selection.

Publications: co-author of 120 scientific publications, one monograph, one textbook, co-author of 7 varieties of corn.

Supervisor of 2 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Olha Serhiivna Sverdlikovska 

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

  • Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission for Construction and Technology (Publishing and Printing) of the Higher Education Sector of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  • Head of the research laboratory “Paints and Printing Materials” SHEI USUCT.
  • Member of the Ukrainian Association of Chemical and Food Engineering CFE-UA structural component of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering EFCE and GS “Association of Ukrainian paint and varnish industry manufacturers”.

Awards: Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2016).

Research interests:

  • synthesis and study of the properties of polymeric Quaternary ammonium salts for use in the technology of production and processing of photographic materials, as accelerators of sedimentation of bentonite clay from aqueous suspension, modifiers of film polymeric materials and components of steel corrosion inhibitor, etc .;
  • development of scientific bases for the creation of polymeric ionic liquids and ionic liquids of the ionic type with a high level of ionic conductivity in a wide range of temperatures to solve urgent problems of chemical and food technologies;
  • creation of new paints and varnishes and coatings, printing and printing materials with improved characteristics.

Executor of state budget works performed at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian-American project CRDF (Advance Research Chemicals, Inc., Comp., USA), Eurasian-Norwegian educational project.

Publications: author (co-author) of 296 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 1 textbook, 62 articles in scientific journals, 19 patents of Ukraine for inventions, 132 abstracts of reports at international and national conferences and forums.

Volodymyr Ivanovych Sytar

Candidate of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests: development of composite tribotechnical materials based on heat-resistant polymers; and optimization of processing and exploitation.

Publications: the total number of publications is over 245, including 216 scientific publications and 29 educational and methodological ones. He studied at 109 international scientific conferences.

Supervisor of 4 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Skyba Margarita Ivanivna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Number of publications

Over 100 scientific works: over 35 articles in scientific professional publications, 80 articles included in the scientometric database Scopus; 3 monographs in co-authorship; 3 chapters in collective monographs, over 10 patents of Ukraine for invention, 5 patents of Ukraine for utility model; 30 abstracts and texts of reports at international and domestic conferences

Achievements, awards, distinctions

  • President of Ukraine Award for Young Scientists (2019).
  • State nominal scholarship to the best young scientists for perpetuating the events of the Revolution of Dignity and honoring the feat of the Heroes of Ukraine – Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.
  • Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers for young scientists (2014-2016, 2016-2018, 2022-2024).
  • Winner of the all-Ukrainian competition of the Ministry of Education and Science “Young Scientist of the Year-2021” in the nomination “Ecology and Environmental Protection”.
  • Grants of the regional competition of projects “Young Scientists – Dnipropetrovsk Region” (2015, 2017, 2019).
  • Certificate and gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science for distinctions in professional and scientific activities.
  • Certificate of the Fund for Social Protection, Support and Assistance to Scientists of Ukraine and Their Family Members.
  • Certificate of the NAS Prydniprovsk Science Center for fruitful scientific and scientific-organizational activities.
  • Certificate of the Department of Education and Science of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration for achievements in scientific, pedagogical activities and implementation of state policy in the field of education and science, a significant contribution to the development of the educational sector.
  • Certificate for 1st place in the nomination “monograph” in the XI regional interuniversity competition for the “Best scientific, educational, educational-methodical and artistic-journalistic publications”.
  • Participant in the series of international projects “Water Harmony”
  • Head and responsible performer of scientific and technical works funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Scientific interests

  • research and development of technologies for the synthesis of dispersions of noble metals and composite materials based on them.
  • research of physicochemical properties and application of dispersions of noble metals and composite materials based on them in various industries.


Membership in professional and public professional associations

  • Expert of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the examination of projects of scientific works (developments) of young scientists in professional areas since 2021.
  • Expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine since 2019.
  • Associate member of the International Water Association (IWA) and the All-Ukrainian Water Society “WaterNet”
  • Member of the editorial board of the “Bulletin of Cherkasy State Technological University”.
  • Member of the editorial board of “Dnipro State Technical University”.




Yurii Yevhenovych Sknar

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • the study of electrodeposition kinetics of metals, alloys, and composites, their structure and physicochemical properties;
  • development of technologies of electrodeposition of polyfunctional electroplating of the forecasted structure and properties with the improved operational characteristics.

Publications: author and co-author of over 130 scientific papers, 2 monographs, and 5 patents.

Viktoriia Leonidivna Smiesova

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Research interests:

  • research of reproduction of economic relations,
  • formation and realization of economic interests of each person and society,
  • the economic policy of the state in the sphere of realization of needs and interests of subjects,
  • restriction of power-ownership tendencies and “clan” capitalism,
  • activation of investment and innovation activity,
  • the realization of investment potential of the national economy, international economy and international economic relations.

