Oleh Borysovych Girin
Head of the Department of Materials Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, winner of the Yaroslav the Wise Award in the field of science and technology of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S. of Ukraine (2015), International Prize named after Academician KF Starodubov “For Scientific Achievements” (2016, Ukraine), International Prize Einstein’s “For Scientific Achievement” (2011, Great Britain). He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2005), the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “For Scientific Achievements” (2005), the Diploma of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (2001), the Medal “The Great Scientists of the 21st Century” (2011, USA)
Education and qualification: In 1974, Oleh Borysovych Girin graduated with honors from the Faculty of Technology of the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute, in 1977 – postgraduate school, and in 1990 – pre-term doctoral studies at the Institute, defending his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Patterns of texture formation and anisotropy of fine structure in metals in electrocrystallization “in the specialty” Metallurgy and thermal processing of metals “. He holds a Ph.D. (1981) and Doctor of Technical Sciences (1991), a Senior Research Fellow (1992), and a Professor (2002). From 1998 till now – the head of the Department of Materials Science at SHEI “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, which was created with his direct participation.
The main scientific achievements: Opened the previously unknown phenomenon of electrochemical phase formation of metals through the stage of the supercooled liquid state, received the priority results in studies of the influence of nanocrystalline, amorphous, and oriented structure on the properties of electrochemical coatings. He is the author of more than 200 scientific and educational works, a monograph in a foreign publishing house, and 20 patents for inventions. Head of scientific and technical projects commissioned by the governments of Ukraine, USA, Canada, and the European Union. Speaking with scientific papers at symposia in the USA, Canada, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine. Member of TMS, ASM, and ECS, deputy chairman of the section on a specialty “Scientific problems of materials science” of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Disciplines that he teaches:
- Applied material science;
- Structure and properties of materials;
- Analysis and control of materials.
- Materials science and technology of materials.

Borys Volodymyrovych Vynohradov
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Education and qualification: In 1962, Borys Volodymyrovych graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute, in 1983 – doctoral studies at the Institute. In 1986, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Theory and justification of rational parameters of mechanical systems of drum mills” in the specialty “Mining machines”. Has degrees in the candidate of technical sciences (1968) and doctor of technical sciences (1986), associate professors (1970), and professors (1986). Since 1999, Borys Volodymyrovych was working as the Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Materials Resistance at SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology. Since 2013 – Professor of the Department of Materials Science. He was awarded diplomas of the honorary diploma of SHEI USUCT.
Main scientific achievements: Developed the theory of statics and dynamics of electromechanical systems of drives of drum mills. Has published more than 300 scientific works, including three monographs (Dynamics of Drum Mills – Dnipropetrovsk, 2004 – 128 s; Open gears of drum mills – Dnipropetrovsk, 2004. – 142 s; Statics and dynamics of drum mills – Dnipropetrovsk, 2016. – 202 pp.) Three teaching aids received 50 certificates of authorship and patents for inventions. A member of the section on the specialty “Mechanics” of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Disciplines that he teaches:
– Theoretical mechanics.

Heorhii Venedyktovych Filatov
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Education and qualifications: Heorhii Venedyktovych graduated from Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers in 1964. In 2004 he defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Development theory and application of the method of random search optimization problems in structural mechanics” specialty “Structural Mechanics”. He has diplomas Ph.D. (1972) and Ph.D. (2005), certificates of Associate Professor (1981) and professor (2006). Heorhii Venedyktovych works as a professor at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Materials Resistance since 2005. Since 2013 – Professor of the Department of Materials Science. Deputy dean of mechanical faculty from 1978 to 1983, awarded diplomas and SHEI USUCT Medal veteran Labor (1988).
Major scientific achievements: Developed random search algorithms and implemented them in practice optimum design of structures, developed the theory of evolution and identification of mathematical models of corrosion. Has more than 200 scientific and educational works, among them 15 – in foreign scientific journals. Has published 7 monographs, 11 textbooks, has an author’s certificate on a computer product.
Disciplines that he teaches:
– Strength of Materials.

