Oleksandr Petrovych Naumenko
Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
1. Education and qualification: higher, doctor. tech. Sciences, Prof., Acad. TAU
2. Awards and distinctions: –
3. Diplomas and certificates: –
4. Guidance of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
“Processes and equipment of food production” (2020);
“Processes and equipment of agricultural production” (2020);
“Special protective coatings in the industry” (2016);
“Methodology and organization of scientific research” (2016);
6. Research interests:
– transport industry, in particular, the transformer engine is safe and environmentally friendly;
– agricultural sector, in particular harvesting, transportation, and storage equipment;
– food industry, in particular processing, eco-packaging, and production equipment.
7. Participation in the SRW: –
8. Number of monographs and inventions: 13 monographs; 2 manuals; 146 inventions.
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Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Anisimov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
1. Education and qualification: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (2011). Specialty: “Engineering Technology”. Qualification – researcher, teacher of higher education, engineer-technologist (mechanics).
Defense of the candidate’s dissertation (2014): “Hydrodynamic cavitators for intensification of homogenization processes in liquid media”. Specialty: 05.17.08 – processes and equipment of chemical technology.
2. Awards and distinctions: –
3. Diplomas and certificates: LangSkill Certificate equals FCE B2 (reference number: 7Y1863J1DP09), CERTIFIED TEACHER CAD TP VERTICAL (2014), SOLID WORKS CERTIFIED CSWA ID C-X8L6SHYG
4. Guidance of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
– Theory of cutting (2020),
– CAD chemical technology (2020),
– technological bases of mechanical engineering (2020)
6. Research interests: cavitation processes, power analysis of the metal cutting process, development of artificial intelligence systems to solve technological problems
7. SRW guidance –
8. Publications: 5 monographs, 8 patents of Ukraine for inventions
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Natalia Hryhorivna Bannyk
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
1. Education and qualification: Dnipropetrovsk National University (2003) – received a full higher education in “Chemistry” and obtained a master’s degree.
Defense of the candidate’s dissertation (2007): “Electrochemical system sulfide electrode-aprotic electrolyte for lithium accumulator”. Specialty: 05.17.03 – technical electrochemistry.
2. Awards and honors: diploma of the rector (2019); gratitude to the Soborna district council in the city of Dnipro (2019).
3. Diplomas and certificates: –
4. Guidance of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
– Theory of technical systems (2020);
– Operation and maintenance of machines (2016);
– Fundamentals of research and organization of the experiment (2016);
– Theory of metal corrosion (2016);
6. Research interests: Corrosion resistance of metallic materials to the influence of aggressive factors of production environments, equipment, and technology of production, use and utilization of metal containers, corrosion protection.
7. Participation in SRW:
The executor of separate sections of the following R&D:
1. “Electrochemical corrosion and protection against corrosion destruction of a number of structural steels in new types of ionic liquids” (GDR №31 / 162390 № state registration 0116U006897) 2016-2017.
2. “Fundamental principles of electrochemical processes of deposition and processing of metals in electrolytes based on low-temperature eutectic solvents” (GDR №31 / 182490 № state registration 0118U003398) 2018-2019.
8. Publications: 1 textbook, 1 patent of Ukraine for invention.

Viktor Viktorovych Ved’
Senior Lecturer
Education and qualification: In 2000, graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, specializing in the equipment of chemical manufactures and construction materials enterprises, received a master’s degree in engineering mechanics, from 2000 to 2004, he studied at postgraduate study in specialty 05.17.08 “Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology »
Main scientific achievements: The main scientific achievements obtained on the subject of research work of the department – the creation of effective resource and energy-saving environmentally safe equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, and related industries. On this subject, about 30 works are published. The main research objects are inkjet-injection devices of the circulatory type; plates with two zones of phase contact; processes of recycling of secondary rubber into latex; impregnation of capillary-porous bodies. In co-authorship with colleagues two teaching aids were issued: “Yushko V.L., Ivetov OP, Ved VV Technology of chemical and petroleum engineering. – SHEI USUCT: Dnipropetrovsk, 2004 – 302 pp. “; “Yushko V.L., Rusalin S.M., Kovalenko V.S., Ved V.V. The technique of primary processing and supply of gas. – SHEI USUCT: Dnipropetrovsk, 2010 – 304 pp. ». Participated in the execution of two state budget research projects; He was responsible executor and scientific supervisor of 3 economic and contractual works.

