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Solemn dedication to students in 2023

On August 31, a special, most anticipated holiday for every freshman took place on the University’s Fountain Square – Initiation into students. First-year students with their parents, teachers, curators and deans gathered for a solemn greeting with the beginning of a new stage of their lives. This year’s freshmen become students during a time of war, which is quite a test. But thanks to the incredible efforts of our Defenders, we have the opportunity to start the academic year within the walls of our native UDHTU in the format of mixed education.

KhimTech graduate Dmytro Kovalenko, who from the first days of the full-scale invasion stood up for the defense of our country, addressed the students with warm congratulations and wishes for success in their studies. University students presented him with a chevron of UDHTU and a charm.

Rector Kostyantyn Sukhy congratulated the students and guests of the holiday and handed over a symbolic student card to the representatives of yesterday’s entrants. A beautiful calling card of the holiday was the filling of ChemTech’s “hearts” by first-year students with their wishes, which, we are sure, will come true during their studies at the only specialized higher educational institution in Ukraine with a chemical-technological direction of training.

Mage Alchemikus, the keeper of student traditions, conducted a rite of water consecration to the first-year students. And after that, the students now went to meet their deans and curators, who will become their friends and mentors throughout their studies.

We wish our students to confidently step towards their goal, acquire new knowledge, conquer peaks, open new horizons! Enthusiasm and energy, success and inspiration, significant achievements in education for the Victory and glory of Ukraine!