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In order to implement the target comprehensive program “Physical education – the health of the nation” and the decision of the college of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On reforming the system of physical education of students and students in educational institutions of Ukraine”, the Department has conducted a number of research works:

  1. 2003-2005 “Organizational and pedagogical basics of the reform of the subject” Physical Culture “in the context of the state concept” Education of the XXI Century “.
  2. 2006-2008 “Influence of the credit-module system of teaching the subject” Physical Culture “on the health, physical fitness and students’ ability to work.”
  3. 2009-2011 “Research of important aspects of the educational process in the conditions of the credit-module system in the physical education of students (for basic, preparatory and special medical groups).”
  4. 2012-2014 “Research of new technologies and criteria of tolerance to physical activity of students of higher educational institutions”.
  5. In 2015-2020, research work was carried out on the topic: “Research of methods of selection of physical activity for student-athletes.”
  6. In 2021-2023, scientific and research work is planned on the topic: “Research on the use of interactive software complexes for the implementation of the remote mode in physical education classes at the secondary school of UDHTU”

To fulfill the practical work, there was testing of students of the 1st year on the planned topic of the research (340 persons per three methodologies)

  1. determination of tolerance for physical activity on the psychomotor indices of the central nervous system;
  2. determination of difference of biological and passport age among students of 1-2 courses;
  3. Assessment of students’ self-esteem from the completed initial course questionnaire.

The results of the research work are highlighted in 35 methodological guidelines and recommendations.

Teachers of the Department take an active part in the scientific and practical conferences of Ukraine and the oblast on the problems of the development of physical education at higher educational establishments.

The head of the research department Professor G.V. Ohromii has repeatedly presented reports at international and national scientific and practical conferences, published articles and theses on optimization of the educational process of physical education.