Festive event for International Women’s Day at the SEI USUCT
On March 6, 2025, a festive event dedicated to International Women’s Day was held at the educational and scientific institute “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology” USUST. Representatives of the university administration, teachers and employees gathered at the event to celebrate the contribution of women to the development of science, education and the university as a whole.
The rector of the university Konstantyn Sukhyi, acting director of the SEI of USUCT Olga Sverdlikovska, deputy director Yaroslav Kozlov and deans of the faculties warmly congratulated the female team on the holiday. They expressed gratitude for their professionalism, dedication and tireless work, and also presented certificates for high results in professional activities and conscientious performance of official duties.
List of awardees:
- Aksyonova Iryna Mykolayivna – leading specialist of the personnel department
- Andrushko Valentyna Valeriyevna – head of dormitory No. 3
- Bezpalko Oksana Yuriyevna – security guard on duty
- Butyrina Tetyana Yevgenivna – candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of the Department of TNR and E
- Velychko Tetyana Volodymyrivna – acting Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Viktorino Tetyana Ivanivna – cleaner of the office premises of the PNDL building
- Vinichenko Lyudmila Stepanivna – cleaner of the office premises
- Volnyanska Olena Viktorivna – associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Hayduk Tetyana Ivanivna – head of the laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Golub Lesya Serhiivna – Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Gruzdeva Olena Volodymyrivna – associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Huz Ganna Mykhailivna – assistant professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Gura Anna Oleksandrivna – associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Domnenko Natalya Mykolayivna – commandant of the sports and recreation complex
- Druzhynina Svitlana Anatoliivna – guard on duty
- Zabrudskaya Lyudmila Mykhailivna – senior lecturer at the Department of Philology and Translation
- Koval Vita Petrovna – commandant of building No. 1
- Kostyrya Galina Ivanivna – engineer of the 1st category. Department of Philosophy and Ukrainian Studies
- Livak Oksana Viktorivna – Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science
- Makarchenko Nataliya Petrovna – Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
- Maltseva Iryna Ivanivna – Deputy Head of the Department of Social Affairs and Sports
- Matkivska Viktoriya Leonidivna – Librarian of the 2nd Category
- Minina Yuliya Oleksandrivna – Assistant of the Department of BT and BZH
- Muntyan Vira Dmytrivna – Leading Accountant of DIIT
- Orekhova Tetyana Mykolayivna – Leading Accountant of DIIT
- Osypchuk Olga Romanivna – Head of Dormitory No. 5
- Oskoma Olena Volodymyrivna – Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Finance
- Pisareva Larysa Pavlivna – Accountant of the 1st category
- Radzimovska Oksana Vasylivna – Deputy Director of the Center for Culture and Arts and Media Public Relations
- Rudneva Larysa Leonidivna – Scientific Secretary of the National Research Institute of the Udmurt State Technical University, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial and Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Rusanova Tamara Romanivna – Engineer of the 1st category of the Department of Energy
- Ryasna Nataliya Volodymyrivna – Leading Accountant
- Sarafinas Olga Oleksandrivna – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Industrial and Chemical Engineering
- Sverdlikovska Olga Leontiivna – Designer of the Web Management Center
- Semenova Lyudmila Sergiivna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Serbulova Inna Valeriivna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technology
- Syshchenko Olena Leonidivna – Head of the General department
- Skirko Vira Georgievna – head of the laboratory of the Department of Innovative Engineering
- Sokol Olena Igorevna – inspector of the general department
- Sukhoivan Olga Ivanivna – cleaner of the office premises of the PNDL building
- Tretyak Svitlana Yurievna – candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry
- Tutaeva Olga Volodymyrivna – engineer of the 1st category of the Department of PV and TPE
- Fursa Olga Oleksandrivna – associate professor of the Department of KIT and A
- Khomenko Olena Sergiivna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Department of KhTKS and BM
- Khomutova Olena Volodymyrivna – head of the Department of Advertising, Exhibition and Information Activities
- Khramtsova Anastasia Yurievna – engineer of the 1st category of the Educational and Scientific center for the development of professional education
- Khudomaka Maria Anatoliivna – engineer of the II category of the department of marketing and logistics
- Shmakova Lesya Ivanivna – head of the personnel department
- Shmychkova Olesya Borisivna – doctor of chemical sciences, professor of the department of physical chemistry
- Yukhno Iryna Nikolaevna – acting head of the military mobilization department
The celebration was complemented by spring flowers and sweet gifts, which created an even warmer and more pleasant atmosphere. A thematic photo zone in soft pink tones was open to all who wished, where each participant could take bright photos.
A special part of the event was a video kaleidoscope, which showed photos of USUST women – scientists, teachers and employees who develop the university every day, create science and inspire new generations.
Thank you to everyone who took part in organizing this wonderful celebration! We wish our women a spring mood, new achievements and the fulfillment of dreams!