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Larysa Dmytrivna Harmider

Larysa Dmytrivna Harmider

Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Industrial Economics and Organization of Production

Disciplines: “Economic Diagnostics”, “Economic Management of the Enterprise”, “Enterprise Planning”, “Marketing Pricing”, “Consumer Behavior”.

Scientific interests: development of personnel potential, personnel motivation, human capital management. Publications: Has more than 166 scientific works (of them: 1 personal monograph, 4 collective monographs, 3 certificates of authorship, 1 textbook with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science and other publications).


Svitlana Oleksandrivna Fedulova

Svitlana Oleksandrivna Fedulova

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine

In 2003, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Management of Organizations and obtained a Master’s degree in Management.

In 2012, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.05 – Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy on “Regulation of the formation and use of human capital in the regions of Ukraine.”

In 2018, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics in the specialty 08.00.05 – development of productive forces and regional economy on the topic “Theoretical and methodological principles of development of regional socio-economic systems in conditions of limited water resources”

Participant in an international research project: Project number 561755-ERR-1-2015-1-NO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Erasmus + Harmonizing water-related graduate education (Water Harmony). (11 / 2015-10 / 2018).

Member of the International Water Association since 2018. Profile: (Membership no .: 1616438. Membership expiry date: 12/19/2020).

Disciplines taught: “Economic Informatics”, “Financial and economic analysis of chemical enterprises”, “Mathematical methods and models of market economy”, “Risk management in the financial sector”, “Regional Economics”, “Economics of Nature”.

Research interests: human capital, regional development management, regional socio-economic systems, sustainable economic development.

Publications: author of more than 159 scientific publications, including 123 scientific and 36 educational and methodological. Also, 7 scientific publications in periodicals, which are included in the scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science; 2 individual monographs, 10 collective monographs (3 in international publications), 3 textbooks on disciplines: “Economics of nature management”, “Economics of water supply and sewerage”, “Methodology of scientific research in information economy”.

Tel .: +38 (0562) 47-05-83



Volodymyr Ivanovych Dubnytskyi

Volodymyr Ivanovych Dubnytskyi

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1979), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1979), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine

Disciplines taught: “Modeling of economy and models of economic dynamics”, “Innovative development of enterprises”, “Methodology of scientific research in information economy”, “Information management”, “Modeling of logistic processes”

Research interests: research of processes of transformation of regional social and economic systems; theory and practice of competition, competitiveness, market conditions; innovative development of enterprises and regions; theory and practice of cluster associations and network economic integration; industrial marketing processes and industrial market problems; global economy; problems of balanced development of old industrial regions and regional infrastructure, the transformation of industrial development of regions; the digital transformation of economy and business; information and economic security; modeling of economic dynamics and logistic processes.

Publications: Total – 363 publications, including 303 scientific articles (38 – abroad, in English, German, Polish, Lithuanian); 4 one-book monographs, co-author of 16 monographs (9 published abroad), 12 methodical editions, 10 textbooks, 12 educational-methodical workshops, 6 textbooks; as well as 11 certificates of invention, 8 certificates of copyright registration.


Olena Mykola]vnavna Vinichenko

Olena Mykola]vnavna Vinichenko

Doctor of Economics, professor

Discipline: “Rationale for business decisions and risk assessment”, “Budgeting”, “Management”.

Scientific interests: Enterprise management in modern economic conditions, external and internal control of enterprises, optimization of taxation of economic entities.

Publications: Has more than 90 scientific works (one of them is a textbook with a stamp MES, 1 individual, and 3 collective monographs).

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 Viktoriia Leonidivna Smiesova

Viktoriia Leonidivna Smiesova

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukrain

In 1998, she graduated from the National Mining Academy of Ukraine with a degree in Business Economics and qualified as an economist with a degree in Finance.

In 2009, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.01 – “Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought” on “Reproduction of the investment potential of the national economy.”

In 2020, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics in the specialty 08.00.01 – “Economic theory and history of economic thought” on “Economic interests in the system of reproduction of economic relations of society”

Disciplines taught: “Economic Theory”, “History of Economics and Economic Thought”, “International Economics”, “Commercial Law”, “Contract Law”, “Jurisprudence”.

