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Oleksii Oleksandrovych Sihunov

Oleksii Oleksandrovych Sihunov

Head of the Department, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences.

He graduated in 2002 from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in the specialty “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic silicate materials” (qualification, master’s degree, lecturer in higher education, engineer-technologist). He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 2006, specialty 05.17.11 – technology of refractory non-metallic materials, the theme of the dissertation “Energy saving technology for the production of Portland cement clinker on the basis of a crude raw material mixture, which includes blast furnace granulated slag.”

Discipline that he teaches: lectures on disciplines “Chemical technology of astringent materials”, “Physical chemistry of refractory non-metal and silicate materials”, “Technology of production of cement and products on its basis” for students of the specialty “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials. He is the supervisor of diploma projects and works of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Area of ​​scientific interests: Development and modification of the properties of light and heavy concrete compositions, as well as obtaining new types of special cements. He is engaged in the training of scientific and pedagogical staff. He has the right of scientific guidance by postgraduate students in specialty 05.17.11 – technology of refractory nonmetallic materials.

Publications: Has more than 60 scientific works, including more than 25 articles, 2 certificates of authorship and patents for invention. Is the author of a textbook with a stamp MES.


Oleksandr Yakovych Bilyi

Oleksandr Yakovych Bilyi

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk Chemical Technology University in 1992 with the specialization “Technology of refractory non-metallic silicate materials” (qualification – engineer-chemist-technologist).

In 2000, he defended his Ph.D. thesis in specialty 05.17.11 – Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials, the theme of the dissertation – “Heat-insulating material on the basis of waste from metallurgical production and some clay” in the specialized scientific council of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of Binding Materials was awarded the academic title in 2004.

Disciplines: “Fundamentals of technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials”, “Technology of production of cement and products on its basis”, “Mechanical equipment, processes and apparatuses for the production of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials”.

Area of ​​scientific interests: Development of warehouses and technology of production of silicate bricks.

Publications: has over 80 scientific works, among them – 37 articles, abstracts of reports – 18, author’s certificates and patents for invention – 1.


Салєй Андрій Аркадійович

Салєй Андрій Аркадійович

асистент, кандидат технічних наук

Закінчив у 2012 році Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет за спеціальністю «Хімічні технології тугоплавких неметалевих і силікатних матеріалів». Захистив кандидатську дисертацію у 2016 році за спеціальністю 05.17.11 – технологія тугоплавких неметалічних матеріалів, тема дисертації «Електроізоляційні склоемалеві та склокристалічні покриття для виробів з кольорових металів». З 2017 року працює на посаді асистента кафедри.

Дисципліни, що викладає: «Методологія та організація наукових досліджень за темою магістерської роботи», «Основи проектування хімічних виробництв», «Хімічна технологія спеціальних видів виробів з тугоплавких неметалевих і силікатних матеріалів».

Область наукових інтересів: розробка технології одержання повітряних в’яжучих з природної сировини.

Публікації: співавтор понад 18 наукових праць, серед них – 5 статей, тез доповідей – 9, авторських свідоцтв і патентів на винахід – 4.

Tetiana Volodymyrivna Kravchenko

Tetiana Volodymyrivna Kravchenko

Senior Lecturer


In 1993, she graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technology Institute in the specialty “Chemical technology of refractory and silicate materials (qualification engineer-chemist-technologist).

Discipline that she teaches: Lecture course: “Mathematical modeling and optimization of objects of chemical technology”, “Technology of cements and products from it”, Chemical technology of astringent materials, also from these disciplines conducts laboratory and practical classes.

She is engaged in research work, as well as public work at the Faculty.

Scientific interests: Search and research of new raw materials for obtaining thermal insulation materials, development and improvement of raw materials for the production of gas gypsum.

Publications: Co-author of more than 30 scientific papers and 3 patents for invention.


Halyna Valeriivna Fomenko

Halyna Valeriivna Fomenko

Senior lecturer at the Department, scientific secretary of the Department, secretary of the scientific council of the faculty of Glass, Ceramics and Food, a member of the scientific and methodological council of the SHEI USUCT.

She graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute in 1985 (diploma with honors), Faculty of Technology of Silicates in the specialty chemical technology of abrasive materials, awarded the qualification of a chemical engineer-technologist. After graduating from the postgraduate studies in the specialty “Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials” in 1990, he works at the department of HTVM.

She teaches the disciplines:  “Fundamentals of chemical engineering designing”, “Equipment and bases of design of production of TN and SM”, “Production of air and autoclave binders and products on their basis”, “Methodology and organization of scientific researches”. Conducts practical and laboratory classes on disciplines “Physical chemistry of TN and SM”. He manages course and diploma designing, is a consultant for research diploma works (including – complex inter-university research diploma works).

Scientific interests – in the direction of studying the composition and properties of air-binding materials, the development of formulations of raw mixes of autoclave binders and the study of the properties of products on their basis. Also – in the direction of developing glass-crystalline materials with high dielectric properties using energy-saving technologies.

She is a co-author of more than 40 scientific works, including 2 copyright certificates, 12 articles in the leading national and international professional editions, over 26 abstracts at the International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences.


Natalia Borysivna Syvolob

Natalia Borysivna Syvolob

Senior lecturer

In 1998, she graduated from the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University in the specialty “Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials” (qualification master, engineer-technologist).

Discipline that she teaches: Lecture courses. 1. The basis of the design of production of refractory non-metal and silicate materials. 2. Intellectual property. Laboratory classes. 1. Chemical technology of abrasive materials. 2. Mathematical modeling and application of computers in the technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials.

Area of ​​scientific interests: Modification of properties of air binders.


Alina Oleksandiovna Musina

Alina Oleksandiovna Musina


Yakylina Ivanivna Alieksieieva

Yakylina Ivanivna Alieksieieva

Head of the laboratory

 Vitalina Volodymyrivna Shcherbyna

Vitalina Volodymyrivna Shcherbyna

engineer of 1st category

Kakhikalo Olexandr Vasyliovych

Kakhikalo Olexandr Vasyliovych
