Oleksandr Vasyliovych Kharchenko
Professor, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Organic Substances and Pharmaceuticals
Graduated from: Dnipropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, 1973, in the direction of “Chemical technology of solid fuel”, engineer-chemist-technologist. Doctoral dissertation on the theme: “Application of S-amidoalkylation in syntheses of functional derivatives of nitrogen heterocycles”.

Viktor Ivanovych Markov
Professor, Ph.D.
Graduated from: Dnipropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute in 1959, “Technology of Basic Organic Synthesis”. Doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Synthesis, reactions and stereochemistry of small nitrogen heterocycles”.
In 1963 he defended his dissertation for the degree of a candidate of chemical sciences. In 1975, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Synthesis, reactions and stereochemistry of small nitrogen heterocycles”. The academic title of the professor was conferred in 1979. Viktor Ivanovich repeatedly passed a scientific internship at foreign universities: in 1965-1966, at the Yale University (USA), in 1972, at Liverpool University (Great Britain), and in 1989, East China Chemical Technology University (Shanghai).
Scientific interests : synthesis of Oxygen and Nitrogen content of biologically active heterocyclic compounds and study of their physico-chemical properties.
Publications: author of more than 250 scientific works, 85 copyright certificates and patents.
Under the direction of Viktor Ivanovich Markov, 25 candidate’s theses were defended

Kostiantyn Serhiiovych Burmistrov
Graduated from: Dnepropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute, 1974, direction -“Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”. Doctoral dissertation on the theme: “Synthesis and reactivity of quinonimines and their analogues”.

Halyna Vasylivna Okhromii
Graduated from: Odessa Medical Institute named after E. Pirogov, direction – “Medical Treatment”. Doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Multifactor system of rehabilitation, prognosis of disability and complex prevention of myocardial infarction”.

Liudmyla Serhiivna Karpishchenko
Assistant professor, PhD in Chemistry
Graduated from: Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute, 1970, direction -“Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”. Candidate dissertation on the topic: “Investigation of the methods of synthesis and reactions of N- and C-ralesulfonylphenoxazines and phenothiazines”.

Vadym Vitaliiovych Kiseliov
Associate Professor, PhD in Chemistry
Graduated from: Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute, 1986, direction – “Chemical technology of film footage materials”. Theme of the dissertation: “The regio-selective interactions of the imidoalkylating agents and their analogues with N, S-nucleophiles”.

Karolina Valentynivna Yanova
Associate Professor, PhD in Chemistry
Graduated from: Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technology Institute, 1987, direction – “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”. Candidate dissertation on the theme: “Synthesis and study of properties of polyamino guanidines”.

Volodymyr Vitaliiovych Bilov
Associate Professor, PhD in Chemistry
Graduated from: Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technology Institute, 1979, direction – “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”. Candidate dissertation on the theme: “Quinonines with N-, O- and S-Substituents in Nitrogen: Synthesis, Properties”.

Oksana Volodymyrivna Kryshchik
Associate professor, PhD in Chemistry
Graduated from: Dnipropetrovsk State University, 1995, direction – “Chemistry”. Candidate dissertation on the theme: “Endic anhydride and its derivatives of closure and disclosure of oxygen and nitrogen-containing cyclic systems”.

Ohtina Oksana Volodymirivna
Associate Professor, Ph.D., secretary of the academic council
Graduated from: Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technologal Institute in 1999, direction – “Technology of Polymer and Composite Materials”.
In 2002 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on theme “Creation of new systems of activators of sulfuric vulcanization of elastomers”.
In 2017, she received her master’s degree in pharmacy. At present, she works as an associate professor at the Department of Organic Substances and Pharmaceuticals
and holds the post of academic secretary of SHEI USUCT.

Pavlo Viktorovych Zadorozhnii
Associate Professor, PhD in Chemistry
Graduated from: SHEI USUCT, 2010, direction – “Technology of Pharmaceuticals”, Master of Industrial Pharmacy. He received a master’s degree in pharmacy in 2010, the same year he entered the postgraduate course under the direction of V. V. Kiseliov. In 2016, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Synthesis, transformation and heterocyclicization of derivatives of N- (isothiocyanatoalkyl) carboxamides”.

Svitlana Anatoliivna Varenychenko
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Graduated from: SHEI USUCT, 2011, direction – “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”. Candidate dissertation on the topic: “Regroup of geminal azines and oxazines under the conditions of the Wilsmeier-Haack reaction”.

Olena Oleksandrivna Lominoga
Graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2001, direction – “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”.
From 2014 to 2016, she studied at the postgraduate study, preparing a dissertation paper entitled “Oxylated Alcohols as New Prospective Surface-active Substances”.
She was promoted to the qualification level at the Kiev National University of Technology and Design, the Department of Industrial Pharmacy (from 22.02.17-22.07.17. and from 28.08.17 to 28.09.17).

