According to the direction of preparation, Food Technology and Engineering, students study the structure of the food industry of Ukraine, the theoretical foundations of food technology and biotechnology, namely the characteristics of raw materials, the range of ready-made food products and the technological processes of their production.
Disciplines of the professional direction :
- Nutrition chemistry with the basics of physiology
Methodical instructions for independent work. Content module of Fundamentals of Physiology and Food Hygiene (2680)
Handouts. Content module of the Fundamentals of Physiology and Hygiene of Food (2131)
Guidelines for self-study (2678)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3386)
- The technology of health food
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2480)
Methodical instructions for practical work (2371)
- General technologies of the food industry
Methodical instructions for independent work for students of the first year. Technology of fermentation production (2671)
Methodical instructions for independent work for students of the first year. Technology of Meat, Meat Products and Fish (2673)
Methodical instructions for independent work for students of the first year. Technology of canning fruits and vegetables (2674)
Methodical instructions for independent work for second year students (2827)
Methodical instructions for practical work. Technology of fermentation production. Technology of canning fruits and vegetables (2939)
Methodical instructions for practical work. Technology of Meat and Meat Products (2947)
- Technical microbiology
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3392)
Methodological instructions for laboratory work Part 1 (3385)
Motiodic indications for laboratory work Part 2 (2343)
- Technologies of polysaccharides and their applications in the food industry
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2826)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3295)
- Technology of extraction of vegetable fats
Guidelines for independent work (3090)
Methodical instructions for laboratory work (3383)
- Chemistry of lipids and their derivatives
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2481)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3296)
- Technology of production of animal fats
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2834)
Methodological instructions for carrying out control works (2839)
Methodical instructions for practical classes (3264)
Handout for practical work (3344)
- Application of the computer in technology
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2672)
Methodological instructions for carrying out control works (2828)
Methodological instructions for laboratory work (2354)
Methodical instructions for course work (3255)
- Theoretical foundations of food production technology
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2665)
Technological calculations, accounting and reporting in the industry
Methodological instructions for independent work (3390)
Methodical instructions for practical work Part 1 (1920)
Methodological guidelines for practical work Part 2 (2009)
- Technology of processing vegetable fats
Methodological instructions for self-study (2479)
Methodical instructions for practical work. Part One Refining of Fats and Oils (2663)
Methodical instructions for laboratory work. Part One Refining of vegetable fats (3402)
- Technological equipment of the branch
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3389)
- Quality control and safety of products in the industry
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3384)
Methodological instructions for laboratory work (2382)
- Fundamentals of industrial construction
- Soap and detergent technology
Methodical instructions for laboratory work (2568)
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2660)
- Commodity and packaging of food industry
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3029)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3027)
- Research work of students
Methodological guidelines for self-study (3265)
Methodological instructions for seminars (3268)
- Technological practice
Work Program of Technological Practice (2829)
Form of the title page of the technology report
- Internship
- Preparation of qualification bachelor’s work and state attestation
- Designing enterprises for the extraction and processing of vegetable fats
- Technology of natural essential oils and synthetic aromatic compounds
Guidelines for independent work (3399)
Methodological instructions for laboratory work (3272)
- Innovative Fat Technology
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3195)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3278)
- Methodology and organization of scientific research on the theme of master’s work
- Fat Functioning Function Technology
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3275)
- Technology of food surface-active substances
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3193)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3189)
- Scientific research on the theme of master’s work
Methodological instructions for independent work (3311)
Methodological instructions for laboratory work (3301)
- Research practice
Work Program of Scientific Practice (3290)
- Assist practice
Work Program of Assistant Practice (3291)
- Pre-Degree Industrial Practice State Certification
- Preparation of qualification master’s work and state certification
Students of the first year with the teachers of the department during the excursion to PJSC “Confectionery factory” AVK “(Dnipropetrovsk)