Petro Petrovych Yermakov
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Education and qualification: In 1969, Petro Petrovych Yermakov graduated from the National University of Food Technologies (at that time – Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry). In 1995, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Self-oscillating mass transfer equipment of the food industry” in the specialty “Processes, machines and units of the food industry.” He has diplomas of candidate of technical sciences (1984) and doctor of technical sciences (1995), certificates of associate professor (1989) and professor (2006). He has been working as a professor at the Department of Machine Parts of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 2005, and since 2019 as a professor at the Department of Materials Science.
Main scientific achievements: Developed more than 10 ozonation reactors for machine-building enterprises, chemical industry, water supply stations of Kyiv and Togliatti, electrochemical devices for industry. He developed a dissipative theory of mass transfer. He developed a new scientific direction – information space diagnostics. Author of more than 100 scientific, educational, and methodical works and 30 patents for inventions.
Discipline taught:
– Applied mechanics.

Volodymyr Ivanovych Ovcharenko
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Education and qualifications: Volodymyr Ivanovych Ovcharenko graduated from the State Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine in 1999. In 2002, he graduated from the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University with a degree in engineering, later defended his Ph.D. thesis on “Textured nanostructure and properties of thin chrome coatings on canned tin” for specialty “Metallurgy and Thermal Treatment of Metals”. Has a Candidate of Technical Sciences degree (2008) and an Associate Degree Certificate (2011). Since 2009 – Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science, SHEI USUCT. Since 2014 – the scientific secretary of the Department of Materials Science. He was awarded diplomas of the honorary diploma of SHEI USUCT.
Main scientific achievements: Has about 50 scientific and methodical works, including 3 publications in foreign scientific journals. Has published two coaching materials (Materials Science: Practicum. – Dnepropetrovsk: Pogory, 2011. – 186 pp., And Analysis and Control of Materials. Laboratory Workshop – Dnipro: SHEI USUCT, 2016 – 138 pp.).
Disciplines that teaches:
– Materials science;
– Material science and materials processing;
– Interchangeability, standardization, and technical measurements.

Vitalii Vasyliovych Trofymenko
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Education and qualifications: Vitalii Vasyliovych Trofymenko graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute in 1971, postgraduate study at the Institute in 1975. In 1977 he defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic “Research of the iron-hydrogen system” in the specialty “Metallurgy and Thermal Treatment of Metals.” He holds a Candidate’s Degree in Engineering (1977) and a Senior Researcher’s Certificate (1987). At the position of associate professor of the Department of Materials Science, the State University of Chemical Technology “Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University” has been working since 1998. Scientific secretary of the Department of Materials Science from 2000 to 2014. He has been awarded the diplomas of SHEI USUCT.
Main scientific achievements: He published in co-authorship the monograph “Flocines and control of hydrogen in steel” and a manual “Material science: Practice”. The author of more than 170 scientific and methodological works, of which 7 were published in foreign scientific journals. Vitalii Vasyliovych Trofymenko has 38 author’s certificates for inventions.
Disciplines that he teaches
– Electrotechnical materials;
– Technology of structural materials and materials science;
– New materials.

Serhii Illich Nemchynov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Education and qualification: In 1973, Serhii Illich Nemchynov graduated with honors from the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technology Institute in the specialty “Chemical Engineering and Apparatus Engineering” and received a qualification as an engineer mechanic. In 1976, he graduated from the postgraduate studies at the Institute and in 1980 defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Electrochemical polishing by constant and alternating current of cold deformed structural steels” in the specialty “Electrochemical production”. In 1980, he was awarded the scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences, and in 1989, he was awarded the title of associate professor. As an assistant professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Resistance of Materials, he works since 1986. Since 2013 – an associate professor of the Department of Material Science.
Main scientific achievements: Author and co-author of more than 80 scientific works, 6 author’s certificates for inventions, a textbook with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Theoretical mechanics. Practical training. Electronic testing. Part 1 and Part 2 “, 30 guidance notes. The inventor of the USSR. The computer systems and programs developed under his guidance are widely used in the educational process.
Disciplines that teaches:
– Theoretical mechanics;
– Strength of Materials;
– Calculation of frame systems.

