Lina Oleksandrivna Sokolova
Head of the Department, Associate Professor
Scientific degree: candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.17.06 – technology of polymeric and composite materials (2009)
Theme of the dissertation: “Development of elastomeric compositions of adhesion with modified nitrogen-containing compounds montmorillonite”.
Graduated from Ukrainian State University of ChemicalTechnology in 2003, specializing in Technology of Polymer Processing, received a Master’s degree in Chemical Technology and Engineering.
Scientific interests: research on the influence of mineral ingredients (bio-ingredients) from plant material and their modified forms in composition of elastomeric compositions; synthesis on the basis of vegetable oils of quaternary ammonium salts and investigation of their functionality as components of elastomeric compositions; implementation of energy-saving technologies in the production of polymeric materials.
Publications: author of 40 scientific publications, 4 patents.

Galina Vasylivna Ohromii
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor G.V. Okhromiy has more than 25 years of total experience of scientific and pedagogical work in higher education institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation, including more than 8 years as a professor.
A graduate of the Odesa Medical Institute named after NO. Pirogov (1975). On the basis of the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute, she completed clinical residency in the specialty “internal diseases” (1984).
Doctor of the highest category in the specialty 02.14.03.- “social medicine” (1998) Defended theses for the title of candidate of medical sciences in the specialty 01.14.11.- “cardiology” (1998), doctor of sciences in the specialty 02.14.03.- “social medicine” ” (2008). Awarded the academic title of senior researcher in the specialty “cardiology” (2004), the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy (2007). Scientific title of professor in the specialty “Physical culture, sport and health” (2015).
Scientific-pedagogical activity in higher education institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation: teacher of the Department of Social Medicine, Economics of Health Care Management at the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute (1993-2002), senior researcher of the Department of Pharmacology at the Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (2008), head Department of General Psychology (2008-2011), Professor of the Department of General Psychology of Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University since 2011. Professor of the Department of “Physical Culture, Sports and Health” of the State University of Higher Education, “USUCT” since 2011.From September 1, 2020 to 2022, he is the head of the department.
Okhromiy G.V. delivers lecture courses: “Social Medicine”, “Anatomy of the Nervous System”, “Physiology of the Nervous System”, “Psychophysiology”, “Pathopsychology”, “Medical Psychology”, “Valeology”, “Bioethics and Deontology”, “Extreme Medicine”, ” First Pre-Medical Aid”, for first-, second-, third-year students and masters of “Medical Practice”, “Psychology”, “Pharmacy”, “Bioethics and Deontology”, “Extreme Medicine”, “First Pre-Medical Aid” conducts laboratory and practical classes .
Galina Vasylivna developed and introduced into the educational process new, optimized, alternative methods and criteria for selecting individual dosed loads for physical education classes with students in special medical groups. She received 3 declaratory patents of Ukraine, 1 patent of Ukraine for a utility model, 7 copyright certificates for a work. He has 207 published scientific works, among them 103 works – after the defense of his doctoral dissertation. Author of 26 methodological recommendations, 3 monographs (one published abroad (LAP LAMBERT, ISBN: 978-3-659-66952-1), co-author of 3 collective manuals, 2 monographs.
- certificates IX, X, XI of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “INTERNET-EDUCATION-SCIENCE” (CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPANT IX International Scientific-Practical Conference INTERNET-EDUCATION-SCIENCE) for the best report in the section “Information technologies and the Internet in the educational process and scientific research” (2014, 2016, 2018).
- She was awarded an honorary award in the form of the order “FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION” of the Association of Educational Institutions of Ukraine for many years of conscientious work, a significant contribution to the formation of modern education in Ukraine, the training of highly qualified specialists, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity (2013).
- certificate of the Fund of social protection, support and assistance to scientists of Ukraine and their family members for the book “Approach to the rehabilitation of patients and invalids who have suffered an acute myocardial infarction” (2012).
- a certificate of the Dnipropetrovsk oblarada for a significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, many years of conscientious work, high professionalism and active public activity (2009).
- the “Author” badge and certificate of the State Department of Intellectual Property for promoting the development of invention and rationalization in Ukraine (2006).
By decision of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the leadership of the President Paton B.Ye. included in the publication “Golden Fund of the Nation, Scientific and Educational Potential of Ukraine” Certificate No. 2126-82 dated July 1, 2020.

Oksana Mykolayivna Ivchenko
Candidate of physical education, Associate Professor
In 2005, she graduated with honors from the INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS as a trainer-teacher.
In 2014, she entered the postgraduate program of PDAFKiS, on May 6, 2019, she defended her thesis on the specialty of Olympic and professional sports – 24.00.01, and obtained the scientific degree of candidate of sciences in physical education and sports. From June 20, 2019 received a diploma of DK No. 052952.
She received a certificate of copyright registration No. 90610 for the scientific work “Complex control of the readiness of basketball players at the stage of preliminary basic training”.
Oksana Mykolaivna has more than 16 years of total scientific and pedagogical work experience in higher education institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation.
The author of more than 60 publications, including in Web of Science, professional publications, takes part in international conferences, webinars. The author of methodical recommendations and manuals. Under her guidance, students write scientific student papers.
Since 2008, he has been working as a statistician at BC Dnipro basketball matches, a licensed FIBA statistician. Member of FST Dynamo, FBU, BC DNIPRO, Dnipro.
From September 1, 2020 works as an associate professor of the Department of “Physical Culture, Sports and Health” at the UKRAINIAN STATE CHEMICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY
He teaches the disciplines “Safety of life and labor protection”, “Domestic assistance”, “Tactics – special training”, “Physical education”.
Field of scientific interests: professional education, basketball, Olympic sports, sports training, physical culture.

Svitlana Viktorivna Aniskevych
Senior Lecturer
Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in 1984, specializing in coach-teacher.
The main scientific interests of the study of methods for selecting physical activity for students-athletes.
Publications: 8 scientific publications, including in the leading international journals.
Has the title “Master of Sports of the USSR”.
Teaches discipline “Physical Culture”.

Alla Mykolaiivna Kirichenko
Senior Lecturer
Graduated from Donetsk National University in 2006, specializing in teacher-organizer of physical education.
Major sports interests: basketball; in the period of 2012-2016 gained the title of Champion of Ukraine, Europe and the silver medal of the World Championship 2014 on basketball among veterans.
Has the title “Master of Sports of the USSR”.
Teaches discipline “Physical Culture”.

Svitlana Vasylivna Tokmakova
Senior Lecturer
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in 1992, specializing in coach-teacher.
Major sports interests: swimming, chess, checkers.
Teaches discipline “Physical Culture”.

Renata Evgeniivna Fesenko
Senior Lecturer
Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in 1984, specializing in coach-teacher.
Major sports interests: artistic gymnastics, shaping, fitness.
Teaches discipline “Physical Culture”.

Vitalii Evgeniiovych Yarovyi
Senior Lecturer
Graduated from Dnipropetrovs’k State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in 1996, specializing in physical education teacher – trainer.
Main sports interests: boxing; in 2016 he won the title of the Champion of Ukraine on kickboxing.
Has the title “Master of Sports of the USSR”.
Teaches discipline “Physical Culture”.