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Address: room 320, main building, Nauky (Gagarina) Ave., 8, Dnipro, 49005


Chupryna Nataliya Mykolaivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Larysa Dmytrivna Harmider

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Ukrainian-Polish Double Diploma Program “Distance Learning: Management Studies” at the Humanitas University (Poland, Sosnovets)

Certified Specialist in Grant Project Management (VCC Certificate)

Vira Volodymyrivna Zhuravel

Senior teacher

Doczenko Anna Yevgenivna

Senior teacher

Garshina Margarita Illivna

Khudomaka Sofya Oleksandrivna

In accordance with the Rector’s Order No. 80 dated May 27, 2022, the name of the Faculty of Economics was changed from July 1, 2022 to
Faculty of Economics, Humanities and Law (EHL)

A new educational program is opening
“Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Business”

The faculty trains specialists with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the following specialties and educational programs:

Studying at the Faculty of Economics, Humanities and Law of the State Higher Educational Institution of the UDCTU will allow you to obtain not only a high level of professional knowledge and skills in your future specialty. Our team of teachers will help to form a personality from each student capable of taking a worthy place in society and being successful at all stages of his life.

The Faculty of Economics, Humanities and Law is the youngest at the UDCTU. It was founded on the basis of the economic specialty of the Faculty of Organic Substances Technology, today it has become one of the largest faculties of the university, which has been operating for 25 years.

Since the foundation of the university, economic disciplines have been taught as general education for technological and mechanical specialties. But in 1990 The training of students in the specialty “Economics and Management in the Chemical-Forestry Complex” has begun.

Currently, the faculty employs 8 doctors of sciences, professors and 21 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The faculty consists of four graduate departments – the Department of Entrepreneurship, Production Organization and Theoretical and Applied Economics; the Department of Management and Finance; the Department of Marketing and Logistics; Department of Foreign Languages, which trains bachelors and masters in business economics, economic cybernetics, management, finance, marketing and philology.

The faculty’s teaching staff carries out extensive research work in the following areas:

  • “Formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the efficiency of domestic chemical industry enterprises”
  • “Creation of an effective integration system for managing the activities of chemical and petrochemical enterprises in a hierarchical competitive environment.”

The faculty’s teachers actively participate in interuniversity conferences and seminars in Ukraine, as well as international symposia (“Management, marketing and business education of Ukraine in a globally competitive environment”, “Development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine”, “Management – ​​education in Ukraine and the Bologna process”).

The faculty pays considerable attention to the educational process – monographs, textbooks, methodological guidelines for the implementation of control, course and diploma papers are published. New academic disciplines are being mastered.

To replenish qualified teaching staff at the departments of entrepreneurship, production organization and theoretical and applied economics, marketing and logistics, management and finance, postgraduate and doctoral studies have been opened. In recent years, 6 candidate theses have been defended and three theses have been submitted for defense.

The faculty staff provides assistance in improving economic training in related colleges, lyceums and secondary schools. The faculty is actively involved in international activities.

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