Vasyl Ivanovych Kravets
Associate professor, candidate of technical sciences.
Education and qualification: In 1984, he graduated from SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (at that time – Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology) with a degree in “Machines and apparatus of chemical production.” In 1991, he defended his dissertation on “Development of a unit for granulation of lignin flour.” He has a diploma of a candidate of technical sciences (1991) and a certificate of associate professor (1994). He has been working at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 1984. From 1999 to 2019. – Head of the Department of Machine Parts, and since 2019 – Associate Professor of Materials Science. In 1990 he was awarded the badge “Inventor of the USSR”. He was awarded Diplomas of SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology.
Main scientific achievements: Scientific direction – “Fine and ultrafine grinding of materials”. He developed designs of centrifugal mills that allow you to grind brittle, wet, and vegetable materials. At the enterprises of Ukraine mills successfully work in the production of iron oxide pigment, hydrophobized chalk, wood flour, carbon, etc. Developments are protected by patents of Ukraine. According to the results of scientific work, 63 scientific and educational works were published, including 9 copyright certificates of the USSR and patents of Ukraine.
Disciplines taught:
– Details of machines;
– Applied mechanics;
– Applied mechanics and basics of design.

Ihor Pavlovych Kazimirov
Associate professor, candidate of technical sciences.
Education and qualification: In 1982, he graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (at that time – Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology) with a degree in “Machines and technology of plastic processing into products and parts” and received a qualification of a mechanical engineer. In 1989, he defended his dissertation on “Calculation and design of plain bearings for main pumping units of oil pipelines” in the specialty “Friction and wear in machines”. He has a diploma of a candidate of technical sciences (1989) and a certificate of associate professor (1994). Since 1994, he has been an associate professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering. Since 2019, he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Materials Science at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology.
Main scientific achievements: Has about 30 scientific and methodical works, more than 40 patents of Ukraine. Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Science of Heat and Water”.
Disciplines taught:
– Descriptive geometry, engineering, and computer graphics;
– Engineering and computer graphics;
– Theory of machines and mechanisms.

Oleksandr Hrihorovych Oleksandrov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Education and qualification: In 1998, he graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Plastics and Elastomer Processing Technology. In 2003, he defended his dissertation on “Development of elastomeric compositions containing crushed vulcanizate” and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences in “Technology of polymer and composite materials”. He has been working at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 2000, first as an assistant at the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics (2000 – 2010), a senior lecturer at the same department (2010 – 2013), and then senior lecturer at the Department of Applied Mechanics (2013 – 2019). Since 2019 – Associate Professor of Materials Science.
Main scientific achievements: has about 20 scientific publications, including 3 articles, which are included in the scientometric database Scopus. His research interests include geometric modeling of chemical process equipment parts in CAD.
Disciplines taught:
– Descriptive geometry;
– Engineering and computer graphics;
– Details of machines;
– Applied mechanics.

Olena Mykolaiivna Hnatko
Senior Lecturer
Education and qualification: In 1996, she graduated with honors from SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in “Machinery and apparatus of the chemical production and construction materials enterprises” (specialization: “Chemical resistance of materials and corrosion protection”) and qualified as an engineer -mechanic. Since 2002, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Machine Parts of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, and since 2014 as a senior lecturer at the Department of Applied Mechanics. Since 2019 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Materials Science. Since 2014, she has been acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Since 2020 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. She was awarded Diplomas of SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology.
Main scientific achievements: has more than 15 scientific publications, including 6 articles, which are included in the scientometric database Scopus, and 10 educational and methodical works. She has participated in more than 10 scientific and technical conferences, three of which are NATO International Conferences. Her research interests include the development of technologies for electroactivated aqueous solutions and the development of solutions for environmental and food safety.
Disciplines taught:
– Theory of machines and mechanisms;
– Details of machines;
– Descriptive geometry, engineering, and computer graphics.

Vasyl Hryhorovych Babenko
Senior Lecturer
Education and qualification: In 1981, he graduated with honors from SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (at that time – Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology) with a degree in “Machines and apparatus of chemical production” and qualified as a mechanical engineer. In 1985, he graduated from graduate school at this institute. He has been working at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 1990, first as an assistant and then as a senior lecturer at the Department of Machine Parts. Since 2019 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Materials Science. He was awarded Diplomas of SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, has the Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2015), and the Gratitude of the Mayor of Dnipro (2010).
Main scientific achievements: Author and co-author of more than 30 scientific works and methodical instructions.
Disciplines taught:
– Details of machines;
– Applied mechanics;
– Theory of machines and mechanisms.