Publications: author of more than 150 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications, 7 monographs, 6 textbooks

Volodymyr Tymofiiovych Smetanin

1952 – 2018

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Research interests:

  • biotechnology;
  • molecular and population genetics;
  • philosophical aspects of biology;
  • population-genetic study of breeding animals;
  • creating of new populations of invertebrates.

Supervisor of 2 Ph.D. defended theses.

Liubov Oleksandrivna Snizhko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • electrochemical kinetics,
  • protective coating,
  • anodizing,
  • high electrochemistry,
  • fuel technology,
  • alternative fuels, their properties and their impact on construction materials.

Publications: coauthor of three books and more than 100 scientific works and inventions.

Supervisor of 3 Ph.D. defended theses.

Petro Hnatovych Soroka

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

State Prize in Science and Technology (1992), Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of national progress.

Research interests:

  • technology and equipment to obtain dispersed materials from mineral and plant material for electronic devices;
  • development of plastic fillers, lubricants for high-temperature metal forming, and others.

Publications: author of the manual, 3 monographs, 210 publications, 47 patents.

Supervisor of 7 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

 Eduard Oleksiiovych Sporiahin

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine

Research interests:

  • research of dynamics of processes of processing of polymeric materials in the disk and worm-disk extruders;
  • development of promising composite materials with special properties based on thermoplastics and thermosets.

Publications: author (co-author) of more than 375 scientific papers, including 7 textbooks, 42 copyright certificates, and patents.

Supervisor of 7 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Sukhyi

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Member of the Council on “Physical and technical problems of materials science” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Research interests:

  • processes of combustion and heat mass transfer;
  • sorption heat accumulation;
  • increasing the efficiency of solar energy by polymer solar collectors.

Leader and executor of scientific and technical projects funded by the governments of Ukraine and the European Union.

Publications: author of 3 monographs, more than 150 scientific papers, 25 patents.

Mykhailo Porfyrovych Sukhyi

Candidate of Technical Science, Professor

Member of the Committee on Energy of the Research and Methodological Council, MES of Ukraine.

Research interests:

  • processes of combustion and heat mass transfer;
  • sorption accumulation of heat,
  • increasing the efficiency of solar energy by polymer solar collectors.

Publications: author (co-author) of 162 scientific publications and 25 patents.

Supervisor of 6 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

 Olena Viktorivna Tertyshna

Doctor of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Research interests:

  • regulation of oil stability and utilization of oil deposits,
  • mathematical modeling of technological processes of oil and oil mixtures refining.

Publications: author of more than 70 scientific papers, co-author of 5 monographs, 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, has 4 patents for inventions, 3 copyrights to the work.

Awards: the Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2021).

Hennadii Petrovych Tyshchenko

1939 – 2017

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Awards: Excellence in Education of Ukraine.

Research interests: the creation of non-toxic coatings and protective anticorrosive complexes in food equipment.

Publications: author of over 400 scientific papers, 11 books and monographs, including 5 textbooks stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Supervisor of 4 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Alla Mykhailivna Tkachenko

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Academician of National Academy of Economic Science.

Research interests: competitive advantages of business entities through innovative approaches.

Publications: over 400 scientific works, among them – 8 monographs.

Supervisor of 1 doctoral and 18 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Oleh Kostiantynovych Farat 

Doctor of Chemistry, Associate Professor

Awards: Winner of the annual regional competition “Young Scientists – Dnipropetrovsk region” in 2020.

Research interests:

  • Electrophilic rearrangements of heterocycles with the geminal arrangement of heteroatoms (especially under the action of Wilsmeyer-Haak reagent) as new methods of synthesis of various heterocyclic systems with predicted pharmacological and optical properties.
  • Comprehensive studies of the spectral properties of xanthene series dyes.

Publications: Author and co-author of more than 150 scientific papers, including about 40 articles published in high-ranking international scientific journals included in international scientometric databases.

Svitlana Oleksandrivna Fedulova 

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Economic Science

Research interests:

  • regional economy, economics of nature, management of regional development in conditions of limited water resources,
  • regulation of regional socio-economic systems under the influence of the transformation of infrastructure,
  • modeling the risks of regional development.

Publications: author of more than 114 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications, including 10 monographs, 2 textbooks.

Heorhii Venedyktovych Filatov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • optimal design of structures that are in neutral and aggressive environments;
  • mathematical modelling and identification of mathematical models of corrosion structures.

Publications: oer 150 publications, including – 4 monographs, 6 manuals.

Liliia Anatoliivna Frolova

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • research and development of technologies for the synthesis of magnetic materials, composite materials based on them,
  • research of physicochemical properties, structure of ferrites of 3-d metals.

Head and responsible executor of scientific and technical works financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Participant in the international educational project DAAD “EcoMining: Development of Integrated Ph.D. Program for Sustainable Mining & Environmental Activities”.

Author of 2 textbooks, 1 monograph, author, and co-author of more than 160 scientific papers, including about 50 articles published in leading international scientific journals with a high impact factor and included in international scientific and metric databases. Co-author of collective monographs published in leading foreign publishers, co-author of 7 patents of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Vasylovych Kharchenko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • synthesis of functional derivatives of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing heterocyclic products based on S- amido alkylation, and search of biological activity in derived compounds;
  • research in the synthesis of biologically active heterocyclic compounds.

Publications: co-author of one manual and one monograph, author of over 170 scientific publications, 5 patents.

Google Scholar

Supervisor of 9 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Hryhorii Tymofiiovych Tsyhankov

1931 – 2019

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • patterns of jet and flare processes in thermal units;
  • energy and fuel efficiency. 

Scientific research implemented in leading metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine.

Publications: author of two books, 126 scientific papers, 12 patents.

Supervisor of 1 doctoral and 4 Ph.D. defended dissertations.

Oleh Viktorovych Chervakov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests:

  • synthesis of polymeric materials with ionic conductivity for lithium power sources, fuel, and organic solar cells;
  • synthesis of new polymer membranes for water treatment;
  • creation of new decorative, anti-corrosive paints and coatings for special purposes, in particular for rocketry;
  • polymer heterogeneous catalysts of alcoholysis reactions in fat raw materials;
  • synthesis of fat from renewable raw biofuels, new modifiers for paints, rubber and plastic materials.

Publications: over 150 scientific, 11 patents (4 US patents).

Supervisor of 3 Ph.D. defended theses.

Lev Dmytrovych Chumakov

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

  • Included in the Encyclopedia “Rocket and Space Technology”, Scientific Publishing House of the International Encyclopedia “Humanities”, M: St. Petersburg: 1999,
  • a participant in the development of several generations of strategic missile systems,
  • co-chairman of the Scientific Section (regional scientific seminar) of the Dnieper Scientific Center NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine “Modern problems of management and modeling of complex systems”,
  • member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1995-2011),
  • member of the Ukrainian Society of Mechanical Engineers,
  • one of the founders, board member of the Social Protection, Support and Assistance to Scientists Ukraine and members of their families.

Research interests:

  • research in the field of efficiency and reliability of complex technical systems, as well as in the development of information technology, in the development of management theory of large systems,
  • development of methodology for designing the operation of complex technical complexes.

Publications: author of more than 290 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 1 state standard, 6 programs, and concepts for solving regional problems.

Olena Moiseivna Shembel

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • development and introduction of highly energy-intensive lithium power sources with non-aqueous electrolyte;
  • materials, technologies, and equipment for production.

Publications: author of 160 scientific publications, 26 US patents, 8 patents in Ukraine, and over 20 patents for inventions in the USSR, co-author of two scientific monographs.

Supervisor of 7 Ph.D. defended theses.

Olesya Borisivna Shmichkova

Doctor of Chemistry, Associate Professor

Member of the expert group of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities of higher education institutions in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities in the scientific areas of “Mathematical Sciences and Natural Sciences”

Research interests:

  • Patterns of electrodeposition of modified oxide materials and their physical and chemical properties

Author (co-author) of more than 90 scientific works in leading domestic and international specialist publications, 13 monographs, 8 of which were published in English in foreign publications

● Thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the work in Section 4 of the Expert Council of the National Academy of Sciences for the examination of projects of scientific works, scientific and technical developments of young scientists (2021).
● Finalist of the 2020 L’Oréal-UNESCO Award “For Women in Science”.
● Certificates of honor for the winner of the competition among docents “Teacher Rating 2020”, “Teacher Rating 2021” and “Teacher Rating 2022”.
● Winner of the “Young Scientists – Dnipropetrovsk Oblast” contests in 2017 and 2018.
● Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2016 – 2018)

Vasyl Heorhiiovych Shtamburh

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

Research interests:

  • synthesis, structure and chemical properties of geminal systems ON-Cl, ONO, ON-N+;
  • nucleophilic substitution at the nitrogen;
  • interfacial catalysis;
  • trialkyl orthoformate: the research synthesis, structure, and properties of anomeric amides, ureas, carbamates, N, N-dialkoxyamines;
  • creating of new varieties of phase transfer catalysts.

He created about 20 new classes of organic compounds.

Publications: author of 107 scientific articles, 13 patents.

Supervisor of 2 Ph.D. defended theses.

Oleksandr Vasyliovych Shtemenko

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor

  • Member of the Steering Committee in the European Organization of scientific and technical cooperation COST CM 1105.
  • Excellence in Education of Ukraine, breastplate “Petro Mohyla” (2009).

Research interests:

  • chemistry of clustered and complex compounds of rare and dispersed transition metals;
  • bioinorganic chemistry;
  • organometallic synthesis;
  • inorganic nanomaterials and CVD-processes.

Publications: over 300 scientific works.

Supervisor of 11 Ph.D. defended theses.

Vitalii Larionovych Yushko

1937 – 2018 

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Research interests: development of high-performance mass-transfer and reaction-mass-transfer equipment.

Publications: author of a textbook stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science and a textbook.

Supervisor of one Ph.D. defended thesis.