There are 10 full-time teachers at the Department of Life Safety, including 4 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 5 assistants. The training staff consists of the head of the laboratory and the engineer.

Natalia Borysivna Mitina
Head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Graduated from Ukrainian State Chemical Technological University in 1994, specializing in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, engineer-chemist-technologist.
Main directions of scientific research: production of protein-containing biomass of different taxonomic groups. Head of state budget and state scientific research works: № d.r. 0112U004344 (2012-2014), responsible executor of three state budget work of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2010 – 2011). Head of the State DPRK Distr. No. 02160799 (2016 – 2020) “Creation of biotechnological products with the use of bioobjects under safe working conditions”.
Discipline that teaches: Life Safety, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety”, “Occupational Safety in the Industry”, “Civil Protection”.
Publications: more than 90 publications, including articles defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific editions, international journal of scientific quotes (Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Ulrich’s, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and JournalSeek Database); 7 patents for invention; is a permanent participant in international scientific-practical conferences (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, etc.); co-author of a textbook with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Svitlana Mykolaivna Garmash
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technologal Institute in 1978, specializing in the technology of recycling of secondary materials of industry, engineer-chemist-technologist.
Main directions of scientific research: biotransformation of industrial and agricultural wastes for the purpose of obtaining biogas, bioethanol and organic fertilizers. Responsible executor of agricultural research firm “Use of biotechnological and genetic methods for increasing the efficiency of bioconversion of microbial synthesis and solving environmental problems”, dp # 0111U008600 (2011-2015). Responsible executor of GDR № 02160799 “Creation of biotechnological products with the use of bioobjects under safe working conditions” (2016-2020 years).
Discipline that teaches: Life Safety, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety”, “Occupational Health and Safety,” “Civil Protection”
Publications: over 180 publications, including articles defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific publications, international journals; 4 patents for invention; is a permanent participant in the international scientific-practical conferences (Ukraine, Germany, Russia, etc.); co-author of 4 collective monographs.
Awards: jubilee medal “25 years of independence of Ukraine” (Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 336/2016 dated 19.08.2016; Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (2015); Certificates of the NENC of Ukraine; Certificates of the Department of Education and Science of the RSA.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Gerasymenko
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute in 1977, specializing in plastic mass technology, engineer-chemist-technologist.
Main directions of scientific research: gas chromatography, labor protection.
Discipline that teaches: Life Safety, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety”, “Labor Protection in the Industry”, “Civil Protection”.
Publications: 97 scientific publications, including in the international scientific journals (Journal of Chromotography), 6 patents. He is a regular participant in the international scientific-practical conferences
Awards: awarded with the Order “For Courage and Honor” to the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, on September 6, 2013, with the medal “For Courage” for courage and dedication, high professionalism and special merits in eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident on 10.12.2013. , was awarded the medal “25 years of the Chernobyl disaster” No. 474 dated 04.04.2014.

Olha Ivanivna Tkalia
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute in 1992, specializing in chemical technology of ceramics and refractories, engineer-chemist-technologist.
Discipline that teaches: Life Safety, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety”, “Labor Protection in the Industry”, “Civil Protection”.
Publications: 40 scientific publications. He is a regular participant in the international scientific-practical conferences.

Dmytro Borysovych Shatalin
Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian University in 1991, specialty – mechanization, engineer – mechanic.
Main directions of scientific research: biotransformation of waste from agroindustrial complex for the purpose of obtaining bio additives.
Discipline that teaches: Life Safety, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety”, “Labor Protection in the Industry”, “Civil Protection”.
Publications: more than 40 publications, including articles defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific editions, international magazines of the index of scientific citation (Index of Copernicus Journals Master List, Web of Science Core Collection); 4 patents for invention; He is a regular participant in the international scientific and practical conferences (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic).

Natalia Valentynivna Malynovska
Graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology in 2002, specializing in biotechnology, engineer-chemist-technologist.
In 2006, she graduated from the USUCT postgraduate study in the field of “Wood Processing”
Main directions of scientific research: problems of cultivation of higher base divisions
Conducts laboratory and practical classes on Life Safety disciplines, “Fundamentals of labor protection”, “Labor protection in the industry”, “Civil protection”.
Publications: 9 scientific publications, 2 patents for invention; is a permanent participant in international scientific-practical conferences.

Mykhailo Mykhailovych Plys
Senior lecturer
Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1998, specializing in history
The main areas of scientific research are: “Integrated unit of damage in case of accidents on chemically dangerous objects”; “Explosions of a productive character”.
Discipline that teaches: Life Safety, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety”, “Labor Protection in the Industry”, “Civil Protection”.
Publications: 14 scientific publications. He is a regular participant in the international scientific-practical conferences.

Mykhailo Vasyliovych Rogalov
Chairman of the Veteran Council of the University.
Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute in 1972, specializing in chemical fuel technology, the Military Academy of Chemical Protection, 1980, Colonel.
The main areas of scientific research are: “Integrated unit of damage in case of accidents on chemically dangerous objects”; “Compliance of legal and normative and technical documents of Ukraine with the requirements of safety of human life”.
Discipline that teaches: Life Safety, “Fundamentals of Occupational Safety”, “Labor Protection in the Industry”, “Civil Protection”.
Publications: 10 scientific publications. He is a regular participant in the international scientific-practical conferences.
Awards: military awards – more than 10 medals.

Iryna Petrivna Kushnir
Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technological Institute in 1972, specializing in chemical fuel technology.
Conducts laboratory and practical classes on Life Safety disciplines, “Fundamentals of labor protection”, “Labor protection in the industry”, “Civil protection”.
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Tamara Kostiantynivna Sheleg
Head of the laboratory

Nina Mykhailivna Shcheglova