Dmytro Heorhiiovych Korolianchuk
Assistant to the Department of Materials Science
Education and qualification: Dmytro Heorhiiovych Korolianchuk graduated from SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2010 with a degree in Technical Electrochemistry. In 2013, he graduated from this university with a degree in Electrochemistry. The topic of the dissertation: “Electrical conductivity of thin layers of electrolyte at the boundary with air”. He has been working at the Department of Materials Science since 2013, first as a junior researcher, and since 2017 as an assistant.
Main scientific achievements: has more than 40 scientific publications, 5 of which have been published in foreign scientific journals. Topics of scientific works: electrolysis of water and aqueous solutions, processes of matter and charge transfer along the gas-liquid phase distribution surface, electrodeposition of metal and composite materials. Responsible for the work of the complex chemical laboratories of the Department of Materials Science.
Disciplines taught:
– Strength of Materials;
– Materials science.

Oksana Viktorivna Livak
Education and qualification: In 2002, she graduated from the National Technical University “Dnieper Polytechnic” (at that time – the National Mining University of Ukraine) with a degree in “Mineral Enrichment”. She received a master’s degree with honors, a qualification of a mining engineer with a research-level, a teacher of higher education. She has been working at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 2002 as an assistant at the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics, and later as an assistant at the Department of Applied Mechanics. Since 2019 – Assistant Professor of Materials Science.
Main scientific achievements: has more than 20 scientific publications, including 2 – in foreign scientific journals. Published 1 monograph in co-authorship, received 2 patents of Ukraine for utility models. Topics of scientific works: the nature of the destruction of rocks by sudden cooling, thermomechanical rock-destroying tool.
Disciplines taught:
– Engineering and computer graphics;
– Descriptive geometry;
– Details of machines;
– Applied mechanics;
– Theory of machines and mechanisms.

Veronika Anatoliivna Karpenko
Education and qualification: In 1990, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (at that time – Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology) with a degree in “Machines and apparatus of chemical production” and received a qualification of a mechanical engineer. She has been working at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 2005 as an assistant at the Department of Machine Parts. Since 2019 – Assistant Professor of Materials Science.
Main scientific achievements: she has co-authored 2 textbooks, 5 articles, and 12 abstracts. Received 2 patents of Ukraine.
Disciplines taught:
– Details of machines;
– Applied mechanics;
– Theory of machines and mechanisms.

Vadym Dmytrovych Nikitin
Head of the laboratory of the Department of Materials Science
Education and qualification: In 1974, he graduated from the Metallurgical Faculty of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (at that time – Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute). In 1983, he graduated from graduate school. He has been working as the head of the laboratory of the Department of Materials Science at SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 2000.
Main scientific achievements: has 50 scientific publications, 17 copyright certificates for inventions. He was awarded silver and bronze medals of the Exhibitions of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR.

Larysa Mykolaivna Maherramova
category I engineer
In 1990, Larysa Mykolaivna Maherramova graduated from DCTI (evening department) in the specialty “Machines and Apparatus of Chemical Production”, having received a qualification – mechanical engineer. 1990 – 1995 – senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Applied Mechanics (machine parts). Since 1995, she has taken a position as a laboratory assistant of the mentioned department. Engaged in economic activity and takes an active part in the public life of the Department.

Liudmyla Olersandrivna Sudovska
Category I engineer
Education and qualification: In 1981, she graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute in the specialty “Metallurgy, equipment and technology of heat treatment of metals”. She has been working at SHEI “State Chemical Technology University since 1976, since 1998 – as the engineer of the 1 category of the Department of Materials Science, and is acting as the Dispatcher of the Department.
Main scientific achievements: has 9 scientific publications and an author’s certificate for invention. He was awarded the bronze medal of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR.

Vladyslava Ihorivna MISHCHENKO
Postgraduate student of the Department of Materials Science
Education and qualification: In 2015, she graduated with honors from SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology with a degree in Equipment of Chemical Industries and Building Materials Enterprises. In 2016, she entered graduate school at the Department of Materials Science, SHEI USUCT, majoring in Materials Science.
Dissertation topic: “The influence of the magnetic field during electrocrystallization on the structure and properties of ferromagnetic metals” (supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor OB Girin).