Second year students with Department members during the excursion to PJSC “Erlan” TM “Biola” (Dnipropetrovsk)
In the direction of preparation, chemical technologies of high-molecular compounds the following disciplines are studied
Disciplines of professional direction high-molecular compounds:
- Chemistry and physics of macromolecular compounds
Laboratory Workshop. Part I (3190)
Methodical instructions for laboratory work. Part II Physics of Polymers (2894)
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2686)
Methodical instructions for practical work (2567)
Methodological instructions for course work (2666)
- Chemistry of monomers
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2662)
- Technology of production of high molecular compounds
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2885)
Methodical instructions for practical work. Part I (3237)
Methodical instructions for practical work. Part II (3247)
- Synthesis and methods of polymer research
Guidelines for self-study (2688)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3387)
Methodological instructions for laboratory work (2659)
- Technology of paint and varnish materials
- Equipment of factories for the production of macromolecular compounds
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3054)
- Mathematical modeling and optimization of objects of chemical technology
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3321)
- Polymers of special purpose
- The basics of designing
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3100)
Methodical instructions for practical classes (3088)
- Research work of students
- Pre-diploma practice
Work program of pre-diploma practice (2965)
- Preparation of qualification bachelor’s work and state attestation
Methodological instructions for the completion of diploma projects (3194)
- Technology and equipment for the processing of polymers
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3048)
- Special methods for studying the structure and properties of high molecular compounds
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3279)
- New technologies in the production of high molecular compounds
- Computer technologies in scientific and engineering activities in the production of high molecular compounds
- Fundamentals of designing enterprises for the production of macromolecular compounds
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2681)
- Methodology and organization of scientific research on the theme of master’s work
- Scientific research on the theme of master’s work
- Preparation of qualification master’s work and state certification
5 year students with faculty members during the work of the First All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students YOUNG COATINGS “Perspective Paint and Materials and Coverage: Theory and Practice”
According to the direction of preparation, the chemical technologies of processing wood and vegetable raw materials are studied
Disciplines of professional direction of chemical technologies of processing wood and vegetable raw materials :
- Chemistry and physics of polymers
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2655)
- Chemistry of wood
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2687)
Methodological instructions for laboratory work (3188)
- Wood exploration and forest commodities
Methodological instructions for laboratory work (2195)
- Technology and application of polymers in the production of wood panels and plastics
Guidelines for self-study (2676)
Laboratory Workshop (2088)
Methodological instructions for course work (2200)
- Wood composite materials technology
Methodological guidelines for independent work (2656)
- Technology of wood panels and plastics
- Equipment for the production of wood-based panels and plastics
Methodological instructions for self-study (2689)
Methodological instructions for practical classes (2583)
- Technology of finishing wood panels and plastics
Methodical instructions for laboratory work (2071)
Methodological guidelines for course work (2165)
- Technology, equipment and design of plants for the processing of plant raw materials
- Mathematical modeling and optimization of objects of chemical technology
Summary of lectures (3324)
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3355)
- Preparation of qualification bachelor’s work and state attestation
- Methodical instructions on the implementation in the diploma projects of the section: “Material calculations in the production of plywood and plywood slabs” (2384)
Methodical instructions for the implementation of the diploma project on the production of wood-fiber boards (2203)
- Basics of designing enterprises for the production of wood panels and plastics
Methodological guidelines for self-employment (2657)
Methodical instructions for practical classes (2658)
- Purification and recovery of industrial emissions from plants for the processing of plant raw materials
Methodological guidelines for independent work (3417)
Methodical instructions for practical work (3391)
- Computer technologies in scientific and engineering activities in the processing of plant raw materials
- Technology of laminate plastics
- Special methods of research of products of processing of plant raw materials
Methodological Indications for Independent Work (3320)
- Methodology and organization of scientific research on the theme of master’s work
- Scientific research on the theme of master’s work
- Preparation of qualification master’s work and state certification
Students and post-graduate students of the Department constantly take part in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences, competitions, winning the honored awards: