address: room 713, Naberezhna Peremohy, 40, Dnipro city, 49094, Ukraine
tel .: +38 (0562) 47-12-25
The Department of Life Safety – general educational department, it provides knowledge of the disciplines to future specialists:
- life safety
- basics of labor protection
- labor protection in industry
- civil protection
There are 10 full-time teachers at the Department of Life Safety, including 4 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer and 5 assistants. The training staff consists of the head of the laboratory and the engineer.
The staff of the Department constantly undergo advanced training in specialized organizations and in enterprises.
Teachers of the Department take an active part in research work, cooperate with the Training and Methodological Center for Civil Protection and Life Safety of the Dnipropetrovsk Region (basis: Contract of the SHEI USUCT and NMC of TsP and LS of cooperation No. 08-35 dated November 26, 2015).