address: room 905, Naberezhna Peremohy, 40, the city of Dnipro, 49094
tel .: +38 (056) 753 56 46
e-mail: [email protected]
The Department prepares bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the field of knowledge – 15 Automation and instrumentation in the educational program: 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies.
151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies
Educational program:
Automation and computer-integrated technologies
“Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies” is a specialty for those who are ready to create the future right now without waiting for someone else to do it. Graduates of our department not only receive a diploma about the graduation of European higher education institutions, they are experts in the extra-class management, information technology and telecommunication networks.
Our training program is created according to the world standards of design and production management, so students gain a solid knowledge base throughout their lifelong learning. The theory of automatic control, modern programming languages, systems for designing and managing databases, and methods for obtaining, processing and protecting information, synthesis of control systems based on neural networks is far from a complete list of what our students are studying.
Bachelors and masters of the Department of Computer-Integrated Technology and Automation are aces of their business; their projects are successfully implemented wherever there is a need for automation: production of chemical, food and other industries, design bureaus, research institutes, telecommunications companies and transport.
The Department has been preparing specialists in the field of “Automated control of technological processes” (now it is 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies) since 1959. In 1996, a new specialty was opened – “Metrology and Measuring Technology” (now it is 152 Metrology and Information and Measuring Technology). The opening of the second specialty is connected with the rapid increase of the information component of automated control systems of technological processes, the emergence of high-precision and reliable methods and technical means of measurement, the introduction of computer facilities for measuring and control, etc. Since 2018, the Department of Metrology and Software Quality Control, began to train specialists in the specialty 152 Metrology and Information and Measuring Technology. The Department of KIT and M was renamed into the Department of Computer-Integrated Technology and Automation.
Over the years of its existence, the Department has trained more than 3000 specialists in the field of automation and measuring equipment.
The educational process of the Department is carried out by 1 professor, 9 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer and 2 assistants.
Studying at the Department of Computer-Integrated Technology and Automation is not a standard “theory and practice”. Teachers seek to combine the scientific classics of the theory of management with the actual trends of computer technology. To study with us is a real adventure, and we want to go along with students as partners, where the work of each depends not only on its success, but also on the success of the whole business. The guarantee of this is the exceptional professionalism of the teachers, the modern scientific and technical base, access to the scientific bases of scientific articles through the Internet, a library that is updated regularly with new receipts, a lot of author’s material and the invaluable experience of our employees.
Students are trained in the most up-to-date curricula, which are updated annually in accordance with current trends. They take into account not only the latest achievements in the IT industry, but also the needs of the real sector of world production in general and Ukraine in particular. And in the process of education, our teachers will help masters and bachelors express and realize their views on modernization of industry in those industries that they are most interesting.
The materials of research, performed by the scientific team of the Department are widely used in the educational process. Students are actively involved in such studies.
The Department is equipped with modern means of microprocessor and measuring equipment, has 2 computer classes with the Internet access.
Scientific research work
Research work is carried out in two scientific areas: “Research and environmental monitoring of air and water basins of the Dnipro Region”, carried out by the specialized research laboratory of the Department, and “Development and research of distributed ACS TP”. The results of the scientific activity of the Department are implemented at the leading enterprises of the region and abroad.
Over the years of its existence, the Department has published more than 550 articles, 12 monographs, received over 200 certificates of authorship and patents.
A separate pride of the Department is the accredited research laboratory “Metrological support of ecological control of the environment” located in the building on the picturesque bank of the Dnipro River opposite the water-skiing stadium.