Rector of SHEI USUCT

Kostiantyn Mikhailovich Sukhyi
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
In 1998 he graduated with honors from the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and obtained a specialist qualification.
In 2002 he defended his PhD thesis in the specialty 02.00.06 – chemistry of macromolecular compounds, in 2014 – a doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.17.06 – technology of polymeric and composite materials.
Since 2015 he is a member of the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Physical and technical problems of materials science”.
In 2018 he was elected as the Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine (Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine).
Member of the editorial boards of two scientific journals – “Chemistry and Chemical Technology” and “Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies”, which are part of the Scopus science database; member of organizing committees and participant in a number of international scientific forums in France, Spain, Greece and Ukraine.
Participated in the implementation of international and domestic research projects (Bulgaria, Hungary, State Fund for Basic Research of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, grant of the President of Ukraine).
He is a member of two specialized scientific councils at the State Pedagogical University of the State Pedagogical University of Ukraine for the protection of theses for the degree of Doctor (Candidate of Sciences) in the specialties: “organic chemistry”, “chemistry of macromolecular compounds”, “technology of polymeric and composite materials”.
Was Awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2018).
He is engaged in sports: multiple champion of Ukraine and winner of the 2012 European Rowing Championship.
Scientific interests:
- development of methods of synthesis of new polymeric Quaternary ammonium salts;
- polymer nanocomposites;
- polymer electrolytes in the solid state.
Publications: 168 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 25 scientific works included in Scopus science databases and / or Web of Science, 23 patents of Ukraine; co-author of the manuals with the MES stamp.
+38 (056) 746-33-56
Vice Rectors

First Vice-Rector
Oleksandr Viktorovych Zaichuk
The head of the commission for the reorganization of the USUCT, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Scientific interests: Theoretical and experimental research of ceramic and glass crystal materials of technical designation, research and development of ceramic tiles, based on various industrial waste and protective coatings ( glazed, engobe) for fine and building ceramics/
Publications: author of 120 scientific articles, including 20 articles, which are included to science-based databases of Scopus and / or Web of Science, 30 patents for inventions, co-author of the tutorial with the MES mark.
1 PhD thesis is defended under his supervision.

Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work
Olga P. Ryzhova, Ph.D.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Scientific interests: laws of colored enamel coatings formation and methods of forecasting of their optical-color characteristics; synthesis of jewelry glasses that do not contain lead oxide and obtaining coatings for ferrous metals on their base.

Vice-Rector for Science
Oleksandr V. Kharchenko
Doctor of Chemistry, Professor
Scientific interests: synthesis of functional derivatives of nitrogen and sulfur containing heterocycles based on S-amidoalkylation products and biological activity of derived compounds; research in synthesis of biologically active heterocyclic compounds.
He is the author of one monograph and over 170 scientific publications, 5 patents.
He is a scientific adviser of 9 PhD theses.

Anatolii S. Andrusenko
Assistant Rector for Security and Prevention of Corruption
+38 (056) 746 – 14 – 62