Valerii Kotok, Ph.D.,
associate professor
Gagarin Avenue, 8, Building No1, room 312
Valeriy_e-ch@ukr.net ;interdept@udhtu.edu.ua
International Cooperation Department coordinates international activity at the University. The Department’s work towards the internationalization of the University takes place through the following steps:
– providing information and reference assistance to students, teachers and researchers in the search for foreign partners, funds, grants, scholarships and other funding sources for studying abroad, training, qualification improvement, internship, participation in international conferences, preparation and conclusion of cooperation agreements, development of joint international projects;
– providing support in matters related to foreign training and internship for the undergraduates, graduate students, postgraduates as well as the University teachers.
The strategy of international relations development at the SHEI USUCT is to integrate the University into the world educational and scientific space through the implementation of the following points:
– expansion and strengthening of cooperation with leading foreign educational institutions, organizations, enterprises and firms, holding international scientific conferences, teachers and students exchange;
– providing employees and students’ access to the latest technologies and techniques in the educational and scientific spheres that take place in foreign HEIs, research institutes, corporations, firms, etc.;
– raising the level of professional training through the acquisition of experience in international relations, participation in cultural exchange programs, improvement of foreign language skills;
– training the specialists and scholars on joint educational programs;
– opening the ways to extrabudgetary sources of financing from international funds.