Scientific work is carried out in accordance with the state budget theme of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: № 02/160799 for the number of d / p 0116U001723 (2016-2020) “Creation of biotechnological products with the use of bioobjects under safe working conditions”:
the study of the composition of the microflora of the modified solid-phase substrate for optimization of the process of vermicultivation, the determination of the properties of organic wastes as raw materials of non-traditional energy sources, the effect of plant growth stimulators on biomass mycelium, the rate of obtaining mycelium and carpophores, establishing the main sources of biological danger when using bioobjects of different taxonomic groups; a cell of a combined defeat at a possible accident on a potentially dangerous facility in order to create safe conditions evacuation of workers.
Monographs and books with stamp MES
Mathematical modeling and optimization of objects of technology of inorganic substances [Text]: taught. manual / L. A. Frolova, B. I. Melnikov, N. B. Mitina [and others] - Dnipropetrovsk: Zhurfond, 2010. - 208 p.
Plis M.M. (o), Plis M.M. (y) Safety of vital activity and civil protection. A clear guide. Edited by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Pivovarov O.A. Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2016. - 71 p.
Bioconversion of waste of agro-industrial complex: monograph / aut. count V.Yu. Barshtein, SN Garmash, T.A. Krupoedova and others - Novosibirsk: Izd. ANS "SibAK", 2016. - 88 p. ISBN 978-5-4379-0448-0.
Agricultural sciences and agro-industrial complex: problems and prospects of development: monograph / aut. count R. R. Ahmedkhanov, S. N. Garmash, V. F. Kiyur, P. L. Shiyan [and others] - Odessa: Kuprienko SV, 2015 - 172 pp. ISBN 978-966-2769-58-6
Topical issues of development of high-performance technologies: monograph / author. col. SN Garmash, VA Vlasov, SG Egorov [and others] - Odessa: KUPRIENKO SV, 2014. - 133 p. ISBN 978-966-2769-35-7.
Bioconversion of sciatica lumbago: Monograph / Garmash S.M., Ryabchenko M.O. Kulik О.P. - Дніпропетровськ: Thresholds, 2008. - 96 с. ISBN 966-525-836-0.
Гармаш С.М. Охорона праці та навколишнього середовищана станціях виробництва біогазу (Глава 8) // Научное окружение современного человека: монография /авт. кол. И.Я. Львович, А.П. Преображенский,Гармаш С.Н. и др.– Одесса :КУПРИЕНКО СВ, 2018 – С. 137-145.
Гармаш С.Н. Пути повышения эффективности системы управления гигиеной и безопасностью труда при ремонтных работах на нефтеперера-батывающих предприятиях (Глава 5) // Наука и инновации в современном мире: техника и технологии: монография. – Одесса: КУПРИЕНКО СВ, 2017. – С. 51-59.
В. Набивач, В. Герасименко. Сорбционно-структурные корреляции в хроматографии. Типология, прогноз, идентификация. - Beau-Bassin, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017. – 109 p.
In the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Safety of Life in the 21st Century”, October 20-21, 2016, which is the main instrument of implementation of the Strategy of Sustainable Development “Ukraine 2020”, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated January 12, 2015, No. 5 / 2015, the staff of the department took part.
The purpose of the international scientific and practical conference was to promote the implementation of European standards in the Ukrainian environment, as well as fulfillment of obligations to ensure the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU; cultural education of the population on the principles of democracy, protection of human rights, improvement of human life and protection of territorial integrity of Ukraine.
The official organizers of the conference were Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ministry of Education and Science, IMZO, State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations, Gosgorpromnaglyad, European Union forsecurity, International Academy of Life Safety, supported by the organization “Culture and Diplomacy of the Countries of the World” – mission of Cultural and European diplomacy. The conference was attended by representatives of higher education institutions, public safety and health organizations, scientists, postgraduates from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Israel, Poland, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Cuba, the OSCE Monitoring Mission in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the organization “Culture and Diplomacy of the Countries of the World “, representatives of embassies of foreign countries – only more than 300 people.