Research interests: research of reproduction of economic relations, formation and realization of economic interests of each person and society, economic policy of the state in the sphere of realization of needs and interests of subjects, restriction of power-ownership tendencies and “clan” capitalism, activation of investment and innovation activity of subjects, the realization of investment potential of the national economy, international economy and international economic relations.

Publications: author of more than 150 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications, including 5 scientific publications in periodicals, which are included in the scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science; 2 individual monographs, 5 collective monographs, 1 terminological dictionary, 6 textbooks for studying disciplines “Economic Theory”, “Macroeconomics”, “International Economics”, “Financial Law”, “Jurisprudence”, “Legal Regulation of Property Relations”.


Larysa Anatoli]vna Honchar

Larysa Anatoli]vna Honchar

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Discipline: “Organization of stock market activity”, “Entrepreneurship and business culture”, “Competitiveness of the enterprise”, “Antimonopoly regulation”, “Economy and business”.

Scientific interests: Problems of researching the essence, organization, and functional subsystems of commercial logistics, its role as a factor for ensuring the competitiveness of a trading company, a system of indicators, and an algorithm for assessing the efficiency of commercial logistics.

Publications: Has more than 100 scientific works (one of them is a textbook with a stamp MES, 6 collective monographs, 11 certificates for registration of copyright, 5 patents, and other publications).


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 Nataliia Oleksiivna Nikilieva

Nataliia Oleksiivna Nikilieva

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught: “Economic Theory”, “Micro- and Macroeconomics”, “Finance”, “Money and Credit”

Research interests: factors and incentives to achieve macroeconomic balance; public external debt and the mechanism of its repayment; innovation potential: ways of formation and use; intellectual property: economic component; the problem of monopoly in the Ukrainian economy

Publications: author of more than 200 scientific publications

Volodymyr Fedorovych Prudnikov

Volodymyr Fedorovych Prudnikov

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught: “Economics and organization of innovation”, “Organization of production”, “Enterprise potential”, “Project analysis”.

Resaerch interests: Problems of formation of the national innovation system, development of its infrastructure, forms of financing of innovative activity. Management and organization of innovative activity at the enterprise. Publications: Total number of publications – more than 20


Hanna Yevhenivna Riabyk

Hanna Yevhenivna Riabyk

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught: “Business Economics”, “Economics and organization of biotechnological production”, “Economics, organization and management of chemical enterprises”, “Management of company development”, “Economics and organization of business associations”, “Production organization”.

Research interests: Competitiveness management of domestic enterprises; optimization of production organization and labor rationing at enterprises. Publications: Has more than 50 scientific works (including 3 collective monographs).

 Nataliia Yuriivna Naumenko

Nataliia Yuriivna Naumenko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught: “Economic and mathematical methods and models”, “Decision-making systems”, “Operations research”.
Research interests: economic and mathematical methods for assessing the competitiveness of products and enterprises, economic and mathematical modeling of the processes of formation and evaluation of the potential of suppliers, and in general the competitiveness of the sales system of enterprises.
Publications: author and co-author of 21 scientific articles, 51 methodical developments, 1 textbook, 1 monograph.


 Inna Illivna Strelchenko

Inna Illivna Strelchenko

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught: “Economic cybernetics”, “Forecasting of socio-economic processes”, “Risk management” “Theory of intelligent decision making systems”

Research interests: assessment and analysis of dynamics in financial markets, in particular, the international foreign exchange market; modeling of processes of the cross-border spread of crisis phenomena

Publications: number of scientific publications (articles) – more than 30 in professional journals, 2 int. publications and 4 in publications indexed in international scientific databases, the number of methodological publications – more than 50, the number of textbooks – 2, the number of monographs – 3, the number of manuals marked MES – 2


 Natalia Yevhenivna Fedorova

Natalia Yevhenivna Fedorova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Scientific Secretary

Disciplines taught: “Economic Theory”, “History of Economics and Economic Thought”, “Money and Credit”, “Labor Economics and Social-Labor Relations”.

Research interests: science and its role in the socio-economic development of society, informatization of society and its socio-economic consequences.

Publications: she is the author of more than 110 scientific and methodological publications, including one collective and one individual monograph, 25 articles in scientific journals of Ukraine (13 – in journals included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus, 1 – in a journal included to the international scientometric database Scopus), one article in a leading foreign publication (Czech Republic) and 41 conference abstracts (including 20 – co-authored with students).