Igor Yuriiovych Yakimenko
Graduated from: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, 1999, direction – “Chemical Technology of Pharmaceuticals”, Master of Chemical Technology and Engineering.
Tetiana Grygorivna Paramonova
Graduated from: Dnipropetrovsk Chemical Technology Institute, 1979, direction – “Technology of plastics”.

Kateryna Volodymyrivna Zalizna
Викладач каф. ТОРФП
Graduated from: SHEI USUCT 2011, direction – “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”.
Prepares for the defense of the candidate’s dissertation on the topic “Recycling on the basis of the products of regroupings 5 ‘, 6’, 7 ‘, 8′-tetrahydro-1’N-spiro [cyclohexane-1,2′-quinazoline] -4’ (3’H) -on “.

Igor Oleksandrovych Pokotylo
Аспірант каф. ТОРФП
Graduated from: National Mining University, direction – “Environmental Protection” 2015
In the same year he entered the postgraduate course of the SHEI USUCT at the Department under the direction of V.V.Kiseliov
At present, he prepares candidate’s dissertation paper “Heterocyclization on the basis of N-α-amido alkylating agents” for the defense.

Raisa Yakivna Shcherbak
Head of the laboratory
Закінчила: Дніпропетровський хіміко-технологічний інститут 1974 р.
Завідувач лабораторією з 1989 року.
В обов’язки та задачі Раїси Яківни входить:
- організація та забезпечення всіх учбових лабораторій кафедри, необхідним технічним обладнанням, приладами та реактивами;
- здійснення контролю за дотриманням безпечних умов проведення навчального процесу;
- здійснення контролю правил з охорони праці, протипожежної безпеки і виробничої санітарії.

Julia Oleksandrivna Minina
senior laboratory assistant
Закінчила ДВНЗ УДХТУ за спеціальністю Хімічні технології органічних речовин 2007 р.
В обов’язки Юлії Олександрівни входить:
- приймати участь в учбовому процесі;
- контроль виконання студентами лабораторного практикуму;
- надання консультацій студентам під час лабораторних робіт, допомагати викладачу в їх проведенні.

Yuliia Leonidivna Novytska
engineer of 1st category
Закінчила: ДВНЗ УДХТУ за спеціальністю Технологія неорганічних речовин.
Почала працювати на кафедрі ТОРФП з 2009 року.
В обов’язки Юлії Леонідівни входить:
- підготування стендів для проведення лабораторних робіт;
- перевірка наявності необхідного обладнання та реактивів;
- консультації студентів під час проведення лабораторних робіт.

Oleksandr Vasyliovych Prossianyk
Head of Department of Organic Chemistry
Academic rank: Professor of Department of Organic Chemistry (1991),
Scientific degree: Doctor of Chemistry, specialty 02.00.03 – Organic Chemistry (1989).
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute. after F.E. Dzerzhinsky in 1969, specializing in “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”, received a qualification as an engineer chemist-technologist.
Theme of the dissertation: “Synthesis and stereochemistry of imines and aziridines”.
Scientific interests: research in the field of synthesis, stereochemistry and configurational stability of nitrogen-containing compounds, synthesis and study of new biologically active compounds, including regulators of plant development.
Publications: author of 200 scientific publications, among which 55 in the publications of the International Scientific Center Scopus, more than 90 patents for inventions.
Under the direction of Oleksandr Vasylovych, 13 candidate dissertations were defended.

Vasyl Heorghiiovych Shtamburh
Professor of Department of Organic Chemistry
Academic rank: Professor of Department of Organic Chemistry (2014)
Scientific degree: Doctor of Chemistry, specialty 02.00.03 – Organic Chemistry (2007).
Theme of the dissertation: “N-Acyloxy-N-alkoxyhemal systems and their analogues”.
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute after F.E. Dzerzhinsky in 1977, specializing in “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”, received a qualification as an engineer chemist-technologist.
Scientific interests: New varieties of organic compounds containing functional O-N-Cl, O-N-O, O-N-N, O-N-N, O-N-F, and G-systems groups, their synthesis, structure and chemical properties. Namely N-chloro-N-alkoxy-N-alkylamines, N, N-dialkoxy-N-alkylamines, N-alkoxy-N- (1-pyridinium) -N-alkylamines, NH-N, N-dialkoxyamines, N- chloro-N-alkoxyurea, N-acyloxy-N-alkoxyurea, N, N-dialkoxyurea, N-alkoxy-N- (1-pyridine) urea, N-chloro-N-alkoxycarbamates, N-acyloxy-N-alkoxycarbamates, N , N-dialkoxycarbamates, N-alkoxy-N- (1-pyridinium) carbamates, N-chloro-N-alkoxyamides, N-acyloxy-N-alkoxyamides, N-alkoxy-N- (1-pyridinium) benzamides, 1- ( N-alkoxyamino) pyridine salts, derivatives of N-alkoxyhydrazines, 1,1,1-trimethyl-2-alkoxyhydrazine salts and their analogues. Nucleophilic substitution near the nitrogen atom, nitrogen-oxonium cations. New variants of the rearrangement of Shtiglitsa. Creation of new varieties of phase transfer catalysts. Synthesis of trialkylortopoformates in the conditions of interphase catalysis. Unsymmetric benzoins, aryl (3-indolyl) benzoines and aryl (2-furyl) benzoines, their synthesis from arylglyoxal and isomerization. Creation of nitrogen-containing heterocycles with arylglyoxal. N-Hydroxyhydantoins and N-alkoxyhydantoines, their synthesis, structure, derivatives. Synthesized 20 new classes of organic compounds, including two new heterocyclic systems.
Publications: author of 190 scientific publications, among which 119 scientific articles, including 41 in the publications, included in the international scientific base of Scopus, 7 copyright certificates of the USSR, 6 patents.
Under the direction of Vasyl Heorhiovych, 2 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertation have been defended.

