Olha Viktorivna Kuchkova
Head of the Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, member of the Public Organization "Union of Marketers of Ukraine"
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In 2008, she graduated with honors from SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Economics of Enterprise and received a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Enterprise.
In 2021, she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences with the specialty 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises, (by types of economic activity) on the topic: “Development of logistics activities of enterprises of the meat processing industry”.
Disciplines taught: marketing, marketing services, marketing distribution policy, commodity market infrastructure.
Scientific interests: Evaluation of the economic feasibility of the logistics system of an industrial enterprise, research of logistic aspects in the warehouse real estate market.
Publications: more than 40 scientific works, a participant in international scientific-practical conferences, 12 educational-methodical developments, participation in a collective monograph and a study guide.

Natalia Mykolaiivna Chupryna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, co-chairman of the Public Organization "Union of Marketers of Ukraine"
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In 2002, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in specialty “Enterprise Economics” and received a Master’s Degree in Economics of Enterprise.
In 2012, she defended a dissertation for the degree of a candidate of economic sciences on the theme: “Formation of investment potential of industrial enterprises”.
In 2020, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics in the specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Business Management on the topic: “Environmentally-oriented development of chemical enterprises: methodology and practice”
Disciplines taught: Marketing research, commodity research, commodity innovation policy, analytical marketing, the commercial activity of intermediary enterprises
Scientific interests: marketing, strategies of economic development, innovation policy of enterprises, management of environmental problems at industrial enterprises
Publications: more than 50 articles in professional publications of Ukraine and foreign scientific journals, participation and publication of abstracts in 45 conferences, 1 personal monograph, participation in 5 monographs and a textbook.

Larysa Dmytrivna Harmider
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences, member of the Public Organization "Union of Marketers of Ukraine"
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In 1995, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in economics, organization, and management in the fields of chemical and forestry complex and got an engineer economist qualification
In 2015, she defended a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics in specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Management of enterprises on the theme “Development of personnel potential of trading enterprises: the concept and methodology”
Disciplines taught: planning of enterprise activity, marketing pricing, marketing pricing policy, consumer behavior
Scientific interests: human resource development, personnel motivation, human capital management
Publications: Has more than 166 scientific works. Of them: 1 personal monograph, 4 collective monographs, 3 copyright certificates, 1 textbook with a stamp MESU, and other publications.

Vira Volodymyrivna Zhuravel
Senior Lecturer, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics in Educational Work, member of the Public Organization "Union of Marketers of Ukraine"
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In 2004, she graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk State Finance and Economics Institute with a degree in Finance and received an economist qualification.
Disciplines taught: marketing communications policy, strategic marketing, advertising management, public relations (PR)
Scientific interests: definition of the optimal variant of logistic flows of chemical industry enterprises
Publications: has 20 scientific works, a participant in scientific-practical conferences, 8 educational and methodical developments.

Anna Yevheniivna Dotsenko
Senior Lecturer, member of the Public Organization "Union of Marketers of Ukraine"
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In 1995, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in economics, organization and management in the fields of chemical and forestry complex and got an engineer economist qualification
Disciplines taught: marketing, marketing commodity policy, marketing management
Scientific interests: competitiveness of enterprises and products, innovative development of enterprises, marketing, marketing policy of the enterprise, marketing management at the enterprise
Publications: more than 20 publications, a participant in international scientific-practical conferences, participation in the monograph

Maryna Oleksandrivna Kovaliova
Assistant, member of the Public Organization "Union of Marketers of Ukraine"
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In 2002, she graduated from the SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Enterprise Economics and received her Master’s Degree in Enterprise Economics
Disciplines taught: Commodity, Analytical Marketing, Marketing Research
Scientific interests: marketing management, crisis management, development of enterprise marketing strategies in modern market conditions, eco-oriented management
Publications: 11 publications, a participant in international scientific and practical conferences.
Maria Anatolyivna Hudomaka