Maryna Volodymyrivna Ivanova

Maryna Volodymyrivna Ivanova

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught: “Systems of technologies”, “Intellectual property”, “Entrepreneurship and business culture”, “Engineering and technology of the branch”. Research interests: Innovative activity of industrial enterprises. Publications: More than 30 scientific works (in professional editions on the economy) and in the materials of scientific conferences).



 Tetiana Mykolaivna Lezhnieva

Tetiana Mykolaivna Lezhnieva

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

 Disciplines taught: Jurisprudence, Administrative Law

Research interests: responsibility in labor law, legal regulation of family relations, conflict regulation of private relations

Publications: 70 published scientific works, including a monograph, 12 scientific articles in professional publications of Ukraine; 1 scientific article in a scientific periodical of another state; 36 other scientific works (articles in other publications, abstracts, reports), including one published abroad; scientific and practical commentary on the Family Code of Ukraine (co-authored); 20 educational and scientific publications


Valentyn Heorhiiovych Miachin

Valentyn Heorhiiovych Miachin

Doctor of Economics , associate professor

Disciplines taught: “Potential of the enterprise”, “Organization of production”, “Statistics”.

Scientific interests: Innovative potential of the enterprise, strategic analysis, trade enterprise.

Publications: Author of more than 50 scientific publications, including 1 monograph; 25 scientific articles in specialized publications; 23 publications of abstracts at international and all-Ukrainian scientific conferences.


Olena Borysivna Yavorska

Olena Borysivna Yavorska

Senior Lecturer

Disciplines taught: Economics of Enterprise, Insurance, Enterprise Finance, Financial Activities of Business Subjects.

Scientific interests: The mechanism of staff motivation in managing the competitiveness of the enterprise, the theory and practice of insurance in a market economy, and taking into account the specifics of its formation in Ukraine.

Publications: more than 40 scientific works in professional publications on economics and in the materials of scientific conferences, 20 educational and methodical developments.


 Olena Vladyslavivna Bilobrova

Olena Vladyslavivna Bilobrova

Senior Lecturer

Disciplines taught: “Information systems and technologies in management”, “Management of informatization projects”, “Corporate information systems”, “Analysis, modeling, and management of investment projects”

Research interests: innovation potential, development, and activity of industrial enterprises, optimization of management decisions, modeling of business processes, information systems, and technologies in management

Publications: author of more than 22 publications, including more than 15 scientific articles, 7 methodical publications


Olha Viktorivna Ovcharenko

Olha Viktorivna Ovcharenko

Candidate of Economic Sciences

In 2002, she graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk State Financial and Economic Institute and obtained the qualification of “Economist”.

In 2020, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology and obtained a Master’s degree in Computer Science.

In 2020, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.05 – Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy on the topic “Comprehensive threat assessment and mechanism for ensuring economic security of the region.”

Disciplines taught: “Economic and mathematical methods and models”, “Operations Research”, “Economic Modeling”, “Financial Mathematics”, “Numerical Methods in Economics”.

Research interests: economic security of the region, assessment of threats to economic security, competitiveness, assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Publications: author of more than 52 scientific publications, including 35 scientific and 17 educational and methodological. Also, 2 scientific publications in periodicals, which are included in the scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science; 10 collective monographs (2 in international publications), 2 textbooks.


 Oksana Vitaliivna Vasyliuk

Oksana Vitaliivna Vasyliuk

graduate student, assistant

Disciplines taught: “Computer Science”

Research interests: modeling of regional economy development, infrastructural provision of regions

Publications: author of more than 9 scientific publications

 Valeriia Rostyslavivna Pysarkova

Valeriia Rostyslavivna Pysarkova


Disciplines taught: “Economic Cybernetics”.

Research interests: modeling the development of economic systems and processes, forecasting socio-economic processes, modeling the regional economy.

Publications: author and co-author of more than 25 scientific publications, including 1 textbook, 3 monographs, 5 articles in professional journals, 13 publications of abstracts at international and national scientific conferences, and other publications.


Olha Volodymyrivna Tutaieva

Olha Volodymyrivna Tutaieva

Engineer Category I

 Anna Olehivna Zhuravel

Anna Olehivna Zhuravel

Leading engineer of the Department

Bachelor of Management. Master of Marketing. Master’s Degree in Environmental and Environmental Protection, SHEI USUCT