In late 1998, SHEI ‘Ukrainian State Chemical University of Technology “was established only at the time in the Dnipro region Department of Materials (Order number 344 of 10.12.1998 g.). The development of high technologies of nanocrystalline, amorphous and textured materials have unique properties and are used in chemical engineering, and the need for training at modern scientific and technical level led to the organization of a new department. Head of the Department of Materials from its founding to the present time is PhD, professor of O. B. Girin, who was directly involved in its creation.
A new stage in the development of the Department of Materials Science should be considered a significant strengthening of its scientific and technical base. In 2002, the Department with the support of administration and private entities created and introduced into operation three specialized centers of research laboratories that were re-equipped with modern and modernized scientific equipment.
The first set of four research laboratories is located in the room number 105 (90 sq. M). The main purpose of laboratories is to study the phase composition, texture, microstructure, substructure and surface morphology of materials. The list of these research laboratories and their technical equipment is given below:
- Laboratory of X-ray analysis of materials: modernized and automated X-ray diffractometer DRON-3.
- Laboratory analysis of materials renthenoteksturnoho (the only one in Ukraine among higher education), two modernized and automated x-ray diffractometer DRON-2 and DRON-3M.
- Laboratory of electron microscopic analysis of materials: transparent electron microscope PEM-100, equipped with a digital camera; raster electronic microscope REM-106I.
- Laboratory of optical-microscopic analysis of materials: modernized structural analyzer EPIQUANT, optical microscope MIM-8.
M.T. Velichko and post-graduate student S. I. Zhdanov are preparing an experiment on X-ray material analysis of material
Prof. O. B. Girin and associate professor V. I. Ovcharenko discuss the results of electron-microscopic analysis of material
The second set of three research laboratories is located in a room number 300 (60 sq. m). The main purpose of the laboratories is to obtain protective and special coatings and to test their chemical properties. The list of these research laboratories and their technical equipment is indicated below:
- Laboratory for obtaining protective coatings: galvanic baths, stabilized current sources, thermostats, photoelectrocolorimeter, special equipment for obtaining coatings in static and dynamic conditions.
- Laboratory for obtaining special coatings: galvanic baths, stabilized current sources, thermostats, instrumentation for measuring the density of materials, non-traditional galvanic equipment.
- Laboratory for Testing of Chemical Properties of Materials: Potentials and special equipment for testing corrosion resistance of materials and protective properties of coatings.
The third complex of two research laboratories is located in the premises number 103 and 324 (only 30 sq. M). The main purpose of the laboratories is to heat and plastic materials processing and to test their physical and mechanical properties. The list of these research laboratories and their technical equipment is presented below:
- Laboratory of thermal and plastic processing of materials: furnaces for heat treatment of materials in different gas environments, laboratory rolling mill for reception of thin steel tape of precision thickness up to 10 microns.
- Laboratory for Testing of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Materials: R-05 discontinuous machine, equipment for determining the adhesion strength of coatings, photoelectric glossom, modernized Eriksen press.
Scientists and managers from the USA, Canada, Germany, England, Finland and China have visited the research laboratories of the department, who have confirmed the conformity of created laboratories’ complexes with modern requirements. The presence of specialized laboratories and upgraded equipment shows that when carrying out scientific research at the Department of Materials Science, SHEI USUCT uses a modern research base. This material and technical base is also used by postgraduate students and doctoral students in the preparation of candidate and doctoral studies, as well as in the educational process when performing a laboratory workshop with students.
Simultaneously with the creation of three specialized complexes of research laboratories, a substantive academic audience for discipline “Applied Material Science” was created and equipped with 48 seats (No. 105/2, 53 sq. M) and a refurbished and upgraded subject academic audience from the discipline “Materials Science and processing of materials “for 40 seats (No. 809, 68 sq. m).
The next stage in the development of the Department of Materials Science should be considered the creation in 2008 of two subject academic training laboratories on normative disciplines “Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements” for 40 landing places (No. 321, 38 sq. M.) And “Technology of structural materials and materials” at 15 landing places (No. 322, 19 sq. m), as well as the educational and scientific laboratory of materials processing (No. 324). These measures allowed to improve the quality of teaching disciplines for students of mechanical specialties.
In 2013, according to the decision of the administration, the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Materials Resistance was joined to the Department of Materials Science. This reorganization led to the next stage in the development of the Department of Material Science. The combination of disciplines in the material and mechanical directions in the educational process provided a more qualitative training of specialists of technical direction.
