Normative documents on the training of doctors of philosophy and doctors of science:
- LAW of Ukraine on higher education
- RESOLUTION of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 216 of March 23, 2016. On the approval of the Procedure for the preparation of higher education applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in Higher Education Institutions (scientific institutions)
- PROCEDURE for preparing higher education applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees
Normative documents on the defense of theses (Doctor of Philosophy/ Candidate of Science/ Doctor of Science):
- REGULATIONS on the specialized academic council for awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences
- PROCEDURE for awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and canceling the decision of the one-time specialized academic council of a higher education institution, scientific institution on awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
- PROVISIONS on the formation of one-time specialized academic councils, the procedure for passing the defense procedure and awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
- REGULATIONS on the specialized scientific council for awarding the scientific degree of doctor (candidate) of sciences at SHEI “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”
- REGULATION on the procedure for checking educational and methodological, scientific and dissertation works for the presence of plagiarism at SHEI “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”
- REGULATIONS on the preparation of the abstract of the dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of doctor (candidate) of sciences at SHEI “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”
Educational and scientific programs
- Educational and scientific program 161 Chemical technologies and engineering PhD_2022
- Educational and scientific program 102 Chemistry PhD_2022
- PROJECT of educational and scientific program 051 Economics
- PROJECT of educational and scientific program 102 Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy 2022
- PROJECT of educational and scientific program 122 Computer science
- PROJECT of the educational and scientific program 133 Industrial engineering