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The course of lectures on labor safety in the chemical industry as well as laboratory and practical work in this discipline have constantly been taught to students of all specialties of the University throughout its history.

In 1972, the Department of Occupational Safety and ergonomics was organized on the basis of the Department of General Chemical Technology. The head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Y.M. Obukhovskyi. The teaching staff of the department consisted of 5 people. The course of Occupational Safety included lectures, laboratory workshops and a section in the graduation project. Due to the fact that Professor Y.M. Obukhovskyi was a prominent specialist in the field of coke chemistry, the direction of scientific works was connected with the coke industry.

Professor Obukhovsky Ya.M – head of the department since 1972

In 1975, the Department was headed by associate professor V.I. Yakovlev. The composition of the department was replenished by four lecturers and 7 scientific staff. The subject of scientific direction was expanded in connection with the organization headed by assistant professor O.P. Kulyk in the field of studying the properties and application of natural polymers and products of their processing. The material base of the Department was improved: the subject audience, the educational laboratory and the laboratory of scientific research were equipped with modern equipment.

Assistant professor V.I. Yakovlev – Head of the Department in 1975

In 1985, the Department was headed by associate professor O.P. Kulyk. The main scientific direction of the Department was development in the field of biotechnology on the basis of processing waste from the agro-industrial complex. In connection with the expanding subject of scientific research on the issue of environmental protection and increasing attention to environmental issues, the department was renamed the Department of Occupational Safety and Environment. Educational process was inlarged with disciplines: “Life Safety “, “Fundamentals of ecology”, “Environmental protection”.

Associate professor O.L.Kulyk Head of the Department in 1985

On the basis of research institute “Biotechnology” and the Department of Occupational Safety and Environment under the direction of associate professor, Ph.D., correspondent member of UAS O.P. Kulik, the specialty “Industrial Biotechnology” was opened in 1996. In 1999, the Department of Occupational Health and Environment was renamed the Department of Biotechnology and Life Satety”. The course of civil defense was added to the Department.

In 2016, on May 27, by order No. 125, of the SHEI USUCT,  to optimize the educational process and the use of scientific and pedagogical staff, the activity of the Department of Biotechnology and LS was suspended. Since 01.09.2016, the Department Life Safety has started its functioning.