University Rating
When choosing an educational institution, entrants and their parents have to analyze many different aspects of university activities. Often the external attractiveness of the educational institution, the courtesy of the staff, the impressions of acquaintances, the convenient location, and transport connections help to determine the place of study. However, the decisive role in choosing a specialty that can be taught in several universities, even in one city, is played by the ratings of HEIs of Ukraine, compiled by professional and, in particular, international experts.

According to scientometric indicators of the Scopus 2023 rating database, SHEI USUCT ranks 16th among 204 free economic zones of Ukraine and 3rd place in the city of Dnipro, second only to the classical national universities of Ukraine, which unite much larger teams of scientists!
The Scopus database contains more than 50 million abstracts and is a tool for tracking citations of articles published in scientific journals around the world.

In the international scientometric rating SCImago 2022, our University took 5th place among Ukrainian universities and is the best university in Dnipro.
Only those universities that overcame the entry barrier (at least 100 scientific papers of any type indexed in Scopus in the 5 years preceding the year of publication of the ranking) participated in the ranking.
The ranking used data exclusively from independent sources: the Scopus bibliometric database, the Patstat international patent database, and webometric databases.
This rating is a recognition of the high scientific potential and fruitful work of SHEI USUCT specialists.

According to the academic rating Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities (August 2023), SHEI USUCT took 47nd place among Ukrainian HEIs (out of 300 possible) and 3d place in the Dnipro region. The rating assesses the level of presence on the Internet and all aspects of university activities: scientific, educational, cultural, social, sports. It is made up of the Cybermetrics Lab of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The sources of rating data are well-known independent databases Scopus, Google Scholar, Google Search, Majestic та Ahrefs.

According to the rating “Top-200 Ukraine 2023“, created in accordance with the Berlin principles of university ranking, SHEI USUCT took 49th place among HEIs of Ukraine and 3d place in the Dnipro region.

According to the rating “Consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2023”, SHEI USUCT took 56-57 place among 239 HEIs of Ukraine, and 4th place among higher education institutions of Dnipro city.
The information educational resource “” has compiled a consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2023.
The most authoritative among experts and mass media national ratings of educational institutions of Ukraine are used as initial data for drawing up of the consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine: “Top-200 Ukraine”, “Scopus” and “External Independent Evaluation score per contract”, each of which uses different criteria for evaluating higher education institutions.
The obtained generalized rating summarizes the rating places of educational institutions according to the version “Top-200 Ukraine”, “Scopus” and ” External Independent Evaluation score per contract”.