Svitlana Anatoliivna Volkova
Head of the Department, Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
In 1992, she graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Dnepropetrovsk National University after O. Gonchar.
In 1999, she defended her dissertation on the specialty 01.05.02 Mathematical modeling and computational methods at Dnipropetrovsk National University after O. Honchar at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. In 2004, she received the academic title of associate professor of computer science and applied mathematics. Svitlana Anatoliivna Volkova worked as a Deputy of the Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology.
From 2005 to 2019, she was Head of the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics SHEI “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”.
From 2019 up to now, Svitlana Anatoliivna Volkova is Head of the Department of Information and Measuring Equipment Software.
From 2007 to 2014, she worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Macromolecular CompoundsTechnology.
From 2007 up to now, she is a member of the examination commission of the External Examination of Ukraine in Mathematics.
During the work period Svitlana A. Volkova was awarded:
- breastplate “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”;
- a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science, diplomas of the governor, mayor, etc. for many years of conscientious work, personal contribution and training of highly qualified specialists, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity.
Lecture courses:
- Computational mathematics and programming
- Computer Science
- Informatics and information technologies
- Informatics and systemology
- IT project management
Main interests:
Programming technology, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C ++, Python
Research of nonlinear dynamic processes with impulse influences, research of chaotic processes
Publications: more than 60 publications, including in SCOPUS and in international publications, 2 monographs “Geometric approach to the problem of stabilization of control systems” and “Deterministic stochastic methods for studying the reliability of technical systems”.

Oleksander Sergiiovych Tonkoshkur
Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
In 1971, he graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State University with a degree in Radiophysics and Electronics.
In 1978, he defended his dissertation, and in 1985, he received a certificate of associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. In 1993, he defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1996, he received the academic title of Professor at the Department of Radio Electronics.
Lecture courses:
- Computational mathematics and programming
- Computational mathematics, programming, and computer calculations
- Informatics and systemology
Main directions of scientific activity:
Development of software for data processing, research, forecasting, control, testing of materials, facilities, and processes in various industries.
Publications: the author and co-author of 5 monographs, 160 scientific articles published in leading international and domestic professional publications, 8 copyright certificates and patents, a textbook, and 17 textbooks; Oleksander Sergiiovych Tonkoshkur participated in more than 75 scientific conferences, published more than a hundred abstracts.

Yevhenii Viacheslavovych Chernetskyi
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
In 2002, he graduated from the Mechanical Faculty of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Automation and Computer-Integrated Systems and qualified as a specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies. In 2003, he received his second higher education in “Metrology and Measurement Engineering”, and had a master’s degree in metrology and certification.
In 2011, at the Donetsk National Technical University, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on “System of automated control of combustion parameters in thermal power plants” in the direction of 05.13.05 – Computer systems and components. His supervisor was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute E.T. Volodarskyi. In 2015, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of computer-integrated technologies and metrology.
Since 2009, he has been working part-time as a chief metrologist at SHEI USUCT. Since 2016, he has been working as a member of the scientific and methodological subcommittee of the Ministry of Education and Science in the specialty “152 Metrology and Information and Measurement Technology”. He has been a full correspondent member of the Academy of Metrology of Ukraine since 2017. He was thanked for his impeccable work and personal merits in the performance of official duties related to the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of education and science, a significant personal contribution to the development of education from the Cathedral District Council in Dnipro in 2017.
Lecture courses:
- Fundamentals of metrology and measuring techniques
- Measuring transducers
- Design of systems and measuring instruments
- Optical-mechanical measurements
Main directions of scientific activity:
- Metrology: control, methods of improving accuracy, estimating uncertainty
- Development of innovative measuring instruments
He has joint scientific developments with the Pivdenne Design Bureau in the field of information systems for the aerospace industry.
Publications: the author and co-author of more than 10 scientific publications published in leading international and domestic professional publications, 2 patents, more than 10 educational publications, participation and publication of abstracts in 7 conferences.
Bibliometric profile in scientific databases and registers :

Anatolii Andriiovych Chernyshov
candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
In 1971, A. A. Chernyshov graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Ukrainian State University with a degree in Hydroaeromechanics and received the qualification of a mechanic. Correspondence of basic education to the list of specialties in 2015 was 113 Applied mathematics.
In 1982, Anatolii A. Chernyshov defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences at the Dniprodzerzhynsk Technical University on the topic “Intensification of technological processes with the spraying of liquid phases” in the direction of 05.17.07 – Chemical technology of fuels and lubricants. His scientific adviser was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology I.M. Khanin. In 1988, Anatolii Andriiovych Chernyshov was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
Since 2014, he has created a system of Web resources for computer science, information technology, mathematical modeling, computational mathematics, programming. Every year on this system (according to Google analytics) more than 14,000 classes are held by users from 8 countries.
Lecture courses:
- Informatics and information technologies
- Computer Science
- Computational mathematics and programming
Main directions of scientific activity:
- Mathematical modeling of technological processes
- Development of innovative means of spraying liquid phases
Publications: the author and co-author of more than 30 scientific publications published in leading domestic professional journals, 20 patents, more than 10 educational and methodical publications, participation, and publication of abstracts in 8 conferences.