Borys Volodymyrovych Vynohradov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
1. Education and qualification: In 1962 he graduated from the National Technical University “Dnieper Polytechnic” (at that time – Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute), and in 1983 – a doctorate at this institute. In 1986 he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Theory and justification of rational parameters of mechanical systems of drum mills” in the specialty “Mining machines”. He has diplomas of candidate of technical sciences (1968) and doctor of technical sciences (1986), certificates of associate professor (1970) and professor (1986). He has been working at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology since 1999 as the head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Resistance of Materials. Since 2013 he has been working as a professor of the Department of Materials Science, at the same time in the period from 2016 to 2020 – Head of the Department of Chemical Production Equipment, and after the merger – Professor of Innovative Engineering. Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the specialty “Mechanics”, specialized scientific councils at NTUU “KPI”, NTU “Dnieper Polytechnic” and IGTM NAS of Ukraine.
2. Awards and honors: diplomas of the rector (2015, 2020).
3. Diplomas and certificates: certificate of international scientific mobility and advanced training of teachers and researchers (2017).
4. Guidance of graduate students: graduate student Ostashko I.O. defended his dissertation and received a document on awarding the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.05.13 “Machines and apparatus of chemical production” (2019)
5. Disciplines and internships:
– Pumps and compressors (2017).
– Methodology and modern methods of scientific research (2019)
6. Research interests: theory of statics and dynamics of electromechanical drive systems of drum mills
7. SRW guidance: –
8. Publications: 53 inventions, 3 monographs and 3 textbooks:
– Vinogradov BV Dynamics of drum mills “/ BV Vinogradov // Dnipropetrovsk, 2004. – 128 p .;
– Vinogradov BV Open gears of drum mills .; Wear and load / BV Vinogradov // Dnipropetrovsk. 2004. – 142 p .;
– Vinogradov BV Statics and dynamics of drum mills / B.V. Vinogradov // Dnipropetrovsk. 2016.– 202 p.
– Vinogradov BV Theoretical mechanics. Practical training. Electronic testing / BV Vinogradov, SI Nemchynov // Dnipropetrovsk, 2014.– 398 p .;
– Vinogradov BV Simulator for theoretical mechanics. / B.V. Виноградов, Д.О. Fedin // Dnipropetrovsk, 2016.– 164 p .;
– Vinogradov BV Technological equipment of chemical productions. Part 1 Equipment for compression and movement of liquids and gases / BV Vinogradov // Dnipropetrovsk, 2014.– 398 p.

