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Oleksandr V Shtemenko

Oleksandr V Shtemenko

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of Inorganic Chemistry Department

For many years of diligent work, he was awarded the sign “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” by the Ministry of Education and Science (2000), the sign “For Scientific Achievements” (2007), and the breastplate “Petro Mohyla” (2009).

Specialization:  Main area:  chemistry of cluster and complex compounds of rare and scattered transition metals. Other areas: bioorganic chemistry, organometallic synthesis, inorganic nanomaterials.

Scientific interests:  synthesis of complex compounds of Rhenium with nucleic bases, amino acids, phosphates, and other ligands. Investigation of the mechanism of action of these compounds on biological systems.

Publications: 457 scientific papers, among which 199 scientific articles and 28 patents, 35 methodological instructions on the course “General and inorganic chemistry” and 6 study guides in co-authorship. List of publications.

Under the direction of Oleksandr Shtemenko, 15 candidate dissertations and 2 doctoral dissertations were defended.

Oleksandr A Holichenko

Oleksandr A Holichenko

Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Department, Doctor of Chemical Sciences

He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry (DSU) in 1997.

Scientific interests:  Rhenium cluster compounds as biologically active substances.

Publications:  103 scientific works, among which 49 scientific articles and 6 patents of Ukraine.


Oksana V Berzenina

Oksana V Berzenina

Associate professor, candidate of chemical sciences

In 2000,she defended her Ph.D. thesis at the National University of Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv – “Biochemical features of surface lipids of conifers” in the specialty “Biochemistry” .

Scientific interests:  Biological activity of complex compounds of rhenium.

Publications:  28 scientific and methodological works, among which 18 scientific articles, 2 patents and 1 study guide in co-authorship.


Dina Ye Kitova

Dina Ye Kitova

Senior Researcher, Ph.D. in Chemistry

In 2010,she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Interaction of bionuclear clusters of rhenium (III) with phospholipids and higher carboxylic acids for formation of microcapsules”.
Publications: 20 scientific and methodological works, among which 10 scientific articles and 1 study guide in co-authorship.



Svitlana Yu Tretiak

Svitlana Yu Tretiak

Associate professor, candidate of chemical sciences

Graduated from USUCT in 2005

Scientific interests:  Investigation of the antiradical activity of cluster compounds of deirenium (III) containing metal-metal quartz bond.

Publications:  33 scientific and methodological works, among which 14 scientific articles and 1 study guide in co-authorship.


Olena V Velichko

Olena V Velichko

Researcher, candidate of chemical sciences

In 2014,she defended her thesis on “Synthesis and investigation of Re (III) derivative adamantane carboxylic acids.”

Since 2017 – Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of USUCT

Publications:   19 scientific papers, among which 11 scientific articles and 3 patents of Ukraine

Margaryta I Harlova

Margaryta I Harlova

Postgraduate student of the 2ndyear of study

Theme of the dissertation: “Synthesis of coordination compounds of rhenium (I) with derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole”

Publications:  4 scientific papers, among them 1 scientific article


Yulia V Gussak

Yulia V Gussak

Senior laboratory assistant

Zhanna V Bilenka

Zhanna V Bilenka

Head of the laboratory

Zhornyak Svitlana Anatoliyivna

Zhornyak Svitlana Anatoliyivna

Senior laboratory assistant