Oleksandr B Velichenko
The Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Professor since 2005, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry (2003).
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1983, specializing in chemistry, chemist, teacher of chemistry.
The theme of the dissertation “Micromodified dioxide-lead electrodes.” He has worked as a professor at the University of Barcelona, the University of Ferrara, the University of Washington, the University of Pierre and Maria Curie (Paris-6).
He is a Member of the American Electrochemical Society, International Society of Electrochemistry, International Leading Accredited Advisory Committee (LABAT, Bulgaria), Council on the Problems of Electrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Expert Council on the examination of dissertation papers of the Ministry of Education and Science Specialty Scientific Council D 08.078.01, delegate of the III All-Ukrainian Congress of Education Workers (October 28, 2011), chairman of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the specialty of Chemistry.
General scientific interests: theoretical and technical electrochemistry, physical and colloidal chemistry.
He is the Head of the state budget and pre-contract research.
Main directions of his scientific research: electrochemistry of oxide and metal-oxide materials; electrocatalysis at high anode potentials; electrosynthesis of strong oxidants (ozone, sodium hypochlorite, and others); the development of electrochemical devices for use in veterinary medicine, medicine, and ecology, flowing electrochemical energy storage.
Publications: 320 scientific publications, including the leading international journals with a high impact factor (Journal of the Electrochemical Society, ElectrochimicaActa, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, Water Research, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Power Sources, Materials Chemistry, and Physics), 10 patents and 17 monographs.
Hirsch index (h-index) – 25; the citation index is 2142, the number of indexed publications is 112 (on the basis of the Scopus database for January 4, 2021)
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (Decree of the President of Ukraine № 416/2020 of 30.09.2020);
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2018 for co-authorship in the work “Chemical design of nanostructured materials” (Decree № 110/2019 of 08.04.2019);
Certificate of Merit of the VerkhovnaRada of Ukraine (Order of the Speaker of the VerkhovnaRada of Ukraine No. 412 dated May 17, 2011); Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Order No. 160-k dated May 13, 2010); diploma of the ZhovtnevyiCouncil of Dnipropetrovsk for the victory in Competition “The Living History of the District” in the nomination “Best Scientific Work” (on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Zhovtnevyi District) in 2011.

Felix Y Danilov
Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry (1988).
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry (1986).
Graduated from DnipropetrovskInstitute of Chemical Technology in 1962, Faculty of Inorganic Substances, specializing in electrochemical technologies, engineer-chemist-technologist.
The theme of the dissertation “Kinetic and technological regularities of processes of electrodeposition of metals with the participation of surface-active organic substances”.
Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, director of the Institute of Electrochemistry, vice president of the Ukrainian Electrochemical Society and the Ukrainian Association of Corrosion-Freeists, deputy chairman of the Scientific Council on Problems “Electrochemistry” of the National Academy of Sciences, member of the International Electrochemical Society. Head of state budget and state scientific research projects.
Supervises the work of postgraduate students (currently 1), under his guidance 28 candidate and 5 doctoral dissertations are defended.
Main directions of scientific activity: investigation of adsorption phenomena in the near-electrode layer and their influence on the electrochemical kinetics, as well as processes of phase formation and mass transfer; development and industrial introduction of new advanced technologies and methods of electrodeposition of metal, polymer and conversion coatings.
Publications: over 470 scientific publications and 50 patents and inventions. According to the Scopus international science and metric base, on January 4, 2021, the total number of citations of his publications is 2242, the Hirsch index is 24, and the number of indexed publications is 173 (on the basis of the Scopus database for January 4, 2021).

Viiacheslav S Protsenko
Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry (2015)
Doctor of Chemistry, specialty 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry
Graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 1994, specializing in electrochemical technology, engineer chemist-technologist.
The thesis for the Doctor of Chemical Sciences degree “Static electrochemical processes in the electrodeposition of metals with the participation of stable intermediates” was defended in 2013.
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2018 for co-authorship in the work “Chemical design of nanostructured materials” (Decree № 110/2019 of 08.04.2019).
Awarded the breastplate “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” (2005) on the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and “For scientific and educational achievements” (2016, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Council D 08.078.01 on the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations at SHEI USUCT.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Professional Journal “Chemistry and Chemical Technology”.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (section Chemistry).
A member of the scientific and methodical council of SHEI USUCT- the head of the section on mathematical, natural science, and general engineering training.
Deputy Chairman of the Rector’s Department of Pedagogical Skills of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers.
The main scientific interests are focused on the study of micro- and macro-kinetics of staged electrochemical processes, the study of the laws of electrodeposition of nanocrystalline multifunctional coatings by metals, alloys, and composites.
Publications: more than 200 published scientific papers in the leading national and international professional publications, patents and applications for patents of Ukraine and the USA, 100 publications submitted to the international scientific-metric base Scopus, the Hirsch index h = 17, the number of citations 970, the number of indexed publications – 65 (on the basis of the Scopus database for January 4, 2021)
Viiacheslav S Protsenko teaches all disciplines of the Department.