Anatolii Mykolaiovych Dudka
Associate professor, candidate of technical sciences
05.02.04. “Friction and wear of cars”; associate professor Mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics, Scientific direction: “Research of friction, wear and sealing of end sealing materials”
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Viliam Mykhailovych Zadorskyi
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
1. Education and qualification: In 1961 he graduated from DHTI (SHEI USUCT) with a degree in “Machines and apparatus of chemical production.” In 1981, he defended his doctoral dissertation on specialty 05.17.08 “Processes and apparatus of chemical technology”, on the topic: “Gas-liquid combined reaction-separation apparatus for the production of organic substances.”
Since 1971 he has been working at the Department of Chemical Production Equipment. From 1984 to 1994, Viliam Mykhailovych Zadorskyi was the Head of the Department, and since 1994 – professor of the Department.
2. Awards and honors: Order of the Badge of Honor of the USSR.
3. Diplomas and certificates: –
4. Management of graduate students: Supervised 17 graduate students
5. Disciplines and internships:
6. Research interests: Optimization of chemical engineering. Flexible chemical manufacturing. Deep cleaning of substances, Impregnation, and deposition of solids. Effective learning technologies. Synergetics of chemical industries. The new technology of the invention.
7. Participation in SRW:
8. Publications: The main results of scientific research are presented in monographs:
– «Zadorsky VM Intensification of gas-liquid processes of chemical technology / V.M. Zadorsky. – Kyiv: Technika, 1979. – 200 p. »;
– «Zadorsky VM Theory of technical systems, textbook. manual for university students / Gos. University “Ukr. state chemical technology University ”. – Dnepropetrovsk: GVUZ UGKHTU, 2016. – 442 p. (ISBN 978-966-8018-93-0) »;
– «Zadorsky VM Synergy in engineering chemistry. Means and methods. Просто о сложном: Монография / Palmarium Academic Publishing (08.02.2016) – 396 с. (ISBN-13: 978-3-659-60448-5) »;
– «Zadorsky VM Theory of technical systems. Optimization. Means and methods: Monograph-Textbook. Palmarium Academic Publishing (24.05.2016) – 364 p. (ISBN-13: 978-3-959-72182-3) ».
About 400 inventions and patents for inventions have been obtained.
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Serhii Mykolaiovych Zybailo
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
1. Education and qualification: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (2000). Specialty: “Polymer processing technology”. Qualification – Master of Chemical Technology and Engineering.
Defense of the candidate’s dissertation (2004): “Development of adhesive compositions on the basis of combinations of chlorine-containing polymers for fastening of rubbers to the metal in the course of vulcanization”. Specialty: 05.17.06 – Technology of polymeric and composite materials.
Awarding the academic title of senior researcher in the specialty: 05.17.06 – Technology of polymer and composite materials (2013).
2. Awards and honors: diplomas of the rector (2010, 2015, 2019).
3. Diplomas and certificates: –
4. Management of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
– Technique of testing materials and coatings (2016);
– Introduction to the specialty (2019-2020);
– Refrigeration machines and installations (2020);
– Installation, diagnostics and repair of equipment (2020).
6. Research interests: innovative polymer and composite materials, improvement of equipment for the production of food for long-term storage
7. SRW management:
– Responsible executor of the scientific topic: “Study of the conditions of the process of bleaching tissues in the apparatus of the column type” (Agreement № 11/183224, deadline 06.2018 – 03.2019);
– Head of the scientific topic: “Study of the properties of contact adhesives” (Agreement № 35/199524, deadline 11-12.2019).
– Head of the scientific topic: “Research of rheological properties and modes of hardening of latex compositions, physico-chemical and operational properties of latex products” (Agreement № 04/181924, deadline 05.2018 – 07.2020)
8. Publications: 5 monographs, 8 patents of Ukraine for inventions
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Oleh Stanislavovych Kabat
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
05.17.06 “Technology of polymeric and composite materials”; associate professor Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Scientific direction: “Heat-resistant materials for tribotechnical purposes based on phenylon and highly dispersed silica”
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Serhii Oleksiiovych Kizhaev
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Anton Volodymyrovych Klymenko
Assistant Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
1. Education and qualification:
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (2011). Specialty: “Equipment of chemical plants and enterprises of building materials”. Qualification – researcher, teacher of higher education, mechanical engineer.
Defense of the candidate’s dissertation (2015): “Technology of receiving polymeric coverings of tribotechnical appointment on the basis of phenylone with the improved adhesive properties”. Specialty: 05.17.06 – technology of polymeric and composite materials.
2. Awards and distinctions: –
3. Diplomas and certificates: Certificate B2 in English number 11Z8Q228DP09 (2020).
4. Management of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
– CAD chemmash (2020);
– Hydro-pneumatic drive (2020);
– Modern materials in mechanical engineering (2020);
– Operation of the cutting tool (2020).
6. Research interests: technology of polymer coatings, polymer materials science, development of automation systems for machine-building processes.
7. SRW management: –
8. Publications: 2 patents of Ukraine for inventions.

Stanislav Viacheslavovych Kovaliov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ivan Mikhailovych Kuziaiev
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
05.17.08 – Processes and Equipment of Chemical Technology, Professor Mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics, Scientific direction: “Heat-exchange processes and development of equipment for the high-speed extrusion of polymers”
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Antonina Viktorivna Lobodenko
assistant professor, candidate of technical sciences
1. Education and qualification: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (2010). Specialty: “Equipment of chemical plants and enterprises of building materials”. Qualification – researcher, university lecturer, a mechanical engineer.
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (2019). Specialty: “Marketing”. Qualification – master’s degree.
Defense of the candidate’s dissertation (2014): “Polymer composites for tribotechnical purpose on the basis of phenylene with the application of heat treatment”. Specialty: 05.17.06 – “Technology of polymer and composite materials”.
2. Awards and honors: Gratitude from the rector (2015; 2016); Rector’s diploma (2017), thanks from the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment (2017)
3. Diplomas and certificates: Certificate “Modern knowledge in the work of a trade union leader” from the Zonal Training and Methodological Center of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Trade Union Association (2018); certificate “SCHOOL OF YOUNG LEADER” from the Department of Education and Science of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration (2018, 2019)
4. Management of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
6. Research interests: innovative polymer and composite materials, optimization of chemical equipment.
7. SRW management: –
8. Publications:

Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Mytrokhin
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
1. Education and qualification: Dnepropetrovsk State University, 1980. Specialty: “Mechanics”. Qualification – mechanics. He defended his dissertation (1994) “Increasing the tightness and service life of end seals by implementing a selective transfer.” Specialty 05.02.04. “Friction and wear of machines”. Awarded the academic title of associate professor of UHTI (1995)
2. Awards and distinctions: diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science (2011), diploma of UDKHTU (2014), the gratitude of the Cathedral District Council of the city of Dnipro (2019).
3. Diplomas and certificates: Certificate of a specialist in the CAD system TP VERTICAL (2011)
4. Management of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
– Fundamentals of mathematical modeling (2017)
6. Research interests:
Systems of automated design of technological processes, 3D modeling, mathematical modeling, strength, and dynamics of machines.
7. SRW management:
The responsible executor of scientific topics at the Department of Chemical Engineering in 1989 -2001:
№ 08/970390 “Development of scientific bases for improving the efficiency of technological processes of metal cutting”.
№ 11/000790 “Scientific bases of regime-technological and hardware-constructive methods of intensification of chemical-technological and electrochemical processes of obtaining metals and their salts” and “Development and research of regime-technological methods of intensification of formation of attached secondary structures at the stage of finishing machine parts”.
8. Publications: more than 70 scientific papers, including 8 patents and A.s.