Lina Oleksandrivna Sokolova
Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry
Academic rank: associate professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry (2013),
Scientific degree: candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.17.06 – technology of polymeric and composite materials (2009)
Theme of the dissertation: “Development of elastomeric compositions of adhesion with modified nitrogen-containing compounds montmorillonite”.
Graduated from Ukrainian State University of ChemicalTechnology in 2003, specializing in Technology of Polymer Processing, received a Master’s degree in Chemical Technology and Engineering.
Scientific interests: research on the influence of mineral ingredients (bio-ingredients) from plant material and their modified forms in composition of elastomeric compositions; synthesis on the basis of vegetable oils of quaternary ammonium salts and investigation of their functionality as components of elastomeric compositions; implementation of energy-saving technologies in the production of polymeric materials.
Publications: author of 40 scientific publications, 4 patents.
Deputy Dean for the academic work of the Faculty of High-Molecular Compounds.

Oleh Serhiiovych Lebid
Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry
Academic rank: associate professor of Department of Organic Chemistry (2014),
Scientific degree: candidate of chemical sciences in specialty 02.00.03 – organic chemistry (2013).
Theme of the dissertation: “Reactions of 1-alkyl-3- (alkyl) aminopyrol-2,5-dione” reamination.
Graduated from Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2005, specializing in “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”, received a Master’s Degree in Chemical Technology and Engineering.
Scientific interests: synthesis and chemical properties of derivatives of pyrrole-2,5-dions, study of the basicity and nucleophilicity of nitrogen-containing organic compounds.
Publications: author of 31 scientific publications, among them 16 scientific articles in the publications included in Scopus International Scientific Center and in professional publications of Ukraine.
Deputy dean for the educational work of the Faculty of Technology of Organic Substances and Biotechnology.

Natalia Viktorivna Kutsyk-Savchenko
Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry
Scientific degree: candidate of chemical sciences in specialty 02.00.03 – organic chemistry (2016).
Theme of the dissertation: “Electronic structure and barriers of inversion of imines”.
Graduated from Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2010, specializing in “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”, received a master’s degree in chemical technology and engineering.
Scientific interests: the configurational stability of nitrogen-containing organic compounds, the inversion theory of the atom Nitrogen.
Publications: author of 28 scientific publications, among them 12 scientific articles in the publications included in Scopus International Scientific Center and in the specialized editions of Ukraine.
Deputy Dean on Educational Work of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering.

Yulia Arkadiivna Chertyhina
Postgraduate student of second year of study
Theme of the dissertation: “Barriers of inversion of N-derivatives of imines”.
Graduated from Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2015, specializing in “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis”, received a Master’s Degree in Chemical Technology and Engineering.
Scientific interests: Inertia of the atom of Nitrogen in derivatives of imines and amines.
Publications: author of 8 scientific publications, among them 3 scientific articles in the publication, which is part of Scopus International Scientific Center.

Tetiana Ivanivna Haiduk
Head of the laboratory of Department of Organic Chemistry
Graduated from the State Chemical-Technological Institute in 1989, specializing in the production and processing of film, photo-materials.
She has been working at Department of Organic Chemistry since 1992.

Svitlana Oleksiivna Havryliuk
Senior Laboratory assistant of Department of Organic Chemistry
Graduated from the State Chemical-Technological Institute in 1986, specializing in Plastic Processing.
At the Department of Organic Chemistry has been working since 1992.

Nadiia Volodymyrivna Alpatova
Senior Laboratory assistant of Department of Organic Chemistry
Graduated from Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2006, specializing in “Chemical technologies of rare scattered elements and materials on their basis”.
At the Department of Organic Chemistry has been working since 2006.

Mykola Fomych Hanchurin
Educational master
Graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1970, specializing in Automation and Telemechanics.
Since 2000, he has been working at Department of Organic Chemistry.