Tetiana V Lukianenko
Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry
Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry (2017)
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry (2016).
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk National University in 2002, specializing in chemistry, chemist, teacher of chemistry. A scholar of the Cabinet of Ministers in 2007-2009. The winner of the contest “Best Young Scientist 2009” (I degree diploma in technical sciences).
The subject of the dissertation: “Electrodeposition of composite electrocatalysts based on PbO2 from methanesulfonate electrolytes”.
Sphere of scientific interests: electrochemistry of oxide and metal oxide materials; Electrocatalysis at high anode potentials; physical chemistry; electrosynthesis of strong oxidants.
State awards: Prizewinner of the President of Ukraine for young scientists in 2014 for the cycle of works “Nanocomposite electrocatalysts for controlled synthesis”
In 2009, she was recognized as the best young scientist of the Dnepropetrovsk Region in the field of technical sciences (diploma I degree).
She was the scientific secretary of the Department in the period from 2006 to February 2018.
In June 2016, she was elected Deputy Head of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the examination of projects of scientific works, scientific and technical developments of young scientists.
Tetiana V Lukianenko is the finalist of the First Ukrainian Prize “For Women in Science – 2018”.
Publications: author (co-author) more than 170 scientific publications, of which 61 articles are indexed by the international scientific-metric base Scopus. Hirsch index is 15, the citation index is 772 (on the basis of the Scopus database for January 4, 2021).
Tetiana V Lukianenko teaches all disciplines at the Department.

Dmytro V Hyrenko
Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry
Senior Researcher (2000); Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry (2016)
Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specialty 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry (1996).
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1992 by specialty chemist, teacher of chemistry.
The theme of the dissertation: “Electrochemical oxidation of Pb (II) on various electrode materials”;
Awards: scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers 1995-1997
Internship: the University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris) 2011.
General research interests include theoretical and technical electrochemistry, physical and colloid chemistry.
Main directions of scientific research: electrochemistry of oxide and metal-oxide materials; Electrocatalysis at high anode potentials; electrosynthesis of strong oxidants (ozone, sodium hypochlorite, and others); development of electrochemical devices for obtaining high-purity sodium hypochlorite solutions for veterinary, medicine, and ecology.
Publications: more than 90 scientific publications, including in the leading international journals with a high impact factor, one monograph, Hirsch index – 10, the number of citations – 883, the number of indexed publications – 27 (on the basis of the Scopus database for January 4, 2021)
Dmytro V Hyrenko teaches all disciplines of the Department.

Valentyna O Knysh
Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry (2009).
Graduated from Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2006, the faculty of Inorganic Substances, specializing in inorganic chemicals technology, engineer chemist-technologist.
The subject of the thesis is “Electrodeposition of composite oxide materials PbO2 – TiO2 and PbO2 – ZrO2 from suspension electrolytes”.
State awards: Prize winner of the President of Ukraine for young scientists (2014).
The main scientific interests are focused on the study of the laws of electrodeposition of composite oxide materials and the study of their properties.
Publications: author (co-author) 30 scientific papers in the leading national and international professional editions. Hirsch index is 7, the number of indexed publications is 17 (on the basis of the Scopus database for January 4, 2021).
She teaches all disciplines at the Department.

Olesia B Shmychkova
Assistant Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk National University in 2006, specializing in chemistry, chemist, teacher of chemistry.
Assistant Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry since 2020
Scientific degree: candidate of chemical sciences in specialty 02.00.05 – electrochemistry (2014).
The theme of the dissertation “Dioxide Lead Electrodes, Modified by Metal Compounds in High Oxidation Stages”.
The main scientific interests are focused on the study of the laws of electrodeposition of modified oxide materials, and the study of their physical and chemical properties.
Publications: author (co-author) 50 scientific papers in leading Ukrainian and international professional editions. Hirsch index is 8, the index of citing is 369, the number of indexed publications is 40 (based on the Scopus database for January 4, 2021).
Winner of the competitions “Young Scientists for Dnipropetrovsk Region” 2017, 2018. A scholar of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2017-2018)
Olesia B Shmychkova teaches all disciplines of the Department.

Tamara S Manko
Head of the laboratory
Graduated from DnipropetrovskInstitute of Chemical Technology in 1982, Faculty of High Molecular Compounds, specializing in technology of processing plastic masses, engineer chemist-technologist.
Has been working at the Department since 1982.

Natalia V Bazyliuk
Senior laboratoryassisant
Graduated from DnipropetrovskInstitute of Chemical Technology in 1999, Faculty of High Molecular Compounds, specializing in technology of processing plastic masses, engineer-chemist-technologist.
Has been working at the Department since 1996.

Iryna O. Denysova
Senior laboratory assistant
She graduated from USUCT in 1999, Faculty of Silicate Technology with a degree in ceramics and glass technology.
She has been working at the Department since October 2018.

Serhii I. Sychov
Category I engineer
Serhii Ivanovych Sychov graduated from the Faculty of Radiophysics of Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1989 with a degree in radiophysics and electronics.
He has been working at the Department since September 2018.

Anna A Rzheniova
Anna A. Rzheniova graduated from Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology in 1984, the Faculty of Inorganic Substances, specializing in electrochemical technologies, engineer-chemist-technologist.
She has been working at the Department since 2000