Department of Inorganic Chemistry was founded in the year of the foundation of the University (1930) and has a long history.
It belongs to general education departments and provides basic knowledge of students in all areas of training in general and inorganic chemistry. During the academic year, the Department trains about 800 students, among them about 650 students from day-time and 150 – from part-time forms of study.
The staff of the Department has one professor and six associate professors.
Training assistant staff consists of the Head of the laboratory, two senior laboratory assistants, and a leading engineer.
Under the direction of Prof. O. V. Shtemenko, the Department conducts research on four postgraduate students.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry is the first chemical department, which meets the students of SHEI USUCT. Therefore, the staff of the Department, in addition to scientific and educational work, takes an active part in the upbringing and adaptation of freshmen students at the University.
For more than 40 years, the Department of Inorganic Chemistry is the organizer of the “School of Chemist” – a unique specialized school in our Region, where topical issues of chemical science are considered by leading scientists and professors of the University, thus forming the scientific outlook of talented schoolchildren and students.
The Staff of the Inorganic Chemistry Department
Using the traditions and experience gained in past years, the Department keeps moving to further improvement of the educational process. A lot of work is being done on preparation for printing and the publication of guidelines for laboratory workshops and self-training of students, 3 manuals on the course of inorganic chemistry have been prepared. Under the direction of O. V. Shtemenko, scientific researchers are carried out in the field of chemistry of complex and cluster compounds of rare and scattered elements. The work is supported by the State Fund for Fundamental Researches of Ukraine and is part of the coordination plans of the Ministry of Education and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The results of the research were reported at international conferences in the USA, Germany, China, Spain, Portugal, France, Austria and other countries of the world.
Since the existence of the Department, more than 34 candidates and 5 doctoral dissertations have been defended.
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