At plenary sessions and in discussions the issues of guaranteeing security of state, business and citizens were discussed. Particular attention was paid to the safety of life and health of a person, which is impossible without effective medicine, the protection of vulnerable groups of the population, the safe state of the environment and access to quality drinking water, safe food products and manufactured goods. Within the limits of the conference there was held a round table on the topic “Standards of Higher Education in the specialty” Civil Security “of the educational degrees of Bachelor and Master”.
On September 27, 2016, methodologists of the regional methodical cabinet of the NMC TsP and Life Safety of the Dnipropetrovsk region Kocherga Ye.V. and Tkachenko Y.M., in cooperation with the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University of Dnipro, visited the thematic exhibition of educational and scientific-methodical literature on the cycle “Civil protection and life safety”.
The methodologists of the Center took part in the discussion of topical issues concerning the provision of scientific and methodological literature on the educational process in an educational institution, taking into account the specifics and the educational profile of the users (in the photo the teacher of the Department of Occupational Safety, Plis M. M. and the methodologist Centerk Kocherga Y.V.) Organization and conducting such events contributes to increasing the interest of students in youth related to the safety of life and human activities, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of an active civic position.
On February 17, the II (oblast) stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of research works of the members of the Dnipropetrovsk Branch of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the topic “Ecology and Agrarian Sciences” of the section “Modern Biotechnology” took place.
Schoolchildren of the 9-11 forms in the Dnipropetrovsk Region (Dnipro, Kamianske, Nikopol, Marganets, Obukhov, Slobozhansky, Goryanivskyi districts, etc.) took part in the defense of scientific works. A student of the 11th form of the city Kamianske, Tkachenko Ulyana, presented a functional bread product of her own production.
On April 26-28, 2017 in the framework of the conference “Chemistry and Modern Technologies” the section “Safety of Life, Labor Protection and Civil Protection” was held with the participation of Z.M. Matsuk, the Head of the Statelabour of the Dnipropetrovsk Region.
The section was attended by employees of the Training and Methodological Center for Civil Protection and Life Safety of the Dnipropetrovsk Region, students of the DNU after O. Gonchar and SHEI USUCT of different specialties, students of the chemical and technological lyceum. The reports of the reporters addressed the urgent issues of the current state of labor protection and Life Safety in Dnipropetrovsk Region.
February 19, 2018, I stage of the Olympiad in Life Safety and Labor Protection took place on the base of the Department of Life Safety. The students of first and fifth year of chemical technological faculties took part in it.
The winners of stage I became:
In Life Safety
- I place – Yana Andriivna Nikitina (gr 1 Bt 26)
- II place – Vladimirovich Slidchenko Vladislav (1 TC 75)
- III place – Angelina Olexandrivna Resvinceva (1 THP 21)
In Labor Protection
- I place – Oksana Igorivna Savta (5 F 6)
- II place – Yulia Valentinovna Kukharenko (5 F 6)
- III place – Daria Andriivna Semerenko (5 F 6)
- III place – Olena Y. Tymoshenko (5 F 6)
The winners of the 1st stage of the Labor Protection went to the Lutsk National Technical University. April 19-21, 2018 the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on discipline “Fundamentals of labor protection” took place in LNTU.
Student of the 5th year Daria Andriivna Semerenko was awarded a diploma in the nomination “For the successful application of engineering solutions in solving practical problems in the field of occupational safety”.
Student of the 5th year Saveth Oksana Ihorivna was awarded a diploma in the nomination “For a creative approach to the solution of practical problems”.
Student of the 5th year Kukharenko Julia Valentinovna was awarded a diploma in the nomination “For profound knowledge in the field of occupational safety”.
The winners of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad from BZD went to Lviv for participation in the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on professionally oriented discipline “Safety of Life”, which was held on April 23-26, 2018 at the Lviv State University of Life Sciences.
The students were awarded with certificates “For active participation in the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Life Safety”
On April 13-15, 2018, the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Scientific Work on Occupational Safety was held at the Kharkiv National Highway University. Student of group 5 Ф-6 Tymoshenko Olena Yuryevna was awarded with the diploma of ІІІ degree for a scientific work “Investigation of the condition of injuries and the level of occupational disease in industrial objects of Ukraine”