A new stage in the development of the Department of Material Science took place in 2016, when the postgraduate study was opened at the department, with the right to prepare specialists of the educational-scientific degree of the doctor of philosophy (candidate of sciences) from specialty 132 – Materials science. The acquisition of the right to prepare specialists at the third level of higher education indicates a sufficiently high scientific potential of the Department of Materials Science, which fully meets the current level of requirements for leading departments.
At the present time, the department consists of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers and scientific staff of the highest qualification: Doctors of Technical Sciences, professors O. B. Girin, B.V. Vinogradov and G.V. Filatov, candidates of technical sciences, associate professors V.V. Trofimenko, S.I. Nemchinov, V.I.Ovcharenko and D.O. Fedin (studying in doctoral studies), assistant D.G. Korolyanchuk (postgraduate graduate), candidates of science, senior research assistants M.T. Velichko and V. V. Matveev.
The training process at the appropriate level is provided by the head of the laboratory V.D. Nikitin, engineers of the 1 category L.O. Sudovska and V.V. Milkevich. Graduates of the University S.I. Zhdanov and V.I. Mishchenko study at the post-graduate course of the Department.
Certain contribution to the formation of the department was made by associate professors I.V. Vyazova, O. L. Chuprina, S.O. Kizhaev, O.P. Klimenko and E.V. Kolesnik, senior researcher I.D. Zakharov and head of laboratory D. M. Zolotukhin, who at different years worked at the Department.
At present, the Department of Materials Science is one of the leading general technical departments of the University, provides training on materials science and mechanical disciplines of students of almost all specialties, provides training for candidates and doctors of sciences, performs scientific and technical projects both at the domestic and international levels.
The Department was founded in 1930. It consisted of only three teachers. Head of the department was Associate Professor I.P. Tarasov, then – associate professor SI Kozlovsky
The Department was headed by Professor SF Chukmasov, candidates of technical sciences, associate professors AV Petrovsky, MF Kuzmin, MG Gubenkov, O.K. Sidorenko, VP Pivovarov, VP Shapovalov, VF Antonenko. Currently, the department is headed by associate professor V.I. Tailor.
In different years scholars-teachers: S. M. Let’s gk Gorobets, O.D. Kornev, І.І. Liepa E.G. Shkoda, VS Partika, A.V. Gorbunov, MP Nastychik, M.V. Dovgopol, M.I. Shishkov, I.V. Vyazova; Researchers: L.V. Meleshko, D.I. Konoshko, І.І. Tomilo, T.K. Kilovchuk, P.M. Tsybulov, V.I. Shynkarenko and many others worked at the Department.
In 1960-1990, developments were underway on the following topics: impact of lubrication and surface hardening with metal brushes on wear resistance of machine parts (MF Kuzmin, MG Gubenkov, MI Ogurtsov, IV Vyazov); electrochemical treatment of metals (MF Kuzmin, OD Kornev, GK Gorobets); technology for obtaining polymer inserts of sliding bearings from acrylic and epoxy composite materials (VG Tverdokhlib); theoretical and experimental research of pneumatic drives operating at frequencies of 5-20 Hz (LP Sokchko); new electrocatalysts based on lead dioxide (SV Kovalev); modification of thermoplastic polyurethanes with various fillers, both at the stage of material synthesis, and in the process of processing it into a product in order to increase the operational properties of products (IV Vyazova); the technology of making modified wood for friction units of machine parts (O.K. Sidorenko, I.I. Lypa, D.I. Konoshko, V.G. Tverdokhlib, V.G. Babenko); technology and installation for drawing detonation coatings using supersonic gas impulses (OD Kornev, VI Shynkarenko).
Scientific developments of these years were implemented in more than 50 enterprises of the former USSR (Odessa port plant, Nevinnomyssk association Azot, Gorlovsky association Stirol, Mohyliv VO Khimvolokno, Kursk VO Khimvolokno, Ural Turbomotor Plant and many others), was awarded with silver and bronze medals of the former USSR VDNG. About 300 topics of this subject were published, including monographs and manuals. 12 candidate’s theses are defended at the department.
One of the directions of scientific research was the creation of protective diffusion vacuum coatings with high wear, corrosion and heat resistance (V.P. Shapovalov). The method allowed to create on the surface of parts of any form diffusion layers, which had high density, good adhesion with the main material and are regulated by phase composition and structure. In this way, coatings on iron-carbon alloys, non-ferrous and refractory metals, hard alloys, ceramics and glass can be applied. The results of researches were implemented at the factories named after Dzerzhinskyi, Kryvyi Rih coke, Dnepropetrovsk combine; they were awarded with two bronze medals of the former Soviet Union.
Since September 2014, the Department of machine parts has been renamed to the Department of Applied Mechanics.