Mykolai Hrygorovych Nesterenko
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
In 1972, Mykolai Hrygorovych Nesterenko graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Ukrainian National University with a degree in Physics and received the qualification of a physicist, a teacher of physics.
In 1986, at the Institute of Metal Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on “Kinetics of growth included in the homogeneous decay of supersaturated solid solution in non-isothermal conditions” in the field 01.04.07 – Solid State Physics. In 1990, Mykolai H. Nesterenko was awarded the academic title of associate professor of physics.
Lecture courses:
- Experimental study of systems
- Methodology and organization of scientific research
- Information technology in metrology
- Informatics and computational mathematics
- General course of physics
Main directions of scientific activity:
Physics: Diffusion processes in multiphase systems with moving phase boundaries.
Publications: the author and co-author of more than 20 scientific publications published in leading international and domestic professional publications, more than 20 educational and methodical publications, a manual on the course of general physics (section – magnetism).

Larysa Oleksandrivna Kuprina
Senior Lecturer
Larysa Oleksandrivna Kuprina graduated from Donetsk State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics and received a qualification in Mathematics.
Lecture courses:
- Computational mathematics and programming.
- Information technologies in metrology and measuring technology.
Main directions of scientific activity:
- Applied Mathematics
- Information Technology
Publications: the author and co-author of numerous guidelines and scientific publications, including monographs, head of student publications.

Olena Serhiyivna Chorna
Senior Lecturer
In 2002, Olena Serhiyivna Chorna graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in “Automated process control” and received a qualification of a specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies.
From 2002 to 2006, she studied in correspondence graduate school of the Department of Automation of Production Processes of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology. After graduating, she worked at the Department as an assistant, lecturer, and since 2017 – a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Integrated Technologies and Metrology.
Lecture courses:
- Computer technology and programming
- Product testing and quality control
- Technical means of automation
Main directions of scientific activity:
- PC architecture
- Fundamentals of algorithmization
- Programming in algorithmic languages
- Databases and DBMS
Publications: the author and co-author of more than 40 scientific papers and educational publications, participation and publication of abstracts in 2 conferences.

Ihor Heorhiyovych Kayun
In 2006, Ihor Heorhiyovych Kayun graduated from the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Metrology and Information and Measurement Engineering and received a master’s degree in metrology and measurement technology. He began working as an assistant at the Department of Computer Integrated Technologies and Metrology.
From 2013 to 2016, he studied at the graduate school of the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies and Metrology. Now, Ihor Heorhiyovych Kayun is working on the dissertation on the topic “Development of technology for obtaining vanadium-containing photonic crystals” under the guidance of the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of computer-integrated technologies and metrology O.P. Mysov.
Conducts laboratory and practical classes on courses:
- Microprocessor systems
- Numerical methods and computer simulation
Main directions of scientific activity:
- Microcontroller programming
- Computer simulation of the process of photonic crystal synthesis
From 2013 to 2016, Ihor Heorhiyovych Kayun performed the functions of the responsible executor of the research work “Physico-chemical bases of photonic crystal synthesis by the method of self-assembly”.
Publications: the author and co-author of more than 20 scientific papers and educational publications, 2 patents, participated in and published abstracts in more than 10 conferences.

Viktoriia Ivanivna Bilokin
In 2003, Viktoriia Ivanivna Bilokin graduated from the Mechanical Faculty of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Economic Cybernetics.
Lecture courses:
- Computational mathematics and programming
- Management information technologies
Main directions of scientific activity:
- Information technologies, genetic algorithms
- Solve optimization problems using genetic algorithms
Publications: a co-author of 2 scientific publications published in the journal “Questions of Chemistry and Chemical Technology”, more than 10 educational and methodical publications.

Serhii Ihorovych Boiko
teaching master
In 2002, Boiko Serhii Ihorovych graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in “Automated process control” and qualified as a specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies.
He has worked as a programmer, designer, and web developer; and since 2014, he has been working as a teaching master at the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies and Metrology.