Illia Ivanovych Nachovnyi
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
1. Education and qualification:
Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology (1973). Specialty: “Chemical engineering and apparatus”. Qualification – mechanical engineer.
Candidate’s dissertation: Specialty: 05.04.09 “Machines and units of oil refining and chemical industries”
2. Awards and honors: honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science (2 pcs.), Badge “Excellence in Education”
3. Diplomas and certificates: –
4. Management of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
– Technological equipment. Design of technological equipment (2017);
– Methodological bases of designing machines for the processing of polymeric materials (2016).
6. Research interests: Sealing technology. Friction and wear in machines.
7. SRW management: –
8. Publications: 2 textbooks, 81 inventions.

Ihor Oleksandrovych Ostashko
Assistant, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Education and qualifications: Ihor Oleksandrovych Ostashko graduated from Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2008, specializing in Automation of Production Processes. In 2011, he graduated from postgraduate study at the university. He prepared for the protection of the dissertation: “Justification of the parameters of the centrifugal mill and the processes of crushing solid residues of pyrolysis of worn tires” in the specialty 05.05.13 “Machines and Apparatus of Chemical Production” (supervisor – D.Sc., professor B.V. Vinogradov). Ihor Oleksandrovych Ostashko works at the Department since 2017.
Main scientific achievements: Has 21 scientific publications, 7 patents for inventions.

Serhii Heorhiievych Ptitsyn
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Education and qualification: Serhii Heorhiievych Ptitsyn graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology in 1991 in the specialty “Processes and Apparatus of Chemical Production”. In 1992, at the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Increasing the efficiency of mass transfer in chemical and environmental engineering under the influence of strong electric fields.” Since 2006 he has a certificate of the senior lecturer of the department “Equipment of chemical manufactures”.
In 2012, he received the certificate of the lecturer of the international seminar “Clean production and energy efficiency” of the Norwegian Technical Society “Tecna”.
Main scientific achievements: He is the author of about 30 scientific and methodological works. Co-author of the textbook “Designing Refineries and Petrochemical Enterprises” with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
An executor and scientific leader of a lot of research works with leading enterprises of Ukraine in the part of the optimization of hardware and technological design of heat-mass-exchange and reaction processes. In particular, in 2012-2016, work was carried out with the design bureau “Stalmontazh”, the state enterprise “Pavlograd Chemical Plant”, and the scientific and investment company “ELKO”.

Volodymyr Ivanovych Sytar
Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Stovpnyk
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
1. Education and qualification: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (2003) – Master of Engineering Mechanics. Specialty: Equipment of chemical productions and enterprises of building materials.
Defense of the candidate’s dissertation (2010): “Polymer compositions for tribotechnical purpose on the basis of modified copper with complex compounds with heterocyclic thioamide ligand phenylone”. Specialty: 05.17.06 – Technology of polymeric and composite materials.
2. Awards and distinctions: diploma of the rector (2019).
3. Diplomas and certificates: Certificate of the auditor of management systems ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 (issued by QSCert Ukraine)
4. Management of graduate students: –
5. Disciplines and internships:
– Technological bases of mechanical engineering (2018);
– Theoretical foundations of parts manufacturing and assembly of machines (2018);
– Technology of manufacturing standard parts and assembly of machines (2018);
6. Research interests: Methods of managing resource-saving technologies for the manufacture and assembly of elements of heat exchange systems.
7. Participation in SRW:
The executor of separate sections of the following R&D:
– Modeling of technological processes and research of new materials to increase the durability and manufacturability of equipment, 08/190599 2018-2020.
– Modernization of chemical-technological equipment and improvement of methods of its production № 08/160499 2016-2018.
8. Publications: 2 textbooks, 8 patents of Ukraine.

Vadym Oleksiiovych Yariz
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Main scientific achievements: Has about 30 scientific works.
Scientific directions: impregnation of capillary-porous bodies, improvement of equipment for the processing of polymeric materials.

Valentyna Oleksiivna Semenchenko

Natalia Oleksiivna Hromadska