The Department of Physics was founded at SHEI USUCT in 1930. The first head of the Department of Physics from 1930 to 1932 was Professor Malinovsky K. E. From 1930 to 1937, the Department was headed by associate professor Danilov V.I., later a member of the correspondent of the AS USSR. Thanks to its vigorous activity, a fund of demonstration equipment is created. In 1933, an X-ray laboratory for research work on X-ray diffraction analysis was organized and equipped at the department. In the pre-war period at the department four dissertations were defended by the candidate’s theses.
From 1937 to 1950, the Department was headed by associate professor Levashevich M.A. (with a break for the period of evacuation). In 1950-1952, the Department was headed by a senior teacher Podosnnikov NN, and from 1952 – 1961, – by assistant professor Kosinets B.I.
In 1961-1977, it was headed by professor Morozov V.P. Under his leadership, scientific studies were devoted to the problems of studying the properties of the structure of molecules and crystals.
In 1977-1987, the Department was headed by Professor Tsaune A. Ya., who developed the theory of spectra of molecules, molecular spectroscopy.
Since 1988, the head of the Department of Physics was Professor Nesterenko O.I.
Professor Nesterenko O.I. heads the scientific direction in studying the kinetics of reaction diffusion in multiphase systems of solids. The Department maintains scientific contacts with the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, IFH of Russian Academy of Sciences, Dresden Technical University (Germany) A. Mickiewicz (Poland), Paris University named after. Pierre and Maria Curie (France) and others.
Of the most important scientific areas, the Department has three doctoral degrees (Morozov VP, Tsayuna A.Ya., Nesterenko OI) and 32 candidate’s theses. The staff of the Department published the following monographs and manuals: Nesterenko OI, Shatinsky V.F. Protective diffusion coatings. -K .: Science. thought, 1988.-271 s; Morozov VP, Sorochynska V.Ye. Lectures on physics. – DNU, 1994. – 116 s; Tsaune A.Ya., Sorochinskaya V.E. Synopsis of lectures on physics.-USUCT, 2002.-196 p.
Also, manuals with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:
Nesterenko O., Burlikov V.V. Guide to electronic testing on the basics of nuclear physics and radiation-chemical processes. – Dnipropetrovsk: UDCTU, 2014 – 278 p.
Nesterenko OI, Yakubovskaya Z.M. Guide to electronic testing of general physics. Part 1. Mechanics. Part 2. Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics .- Dnipropetrovsk: UDKhTU, 2014.- 198 p.
During the last five years two candidate’s theses were defended at the Department. Every year the Department publishes new teaching materials for laboratory workshops and practical classes. New sets of computer tests for the control of knowledge in the disciplines, as well as new laboratory work and practical courses are being developed. Every year, the university tours of the student’s olympiad in physics are held at the Department, a scientific-methodical seminar is conducted.
At this time the multifaceted activity of the Department is carried out by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Nesterenko O.I., 6 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 1 assistant, 1 head of laboratory and 2 laboratory assistants. Much work is being done on improving the training and laboratory basis of the Department of Physics.
The history of the Department continues.