address: room 602, Naberezhna Peremohy 40, the city of Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005
The Department trains specialists for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:
Branch of knowledge: 12 Information technologies
Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering
Educational program:
Look closely around you, how quickly the world is changing, our lives. Can you imagine it today without smartphones, computers, the Internet, robots, scanners, plastic cards, and their software? All this was created for us by computer engineers. Such specialists are trained by the Department of Specialized Computer Systems of SHEI USUCT.
The SCS Department has brought its curricula in line with the best European universities.
This is very different from other domestic universities, which also train computer
engineers. The department has formed three blocks of disciplines: computational mathematics,
computer technology, and programming. Our graduates are able to conduct complex optimal
computing, designing computer systems, and creating software.
A computer engineer is the most harmoniously developed and in-demand IT specialist of all
developed countries today and in the future.
In 1996, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology formed the first group of students for the specialty “Specialized computer systems”.
After a number of reorganizations in 2008, on the basis of the Department of Information Technologies and Cybernetics, a department of specialized computer systems was set up, which trains bachelors and masters in the field of Computer Engineering (full-time and part-time forms of training). In 2014, the Department of Specialized Computer Systems successfully passed the next accreditation of bachelors, specialists, and masters and received a corresponding certificate.
In 1996, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology formed the first group of students for the specialty “Specialized computer systems”.
After a number of reorganizations in 2008, on the basis of the Department of Information Technologies and Cybernetics, a department of specialized computer systems was set up, which trains bachelors and masters in the field of Computer Engineering (full-time and part-time forms of training). In 2014, the Department of Specialized Computer Systems successfully passed the next accreditation of bachelors, specialists, and masters and received a corresponding certificate.
Students in this specialty receive basic knowledge of computer technology. They study mathematical modeling of complex computer systems, their optimization, design of modern computer complexes and networks, develop their software, systems of artificial intelligence, and robotics systems.
Education level:
Bachelor: Information Technology Specialist, Master: Analyst of Computer Systems.
Today, the curriculum of the disciplines of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems corresponds to the curricula of the best European universities, which allows students to continue their studies at these universities without hindrance.
The Department of Specialized Computer Systems pays great attention to research work, which is an essential component of the training of future specialists. Involving students in the planning, execution and use of research results from the first years of study provides the opportunity to gradually encourage everyone to independently analyze and search for optimal solutions when designing modern computer systems.
The teaching process at the Department is provided by 10 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 3 professors, 4 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, 1 assistant.
Objects of professional activity:
computer systems of computing and information centers, enterprises and organizations, mathematical, informational, technical, software and organizational support of computer systems, means and methods of designing, adjusting and exploiting computer systems, technical diagnostics, scientific researches and production testing of computers computer systems, software for computer networks and embedded computer systems.
Material maintenance of the department is developing to provide high professional training. The department has two computer classes for students and one for teachers of the department. Thanks to a highly-qualified faculty and auxiliary staff, a specialized microprocessor technology laboratory equipped with training and laboratory stand “EV8031 / AVR”, “LOGIC”, “OpAmp”, and “Trigger” has been created.
The laboratory and computer classes are equipped with modern computer equipment, measuring instruments, educational research stands and other necessary equipment, which allows students and staff of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems to be effectively engaged in scientific and practical activities. Computers in the classrooms of the department and teaching staff are integrated into the local network and have access to the World Wide Web. For the better assimilation of material at lectures and practical classes successfully used visual means of training.
After receiving the specialty of employment is possible in the following areas:
design of modern computer complexes, systems, and networks; software development; technical diagnostics with the use of modern tools based on computers; installation, adjustment, and adjustment of computer facilities; work with databases; robotics.
For the first time, the issue of specialists in the specialty “Specialized computer systems” was held in 2003. Since 2003 and throughout the subsequent period, the leadership and faculty members are doing significant work on improving the quality of specialists and their employment.
Careful attitude and professionalism of teaching that contributes to the qualitative preparation of students, advertising of specialties and specialization provided almost 100 percent employment of graduates of the department, most of which are sent to inquiries of enterprises such as the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and the State Technical University of Ukraine, the Main Department of the State Treasury of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region, Southern Machine-Building Plant, OJSC “Ukrainian Mobile Communications”, CB “Privatbank”, “UkrSibbank”. Many students and graduates have been employed in Ukrainian and international software development companies.
In addition to the powerful knowledge, SHEI USUCT provides an opportunity to realize the talents of students.
hey take part in the annual talent contest Student Spring:
They can both laugh and be funny at the KVN:
Our beauty is competing in the beauty contest Miss USUCT: