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Areas of scientific activity of the Department

  • thermal decontamination of liquid radioactive waste with the use of immersion apparatus;
  • increase of efficiency of heat and power equipment operation in order to reduce energy consumption and fuel economy;
  • development of methods for controlling the quality of fuel combustion based on the ionization effect;
  • creation of energy supply systems with the use of renewable energy sources;
  • regularities of development of jet and flare processes at combustion of gaseous, liquid and pulverized fuel;
  • increase of heat output from the torch on the heating surface in order to save fuel;
  • simulation of heat and mass transfer processes;
  • the study of combustion processes and the development of impulse-operated burners that provide fuel economy and reduce the generation of harmful emissions;
  • increase of efficiency of use of energy resources in thermal systems;
  • solving problems of the accumulation of heat energy;
  • heat generators based on cavitation effects;
  • submersible combustion devices for heat supply.

Nesterenko Oleksander Ivanovich – professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

List of publications in recent years:

  1. Nesterenko O.I., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Guide to electronic testing of general physics. Part 1. Mechanics. Part 2. Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics .- Dnipropetrovsk: UDKhTU, 2014. – 194 p. – with the stamp MON
  2. Nesterenko O., Burlikov V.V. Guide to electronic testing on the basics of nuclear physics and radiation-chemical processes. – Dnipropetrovsk: USUCT, 2014 – 278 p. – with the stamp MES
  3. Nesterenko AI Supersaturation of the elements of the introduction of the matrix of steel in the process of growth of diffusion layers – Modern scientific bulletin. 2016. T.9.№-1. November 11-17
  4. Nesterenko AI On the question of increasing the accuracy of the approximation of the boundary condition when solving the two-dimensional Stefan problem in a multiply connected domain is the modern scientific bulletin. 2016. T.5 .№-1. P.24-29.
  5. Nesterenko O.I., Nesterenko M.G. Extrusion of penetration elements in the transition zone under increasing diffusion layers. Physics and chemistry of solids, 2015.- T. 16.- No. 1.- P. 202-206.
  6. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Increase in oil refining depth by cavitational intensification of crude oil refining. Problems of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2015, T.2 (100). P. 92-102.
  7. Nesterenko OI, Kulikov SI, Nesterenko N.G. On the question of increasing the accuracy of the approximation of the boundary condition when solving the two-dimensional Stefan problem in a multiply connected domain. Naukowa przestrzen Europy – 2015.- V.25.- P.81-84.
  8. Nesterenko O.I. Influence of sequential appearance of phases on the kinetics of motion of interphase boundaries in a multiphase diffusion layer. PHCT, 2014. V.5, No. 1, p. 61-65.
  9. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Calculation of weighted average number of cycles of cavitation intensification of crude oil crude. HTM, No 2, 2014, p. 47-50.
  10. Nesterenko A.I. The influence of the exchange of phase composition of a multiphase diffusion layer on the evolution of interphase boundaries at a reactionary diffusion, I. A formulation of the problem. Ukr J. Phys. 2014.V.49, No. 6, p. 582-586
  11. Nesterenko A.I. The influence of the exchange of phase composition of a multiphase diffusion layer on the evolution of interphase boundaries at a reactionary diffusion. II. Simulation of a diffusion process. Ukr J. Phys. 2014. V.49. No. 7, p. 665-670.
  12. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. The possibility of cracking hydrocarbons under the influence of cavitation. Quantitative energy assessment. ХТТМ, № 6, 2013, p. 43-45.
  13. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. About the use of cavitation phenomenon for hydrocarbon cracking. KhTTM, No. 4, 2013, p. 41-43
  14. Nesterenko AI, Korshun VI Competitive growth of phases at high temperature homogenization. Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Issue 9, 2013, p. 63-66.
  15. Nesterenko AI, Nesterenko N.G. Effect appearance novyh layers on phase kinetics movement mezhfaznыh boundary diffusion in mnohofaznom sloe at nasыschenyy.Konkurentnыy GROWTH phases during vыsokotemperaturnoy homohenyzatsyy. Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Issue 9, 2013, p. 66-69.
  16. Kulikov SI, Nesterenko AI, Nesterenko N.G. Matematycheskaya model apportionment density in conductors sploshnom tsylyndrycheskom kamerы high pressure heater / Materiály IX mezinárodní vědecko-praktická konference «EFEKTIVNÍ NÁSTROJE MODERNÍCH VĚD 2013″ 16 UŽITÁ MATEMATIKA, Praha Díl 40, 2013, s.16-19.
  17. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. I. Fields of speeds of raw materials in a cavitation apparatus .. HTM, № 1, 2012, p. 35-38.
  18. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. II. Parameters of the cavitation area that arises .. HSTM, No. 1, 2012, p. 39-41.
  19. OI Nesterenko, MG Nesterenko Extrusion of elements of penetration into the transition zone under growing diffusion balls. – PHTT. Ivano-Frankivsk, February 2014.
  20. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. I. Fields of speeds of raw materials in a cavitation apparatus. ХТТМ №1, 2012, с. 35-38.
  21. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. II. Parameters of the cavitation region arising in the vortex flow of the raw material. ХТТМ №1, 2012, с. 39-41.
  22. I. Nesterenko, S.I. Kulikov, N.G. Nesterenko Features of the decision of the two-dimentional Stefan problem in a multiply connected domain. Nauka i studia. T.7, 2012, c. 92-95.
  23. I. Nesterenko, N.G. Nesterenko Competitive diffusion of interstitial elements at drawing diffusion layers. UFZ (article accepted for publication).
  24. Kulikov SI, Nesterenko AI, Nesterenko N.G. MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR DISTRIBUTION OF DENSITY DENSITY IN A PASSIVE CYLINDER HEATER OF A HIGH PRESSURE CAMERA Materiály IX mezinárodní vědecko-praktická conference “EFEKTIVNÍ NÁSTROJE MODERNÍCH VĚD 2013″16 U. MATHEMATICS, Prague, Díl. 40, 2013, p. 16-19.
  25. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. I. Fields of speeds of raw materials in a cavitation apparatus .. HTM, № 1, 2012, p. 35-38.
  26. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. II. Parameters of the cavitation area that arises .. HSTM, No. 1, 2012, p. 39-41.
  27. OI Nesterenko, MG Nesterenko Extrusion of elements of penetration into the transition zone under growing diffusion balls. – PHTT. Ivano-Frankivsk, February 2014.
  28. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. I. Fields of speeds of raw materials in a cavitation apparatus. ХТТМ №1, 2012, с. 35-38.
  29. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. Modeling the influence of cavitation on the cracking of hydrocarbons in oil. II. Parameters of the cavitation region arising in the vortex flow of the raw material. ХТТМ №1, 2012, с. 39-41.
  30. I. Nesterenko, S.I. Kulikov, N.G. Nesterenko Features of the decision of the two-dimentional Stefan problem in a multiply connected domain. Nauka i studia. T.7, 2012, c. 92-95.
  31. I. Nesterenko, N.G. Nesterenko Competitive diffusion of interstitial elements at drawing diffusion layers. UFZ (article accepted for publication).
  33. Nesterenko AI, Shatinsky V.F. Protective diffusion coatings. -Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1988, – 271p.
  34. I. Nesterenko, N.G.Nesterenko, S.I. Kulikov The solution of the two-dimentional Stefan problem in a multiply connected domain. Comput Maths Math Phys., 1993, Vol.33, No. 3 pp. 365-375.
  35. Nesterenko AI, Nesterenko N.G., Liplyansky S.L. A new scheme of variable directions for the solution of the problem of non-stationary decay of a solid solution I. Theory. Metallophysics and the latest technology. 1994, T. 16, No. 6, P.13-12.
  36. Nesterenko O.I. Influence of sequential appearance of phases on the kinetics of motion of interphase boundaries in a multiphase diffusion layer. PHTT, V.5 №1, p.61-65. 2004
  37. I. Nesterenko The influence of the exchange of phase composition of a multiphase diffusion layer on the evolution of interphase boundaries at a reactionary diffusion, I. A formulation of the problem. Ukr J. Phys .. V.49, No.6, p.582-586, 2004
  38. I. Nesterenko The influence of the exchange of phase composition of a multiphase diffusion layer on the evolution of interphase boundaries at a reactionary diffusion. II. Simulation of a diffusion process. Ukr J. Phys.V.49. №7, p.672-676, 2004
  39. I. Nesterenko The influence of the exchange of phase composition of a multiphase diffusion layer on the evolution of interphase boundaries at a reactionary diffusion. II. Simulation of a diffusion process. Ukr J. Phys. 2004, V.49, No. 3, p.172-180.
  40. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S., Berlizova Yu.Yu. Calculation of the weighted average number of cycles of cavitation intensification of crude oil cracking. KhTTM, 2009, No. 2, pp. 47-50.
  41. Nesterenko AI Nesterenko N.G., Korshun V.I. Evolution of the interphase boundaries of the multiphase diffusion coating, accompanied by the appearance of new phase layers in its composition. Temperature-stable functional coatings. T.1., Tula, Izvst. TGPU, 2001, p. 52-54.
  42. Nesterenko AI, Nesterenko NG, Korshun VI The kinetics of the motion of the interphase boundaries of the multiphase coating in the disappearance of the phase layers in the process of high-temperature homogenization. Temperature-resistant functional coatings. T.2., Tula, Izvst. TGPU, 2001, p.154-157.
  43. Nesterenko AI Korkhun VI Competitive growth of phases at high temperature homogenization. Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Issue 9, 2003, pp. 63-66.
  44. Nesterenko AI Nesterenko N.G. Influence of new phase layers at high temperature homogenization. Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Issue 9, 2003, pp. 66-69.
  45. Nesterenko O.I. Influence of sequential phase appearance on the kinetics of motion between phase boundaries in a multiphase diffusion layer. PHCT, 2003, V.4 No. 3, p.469-474.
  46. I. Nesterenko The influence of the exchange of phase composition of a multiphase diffusion layer on the evolution of interphase boundaries at a reactionary diffusion, I. A formulation of the problem. Ukr J. Phys., 2004, V.49 No. 3, p.165-172.
  47. I. Nesterenko The influence of the exchange of phase composition of a multiphase diffusion layer on the evolution of interphase boundaries at a reactionary diffusion. II. Simulation of a diffusion process. Ukr J. Phys., 2004, V.49, No. 3, p.172-180.
  48. Nesterenko AI, Nesterenko N.G., Korshun V.I. Violation of the law of parabolic growth in the disappearance of phase layers in the process of high-temperature homogenization. IV International scientific conference. “Science and Education 2001”, t.14. 12-13. Kharkiv 21.03.01 – 23.03.01.
  49. Nesterenko AI, Nesterenko NG, Korshun VI Analysis of the uniqueness of the set of the diffusion coefficient and the width of the homogeneity region for each of the phases of the diffusion zone IV International scientific conference “Science and Education 2002”, t.20. -S50-51, Donetsk, 03.03.02 – 7.03.02.
  50. Nesterenko AI Nesterenko NG, Korshun V.I. Analysis of the width of the homogeneity region. IV International scientific conference “Science and Education 2002”, t.20. – P.52-53, Donetsk, 03.03.02 – 7.03.02.
  51. Nesterenko AI Nesterenko N.G. Influence of the disappearance of the phase layer on the evolution of the interphase boundaries of the multiphase diffusion layer at the reaction diffusion. Abstracts of all-Ukrainian reports on the ride “Physics in Ukraine”. Odesa, 2005, p.106.
  52. Nesterenko AI Nesterenko N.G. Diffusion kinetics of motion of interphase boundaries in a multiphase diffusion layer with successive appearance of layers of new phases. Abstracts of all-Ukrainian reports on the ride “Physics in Ukraine”. Odessa, 2005, p.107.
  53. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. The possibility of cracking hydrocarbons under the influence of cavitation. Quantitative energy assessment. KhTTM, 2007, No. 6, pp. 43-45.
  54. Nesterenko AI, Berlizov Yu.S. On the use of the phenomenon of cavitation for cracking hydrocarbons. KhTTM, 2008, No. 4, p. 41-43.
  55. Berlizov Yu.S., Nesterenko A.I. Application of cavitation for the production of light petroleum products from fuel oil. Materials of the II International Conference “Problems of Chemotology”. 2008, Kyiv, p.393-396.
  56. Berlizov Yu.S., Nesterenko A.I. Theoretical substantiation of application of cavitation for cracking of hydrocarbons. Materials of the V international scientific and technical conference “Progress in the oil refining and petrochemical industry”, Lviv. “Lviv Polytechnic”, 2009, pp. 41-43.
  57. S. Berlizov, AI Nesterenko, VI Nesterenko Application of cavitation for intensification of technological processes. Materials of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference “Topical Issues in Theoretical and Applied Biophysics, Physics and Chemistry”, BFHK – 2009, p.27-31. SevNTU Publishing House, Sevastopol, 2009, April 21-25.
  58. I. Kulikov, A.I. Nesterenko, N.G. Nesterenko. Modeling of reaction diffusion in multiphase systems. Materials of the V scientific and technical conference “Basic problems of modern science”.-2009, vol.18, Chemistry. Sofia, Izd-o “Byal GRAD”, 2009, pp. 36-41.
  59. Berlizov Yu.S., Nesterenko A.I. Theoretical substantiation of application of cavitation for cracking of hydrocarbons. V scientific and technical conference “Progress in oil refining and petrochemical industry”, 2009, p. 41-42.
  60. SI Kulikov, AI Nesterenko, N.G. Nesterenko Features of solving the two-dimensional Stefan problem. Materials of IHI Intern. sciences Conference “Applied Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” .- Sevastopol: SevNTU, – 2011, – P.151-155.

Yakubovska Zinaida Mykolaivna – assistant of the Department of physics, candidate of technical sciences

List of publications in recent years:

  1. Nesterenko O.I., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Guide to electronic testing of general physics. Part 1. Mechanics. Part 2. Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics .- Dnipropetrovsk: UDKhTU, 2014. – 194 p. – with the stamp MES
  2. Yakubovskaya ZN Modeling of the process of rehabilitation of the acid contamination of groundwater by injection of a neutralizer // Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk. un-th Mechanics. 2000 pp. 3, t. 1. P. 150 – 155.
  3. Yakubovskaya ZN Modeling of the process of rehabilitation of the acid contamination of groundwater by injection of a neutralizer // Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk. un-th Mechanics. 2001. 5, t. 1. P. 66-72.
  4. Yakubovskaya Z. N. Optimization of the process of rehabilitation of a site of acid pollution of groundwater by pumping a neutralizer // Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk. un-th Mechanics. 2002. 6, t. 1.S.92-101.
  5. Sadovenko I.A., Khrushch V.K., Yakubovskaya Z.N., Rudakov D.V. Modeling of groundwater contamination near dumps of mine rocks // Collection of scientific works of NSAU. 2003. N 17, t. 2, pp. 487-491.
  6. Yakubovskaya ZN, Substantiation of physical and chemical localization of mining objects, // Collection of scientific works of NSAU, 2005, No. 23, p. 257-263.
  7. Yakubovskaya ZN Modeling of Chemical Localization of Acid Pollution in a Geological Environment // Materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education 2005”. – Dnipropetrovsk, 2005. Volume 63. Technical sciences. – September 19-20.
  8. Sadovenko I.A., Rudakov D.V., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Management of parameters of physicochemical neutralization of residual solutions of underground leaching // Scientific herald of NMU. 2008. No. 8. p.14-18.
  9. Belyaev NN, Mashikhina P. B., Ryabtseva N.P., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Modeling of the distribution of ammonia in aqueous and air media // Proceedings of the II International Conference “Strategic Issues of World Science-2007”, vol. 11, D. 2007. P. 62-69.
  10. Belyaeva VV, Chornaya A.Yu., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Modeling of the process of dispersion of pollutants in industrial premises // The Seventh International Conference “Safety of Life in the 21st Century”, D. 2007. P. 69.
  11. Foshchy MV, Zagrytsenko AM, Chernyayeva Yu.G., Yakubovskaya Z.M. An estimation of factors of formation of negative engineering-geological processes in conditions of technogenic-loaded territories // Scientific herald of NMU. 2008. No. 5. p.71-74.
  12. Sadovenko I.A., Rudakov D.V., Ryabichev V.D., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Modeling of the motion of viscous mixtures in fractured rocks // Scientific Bulletin of the NMU. 2008. No. 7. P.35-38.
  13. Sadovenko IO, Petrovskii Ya.B., Demchenko Yu.I., Yakubovskaya Z.M. Simulation of the propagation of the crack fracture in the light of the formation of the region of weakened bonds // Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences. 2009. No. 6. P.34-38.
  14. Belyaev, NN Modeling processes of groundwater pollution. [Text] / N.N. Belyaev, L.F. Valley, Z.N. Yakubovskaya, AL Hours // Materials of the III International Conference “Applied Problems of Aerohydro-mechanics and Heat and Mass Transfer.” (Dnipropetrovsk, November 4-6, 2010). – D., 2010. – P. 186-187.
  15. Belyaev, NN Investigation of the processes of pollution of the aquatic environment by the method of computational experiment. [Text] / N.N. Belyaev, IE Melnik, Z.N. Yakubovskaya // 70 International Conference “Problems and Prospects of Railway Transport.” (Dnipropetrovsk, April 15-16, 2010). – D., 2010. – P. 259-260.
  16. Sadovenko I.A., Inkin A.V., Maksimova-Gulyaeva N.O., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Estimation of gas losses during storage in aquifers of the Western Donbass // Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences. 2012. No. 6. p.15-19.
  17. Belyaev N.N., Bushina T.L., Yakubovskaya Z.N. Pollution of the water environment: models and the forecast // International scientific and practical conference “Modern information technologies in transport, industry and education” Dnipropetrovsk, April 5, 04-6, 2012, p. 55
  18. Belyaev NN, Kornelyuk ED, Yakubovskaya Z.N. Complex of mathematical models for forecasting the dynamics of groundwater pollution // VI International Youth Scientific Conference “Environment-XXI” Dnipropetrovsk 10.10-11.10.2012, p. 96-97.
  19. Belyaev NN, Dolina LF, Yakubovskaya ZN Numerical study of processes of water pollution // 73 International conference “Problems and prospects of development of railway transport.” Dnipropetrovsk, 23.05-24.05.2013, p. 6-7.
  20. Kalashnikov IV, Yakubovskaya Z.N. Express evaluation of the effectiveness of protection of groundwater from pollution on the basis of numerical models // International scientific and practical conference “Modern information technologies in transport, industry and education” Dnipropetrovsk, 18.04-19.04.2013., P. 72-73.
  21. Belyaev NN, Kalashnikov AV, Yakubovskaya ZN Improving the effectiveness of noise protection in the mainland territories // Problems and prospects of railway transport development: Abstracts 76 international reports. scientific practice. Conference, Dnipropetrovsk, May 19-20, 2016, P.249.
  22. Yakubovskaya Z.M. Modeling of Groundwater Pollution Processes // Problems of Construction, Water Use and Ecology6 Abstracts of the 76th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, Dnipropetrovsk, April 10-12, 2019, p.49.

Liudmyla Mykhailivna Karpova – associate professor of the Department of Physics, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.


List of publications in recent years:

  1. Thermoelectret state in Mn, Cr-doped Bi12SiO20 crystals. Ferroelectrics.- 1998. – Vol. 214. Panchenko T.V., Potapovich Yu.
  2. Electrically active defects in unrolled and doped ions of Cr and Mn in Bi12SiO20 crystals. FTT-1998. – T. 40, No. 3. Panchenko T.V.
  3. Thermostimulated depolarization vibrations in Bi12SiO20 crystals doped with Cr ions. UFJ – 1998. – T. 43, No. 8. PanchenkoT.V.
  4. Thermal de-polarization of Bi12SiO20 crystals doped with Mn ions. UV Z. – 1999. – T. 44, № 3. Panchenko T., Potapovich Yu.M.
  5. Thermal defect formation in unligated and doped ions of Cr and Mn in Bi12SiO20 crystals. FTT – 1999. – Vol. 41, No. 9. Panchenko T.V.
  6. Dielectric relaxation in Bi12SiO20 crystals: Cr. FTT – 2000. – Vol. 42, No. 4. T. Panchenko, V. Duda
  7. The interaction of electrically and optically active defects in doped and undoped crystals Bi12SiO2O. IV Ukrainian-Polish meeting on phase transitions and ferroelectric physics. -Dniepropetrovsk (Ukraine). – 1998 Panchenko T.V.
  8. Thermal de-polarization analysis of polarization processes in Bi12SiO20 crystals, doped with Cr and Mn. Theses of the reports of the ninth international scientific and technical conference ” Dielectrics – 2000 ”. – St. Petersburg. – 2000. Panchenko T.V.
  9. Electret effect and dielectric relaxation in Bi12SiO20 crystals, doped with Cr and Mn. Abstracts of the first Ukrainian school-seminar on the physics of ferro-neodymium-tricks and related materials. – Lviv LvCTTEI.- 1999.Panchenko T.V.
  10. Dielectric properties of Bi12SiO20 crystals doped by Cr and Mn ions. Ferroelectrics.- 2002. – Vol. 281. Panchenko T. V., Duda V. M.
  11. Thermostimulated depolarization of doped crystals of silicosylenites. Abstracts of reports of the conference “Processes of switching in ferroelectrics and ferroelectrics” .- Tver. – 2002. Panchenko T.V.

Tykha Liudmyla Stanislavovna – associate professor of the Department of Physics, candidate of chemical sciences

List of publications in recent years:

  1. Pavlyus SG, Tikha LS, Kuznetsov V.V. Coulombistic method in the field of high potentials, Vopr. chemistry and chemistry. Technology. 2000.- №1.- С.197-199.
  2. Snezhko L.A., Tihaya L.S. Investigation of composition and structure of anode-spark coatings on aluminum alloys // Vopr. chemistry and chemistry. technologies. – 2002. – №6. – p.115-118.
  3. Anisimov VN, Tihaya L.S. Experience in applying thermoplastic polyurethanes in industry // Vopr. Chemistry and chemistry. Technologies.-2002. -5 .- P.29-31.

Nadiia Viktorivna Selezniova – Assistant of the Department of Physics


List of publications in recent years:

  1. В.О. Сясев, І.В. Селезньова, О.І. Губін, Н.В. Селезньова. Проникнення газу крізь пористе середовище при змінному перепаді тиску. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія: Механіка. Том 1, Вип. 20, 2016. – С. 86-91.
  2. Селезнева Н.В. Математическое моделирование температурних полей составных конструкций при экстремальных воздействиях / Н.В. Селезнева// Методи розв’язання прикладних задач механіки деформованого тіла: Зб. наук. пр. ДНУ. – Дніпропетровськ: Ліра. – 2012. – Вип.13. –  С. 215–226.
  3. Селезньова Н.В. Математичне моделювання теплового стану конструкцій при екстремальних умовах / Н.В. Селезньова// Методи розв’язання прикладних задач механіки деформованого тіла. – Д.: Зб. наук. пр. ДНУ. – Вип.12, 2011. – С. 78–87.
  4. Селезнева Н.В. Математическое моделирование температурных полей многослойных тел при экстремальных тепловых воздействиях / Н.В. Селезнева// Системні технології. Регіональний міжвузівський збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 2 (67). – Дніпропетровськ, 2010. – С.67–73.
  5. Веселовский В.Б. Математическое моделирование образования и разрушения гололедо-изморозевых отложений на элементах конструкций / В.Б. Веселовский, Н.В. Селезнева, К.В. Горелова// Вестник ХНТУ. – Херсон, 2006. – С.106–110.
  6. Веселовский В.Б. Математическое моделирование и совместное решение задач прогрева и оплавления при движении тел в атмосфере/ В.Б. Веселовский, Н.В. Селезнева// Вестник ХНТУ. – Херсон. – Вып. 2 (31), 2008. – С.176–180.
  7. Веселовський В.Б. Математичне моделювання температурних полів конструкцій при екстремальних умовах / В.Б. Веселовський, Н.В. Селезньова// Методи розв’язання прикладних задач механіки деформованого тіла. – Д.: Зб. наук. пр. ДНУ. – Вип.9, 2008. – С. 26–39.
  8. Веселовський В.Б. Решение задачи совместного расчета движения, прогрева и оплавления тел / В.Б. Веселовський, Н.В. Селезньова // Методи розв’язання прикладних задач механіки деформованого тіла. Вісник ДНУ, Вип.8, 2007. – С.25–38.
  9. Веселовский В.Б. Математическое моделирование тепловых процессов в составных телах с фазовыми переходами / В.Б. Веселовский, А.И. Губин, Н.В. Селезнева// Металлургическая теплотехника. – Д.: Пороги, 2005. – С.71–79.
  10. Веселовский В.Б. Приближенное решение задачи Стефана для плоского тела / В.Б. Веселовский, Н.В. Селезнева// Дифференциальные уравнения и их применение. – Д.: Сб. науч. тр. ДНУ. – 2006. – С.47-55.
  11. Селезнева Н.В. Решение задачи Стефана для ограниченного стержня / Н.В. Селезнева // Дифференциальные уравнения и их применение. – Д.: Сб. науч. тр. ДНУ. – 2007. – С.124-130.
  12. Селезньова Н.В. Розв’язання інтегро-диференційних рівнянь теплопровідності / Н.В. Селезньова, Ю.А. Брусяніна , К.В. Горєлова// Одинадцята міжнародна наукова конференція імені академіка М.Кравчука.- Київ . -2006.– С.243.
  13. Веселовский В.Б. Математическое моделирование и  расчет тепловых процессов в составных телах с подвижными границами / В.Б. Веселовский, А.И. Губин, Н.В. Селезнева // VI Международная конференция. Проблемы промышленной теплотехники.– Киев: Институт технической теплофизики НАН Украины.– 2005. – С.274–275.
  14. Веселовский В.Б. Математическое моделирование образования и разрушения гололедо-изморозевых отложений на элементах конструкций / В.Б. Веселовский, А.И. Губин, Н.В. Селезнева // Міждержавна науково-методична конференція. Проблеми математичного моделювання. – Дніпродзержинськ: Дніпродзержинський технічний університет. – 2005. – С.38–39.
  15. Селезнева Н.В. Математическое моделирование гололедно-изморозевых отложений на элементах конструкций // Н.В. Селезнева// Международная молодежная научно-практическая конференция “Человек и космос”.- Днепропетровск.– 2003. – С.155.
  16. Селезнева Н.В. Математическое моделирование образования и разрушения гололедо-изморозевых отложений на элементах конструкций // Н.В. Селезнева//Матеріали регіональної наукової конференції “Прикладні проблеми аерогідромеханіки та тепломасопереносу ”.– Д.: ДНУ, 2006. – С.101–102.
  17. Селезнева Н.В. Температурные поля составных конструкций при низкотемпературных тепловых воздействиях/ Н.В. Селезнева// Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція пам’яті В.І.Моссаковського “Актуальні проблеми механіки суцільного середовища і міцності конструкцій”.– Д.: ДНУ, – 2007.– С.360-362.
  18. Селезнева Н.В. Математичне моделювання температурних полів складених конструкцій / Н.В. Селезнева// ІІ міжнародна наукова конференція пам’яті М.М. Біляєва «Проблеми теплоенергетики та аеродинаміки». – Д.: ДНУ, 2008. – С. 76–77, (13-15 листопада 2008).
  19. Veselovskiy V.B. Mathematical simulation and heat processe calculation in composite bodies with moving boundaries / V.B. Veselovskiy, A.I. Gubin, N.V. Selezneva// Problems of industrial heat engineering: Abstracts of IV– th international conference – Kyiv : Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, 2005.- P. 233–234.
  20. N.V.Selezneva. Mathematical Model Operation of Formation and Fracture of Sedimentation on Devices of Constructions / N.V.Selezneva, V.B.Veselovskiy, I.Mamuzic, V.O.Syasev // 7th  informational symposium of Croatian metallurgical society. Croatia, Juan, 21–25, 2006.–Р.262.
  21. Veselovskiy V.B. Mathematical simulation and heat processe calculation in composite bodies with moving boundaries/ V.B. Veselovskiy, N.V. Selezneva//Symposium of Croatian nutallurgical society/ METALURGIJA. – Croatia, 2005.
  22. N.V. Selezneva. Temperature Fields of Compound Thermal Isolation at Warming Up and melting / N.V. Selezneva, V.B. Veselovskiy, I. Mamuzic// 8th informational symposium of Croatian metallurgical society. Croatia, 45(2008)8.-Р.266.

Larysa Havrylivna Tatarko – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics

List of publications in recent years:

  1. Семененко Е.В., Татарко Л.Г. Расчет параметров гидротранспорта при использовании полиэтиленовых трубопроводов// Межвед. сб. науч. тр. «Геотехническая механика», Днепропетровск, 2012, Вып. 107., с. 233–244.
  2. Семененко Е.В., Татарко Л.Г. Определение параметров гидротранспорта при использовании полимерных труб // Сб. докладов XI Межд. науч.-техн. конф. чтения памяти В.Р. Кубачека «Технологическое оборудование для горной и нефтегазовой промышленности», Россия, г. Екатеринбург, май 2013г., с.360–363
  3. Семененко Е.В., Татарко Л.Г. Особенности расчета параметров гидротранспорта полидисперсных материалов по полимерным трубам// Мат. XXVIII міжн. наук.-техн. конф. „Гідроаеродинаміка в інженерній практиці”, травень 2013 р., м. Київ, Україна., с.51–54
  4. Семененко Е.В., Татарко Л.Г. Особенности гидравлического расчета параметров полимерных труб// Наук.-техн. зб. „Гірнича електромеханіка та автоматика”, 2013. №. 90, с.114–118.
  5. Киричко С.Н. , Семененко Е.В. , Татарко Л.Г. Особенности расчета параметров гидротранспорта полидисперсных материалов по полимерным трубам// Мат. Міждер. наук.-метод. конф. «Проблеми математи-чного моделювання», Україна, м. Дніпродзержинськ, травень 2013., с.150–152.
  6. Татарко Л.Г., Семененко Е.В. , Никифорова  Н.А. Расчет параметров гидротранспорта при существенном различии плотности транспортируемых частиц// Мат. міжн. конф. „Форум гірників 2013”, жовтень 2013, м. Дніпропетровськ, 2013, Т. 1., с.206–215.
  7. Татарко Л.Г., Семененко Е.В. , Никифорова  Н.А. Расчет параметров гидротранспорта при существенном различии плотности транспортируемых частиц // Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Механіка, Вип. 17, Т. 1. – 2013. – № 5. – Т. 21., с.105–112.
  8. Семененко Е.В., Татарко Л.Г.   Расчет параметров гидротранспорта в полимерных трубах при существенной неоднородности плотности и крупности транспортируемых частиц //  Межвед. сб. науч. тр. «Геотехническая механика», Днепропетровск, 2013, Вып. 109, с.120–133
  9. Семененко Е.В., Татарко Л.Г., Никифорова  Н.А.  Расчет режимов работы гидротранспортных комплексов с магистралями, состоящими из участков полиэтиленовых и стальных труб//  Межвед. сб. науч. тр. «Геотехническая механика», Днепропетровск, 2013, Вып. 111., с.137–149.
  10. Семененко Е.В. , Татарко Л.Г. Методическое обеспечение расчетов параметров и режимов работы гидротранспортных комплексов, перекачивающих высококонцентрированные угольные суспензии//  Сборник.  науч. тр. «Проблемы эксплуатации оборудования шахтных стационарных установок»,. Вып.106-107,  Донецк: ПАТ «НДИГМ им. М.М. Федорова», 2012–2013, с. 174–180.
  11. Семененко Е.В. , Татарко Л.Г., Никифорова  Н.А.  Расчет параметров гидротранспорта многокомпонентных твёрдых материалов с существенным различием в плотности частиц в присутствии гидродинамически активных веществ// Региональный межвузовский. сб. науч. тр. «Системные технологии», Выпуск 3(92), Днепропетровск, 2014, с.90–98.
  12. Семененко Е.В. , Татарко Л.Г. Расчет параметров гидротранспорта при монтаже части манистрали из полиэтиленовых труб// Мат. XIX Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. «Гидроаэродинамика в инженерной практике», Кіровоград, май 2014, с. 57–59.
  13. Семененко Е.В. Совершенствование математической модели процесса фракционирования отходов обогащения / Е.В. Семененко, О.А. Медведева, Л.Г. Татарко // Гідроаеромеханіка в інженерній практиці: Матеріали ХХI Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., травень 2016 р.- Київ, 2016. – С. 20 – 23.
  14. Semenenko E. The features of calculations of hydrotransport plans of geotechnological systems / E. Semenenko, N. Nykyforova, L. Tatarko // Theoretical and practical solutions of mineral resources mining – Pivnyak, Bondarenco & Kovalevska (eds), 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN: 978-1-138-02883-8. – P. 397 – 401.

Oleksandr Sergiiovych Skalozub – Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics

 List of publications in recent years:

  1. Skalozub A. Method of Complex Periodic Orbits in the Problem about Semiclassical Quantization of the Rigid Asymmetric Rotor. [Text]/ A. Skalozub//XVII Symposium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy./ Zelenogorsk, Leningrad Region, Russia, July 2–7, 2012. – P.107.
  2. Skalozub A. Method of Complex Periodic Orbits in the Problem about Semiclassical Quantization of the Rigid Asymmetric Rotor. [Text]/ A. Skalozub//XVII Symposium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy./ Zelenogorsk, Leningrad Region, Russia, July 2–7, 2012. – P.63–75.
  3. Skalozub A. Nonadiabatic corrections in semiclassical quantization formulas for the Hecht Hamiltonian In.:22th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy. Book of Abstracts, 2011, p.116. DIJON, August 29–September 2, 2011.
  4. Skalozub A. A New Approach To the Hecht Hamiltonian. 21th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy. Poznan, Poland, September 7–11, 2010. – Р.193.
  5. Skalozub A. Double Splitting of the Asymmetric  Top Levels by the Instanton Method. XVIth symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Abstracts of Reports, 2009, p.145, Lake Baikal, Listvyanka vil. Russia, July 5–10, 2009.
  6. Skalozub A. Instantons in Phase and Configuration Space of an Asymmetric Rotor for Doublet Splitting of Energy Levels. 21thColloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy. Book of Abstracts, 2009, p.205 – 206. Castellammare di Stabia, Italy, August 31-September 4, 2009.
  7. Skalozub A. Double Splitting of Asymmetric Top Levels by the Instanton Method . High resolution molecular spectroscopy: Proceedings of XVI International Symposium HighRus-2009 [Electronic source]. Tomsk: Publishing House of IAO SB RAS, 2009.
  8. Makarewicz J., Skalozub A. The rovibrational molecular Hamiltonian in mixed bond-angle and umbrella–like coordinates. J. Phys. Chem., A2007, v.111, p.7860–7869.
  9. Skalozub A. Quantum and nonadiabatic corrections in semiclassical quantization formulas for describing vibration-rotation spectra of nonrigid molecules. The 20th Colloquium of High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy. France, Dijon, September 2007.
  10. Skalozub A. “The rovibrational molecular Hamiltonian in mixed bond-angle and umbrella like coordinates”, p.462. In: “19th colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy”. Salamanca, Spain, September 10-16, 2005.
  11. J.Makarewicz and A.Skalozub. “Exact quantum mechanical kinetic energy operator for internal motions of a molecule”. In: “The 16th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy”, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2000, p.143.
  12. Skalozub and J. Makarewicz. “An exact vibration-rotation Hamiltonian for ammonia like molecules”. In: “ОПТИКА АТМОСФЕРЫ И ОКЕАНА. ФИЗИКА АТМОСФЕРЫ”, VIII ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ СИМПОЗИУМ 25 – 29 июня 2001 г. Иркутск, Институт солнечно-земной физики СО РАН, Институт оптики атмосферы СО РАН.
  13. J. Makarewicz and A. Skalozub. “Flexible models of the inversion motion and exact ro-vibrational Hamiltonian for ammonia like molecules”. In: “Seventeenth colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy” (Ed. by W. Leo Meerts), Katholicks University, Nijmegen, 9-13 September, Nijmegen, Papendal, the Netherlands, 2001, P. 296.
  14. J. Makarewicz and A. Skalozub. “The rovibrational Hamiltonian for ammonia like molecules”, Spectrochimica Acta, Part A58, SI, 2002, p.601–628.
  15. A. Skalozub and V.Spirko. “Kinetic energy operators for formimidol and malonaldehyde”.  In: “The 17th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy”, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1–5, 2002, post deadline abstracts.
  16. A. Skalozub and V.Spirko. “Exact and Planarity-constrained Kinetic energy operator for a molecule of malonaldehyde”. In: “Eighteenth colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy”, Dijon, France, September 8–12, 2003, p.464–465.
  17. A. Skalozub and J. Makarewicz. “Vibration and rotation s-vectors, and rovibrational Hamiltonian for five atomic molecules of a type XONY2”. In: “Eighteenth colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy”, Dijon, France, September 8–12, 2003, p.462–463.
  18. A.Skalozub and V.Spirko. “Exact and Planarity-constrained Kinetic energy operator for a molecule of formimidol”. In: ” XIV-th Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (HighRuS-2003), 6–11 July 2003, Krasnoyarsk.
  19. A. Skalozub and J. Makarewicz. “The rovibrational molecular Hamiltonian in mixed bond-angle and umbrella like coordinates”. In: “19th colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy”, Salamanca, Spain, September 10–16, 2005, p.462.

Viacheslav Valeriiovych Burlykov – Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics

List of publications in recent years:

  1. Нестеренко О.І., Бурликов В.В. Посібник до електронного тестування з основ ядерної фізики та радіаційно-хімічних процесів. – Дніпропетровськ: УДХТУ, 2014. – 278 с. – с грифом МОН.
  2. Бурликов В.В., Коркина М.П. Эволюция однородной жидкой сферы // Кинематика и физика небесных тел. – 1999. – №2. С.26 – 29.
  3. Коркіна М.П., Бурликов В.В. Статичні сферичні конфігурації з лінійною масовою функцією //  Український фізичний журнал. – 1999. –т .44, №4. – С. 417–420.
  4. Burlikov V.V., Korkina M.P. Fluid spheres of uniform density with variable space curvature. // Proceedings of the eight Marcel Grossman meeting on General Relativity (in 2 parts). – World Scientific. 1999. – Vol. 1. – p. 316 – 318.
  5. Бурликов В.В. Статистичні сферичні конфігурації анізотропної рідини // Вісник астрономічної школи. –2000. – т.1, №1. – С. 59–63.
  6. Бурликов В.В. Релятивистские конфигурации анизотропной жидкости // Вісник астрономічної школи. –2000. – т.1, №2. – С. 38–41.
  7. Бурликов В.В., Коркина М.П. Модель однорідної рідкої сфери у ЗТО. //  Український фізичний журнал. – 2000. – т.45, №11. – С. 1285–1288.
  8. Burlikov V.V., Korkina M.P. T-solutions for anisotropic fluid spheres in general relativity. // Proceedings of the conference “Gravitation, Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics”. – Kharkov, 2001. – p. 84–89.
  9. Бурликов В.В. Т-розв’язки для анізотропної рідини в ЗТВ //  Український фізичний журнал. – 2002. –т .47, №11. – С. 1024–1029.
  10. Бурликов В.В., Коркіна М.П. Еволюція однорідної рідкої сфери // Тези доповідей Всеукраїнської молодіжної науково-практичної конференції “Людина і космос ”. – Дніпропетровськ, 1999. – С. 3.
  11. Burlikov V.V., Korkina M.P. Evolution of a class of the uniform-density models // Тезисы докладов 10 Российской гравитационной конференции «Теоретические  экспериментальные проблемы общей теории относительности и гравитации». – Москва, 1999. – С. 170.
  12. Бурликов В.В. Релятивистская сферическая конфигурации анизотропной жидкости // Тезисы докладов 10 Российской гравитационной конференции «Теоретические  экспериментальные проблемы общей теории относительности и гравитации». – Москва, 1999. – С. 142.
  13. Бурликов В.В. Статические сферические конфигурации анизотропной жидкости // Тези доповідей наукової конференції “Астрономічна школа молодих вчених”. – Умань, 1999. – С. 10-11.
  14. Бурликов В.В. Модель сферичної релятивістської конфігурації // Тези II Всеукраїнської молодіжної науково-практичної конференції “Людина і космос ”. – Дніпропетровськ, 2000. – С. 35.
  15. Бурликов В.В. Релятивистские конфигурации анизотропной жидкости // Тези конференції “Астрономічна школа молодих вчених”. – Умань, 2000. – С. 18–19.
  16. Burlikov V.V., Korkina M.P. T–solutions for anisotropic fluid spheres in general relativity. // Тезисы украинско–российской гравитационной конференции “Гравитация, космология и релятивистская астрофизика”. – Харьков, 2000. – стр. 45.

Mykola Hryhorovych Nesterenko – Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics

List of publications in recent years:

  1. Нестеренко А.И., Нестеренко Н.Г., Коршун В.И. Эволюция межфазных границ многофазного диффузионного покрытия, сопровождающаяся появлением в его составе новых слоев фаз Температуроустойчивые функциональные покрытия. Т.1., Тула, Изд-во ТГПУ, 2001, С.52–54.
  2. Нестеренко А.И., Нестеренко Н.Г., Коршун В.И. Кинетика движения межфазных границ многофазного покрытия при исчезновении слоев фаз в процессе высокотемпературной гомогенизации. Температуроустойчивые функциональные покрытия. Т.2., Тула, Изд-во ТГПУ, 2001, С.154-157.
  3. Нестеренко А.И. Нестеренко Н.Г. Влияние новых слоев фаз при высокотемпературной гомогенизации. Вестник Днепропетровского университета. Выпуск 9, 2003, С. 66–69.
  4. Нестеренко А.И., Нестеренко Н.Г., Коршун В.И Нарушение закона параболического роста при исчезновении слоев фаз в процессе высокотемпературной гомогенизации. IV Международная научная конференция. “Наука и образование 2001”, т.14. С.12–13 Харьков 21.03.01 – 23.03.01.
  5. Нестеренко А.И., Нестеренко Н.Г., Коршун В.И Закономерности роста фаз сопровождающегося появлением новых фаз в диффузийной зоне IV Международная научная конференция “Наука и образование 2001”, т.14. С.14–15 Харьков, 21.03.01 – 23.03.01.
  6. Нестеренко А.И., Нестеренко Н.Г., Коршун В.И. Анализ единственности набора коэффициента диффузии и ширины области гомогенности для каждой из фаз диффузионной зоны IV Международная научная конференция “Наука і освіта 2002”, т.20. С.50–51. Донецк, 3.03.02 – 7.03.02.
  7. Нестеренко А.И.Нестеренко Н.Г., Коршун В.И Анализ ширины области гомогенности. IV Международная научная конференция “Наука і освіта 2002”, т.20. С.52–53 .Донецк, 3.03.02 – 7.03.02
  8. Нестеренко А.И.Нестеренко Н.Г. Вплив зникнення шару фази на еволюцію міжфазних границь багатофазного дифузійного шару при реакційній дифузії. Тези доповідей Всеукраїнського з”їзду „Фізика в Україні”. Одеса, 2005, С.106.
  9. Нестеренко А.И.Нестеренко Н.Г. Дифузійна кінетика руху міжфазних границь в багатофазному дифузійному шарі при послідовній появі шарів нових фаз. Тези доповідей Всеукраїнського з”їзду „Фізика в Україні”. Одеса, 2005, С.107.
  10. С. И. Куликов, А. И. Нестеренко, Н. Г. Нестеренко. Моделирование реакционной диффузии в многофазных системах. Матеріали V науково-технічної конференції „ Основные  проблемы современной науки -2009”, т.18, Химия. София, Изд-во «Бял ГРАД», 2009, С. 36–41.
  11.  Верещак В.Г. , Нестеренко Н.Г. Процессы стабилизации высокотемпературных кристаллических модификаций диоксида циркония. Сообщение 1. Растворимость оксидов металлов в диоксиде циркония. Влияние энтропийного фактора. Вопросы химии и химической технологии, №3, 2009.
  12. С.И. Куликов, А.И. Нестеренко, Н.Г. Нестеренко. Особенности решения двумерной задачи Стефана. Матеріали ІХІ Міжнар. наук. конференції «Прикладні завдання математики та механіки».- Севастополь: СевНТУ,– 2011, – С.151–155.
  13. A.I. Nesterenko, S.I. Kulikov, N.G. Nesterenko. Features of  decision of the two–dimentional Stefan problem in a multiply connected domain. Nauka i studia. T.7, 2012, c. 92–95.
  14. A.I. Nesterenko, N.G. Nesterenko. Competitive  diffusion  of  interstitial  elements  at  drawing  diffusion  layers. УФЖ  ( стаття прийнята до друку ).
  15. Куликов С.И., Нестеренко А.И., Нестеренко Н.Г. Математическая модель распределения плотности тока в сплошном цилиндрическом нагревателе камеры высокого давления/ Materiály IX mezinárodní vědecko-praktická konference«EFEKTIVNÍ NÁSTROJE MODERNÍCH VĚD 2013» 16 UŽITÁ MATEMATIKA , Praha  Díl 40, 2013,с.16–19.
  16. О.І. Нестеренко, М.Г. Нестеренко. Витискання елементів проникнення в перехідні зоні під дифузійними шарами, що зростають. – ФХТТ. Івано-Франковськ, лютий 2014.
  17. Нестеренко А.И., Нестеренко Н.Г. Влияние появления  новых слоев фаз на кинетику движения межфазных границ в многофазном диффузионном слое при насыщении. Конкурентный рост фаз при высокотемпературной гомогенизации. Вестник Днепропетровского университета. Выпуск 9, 2013, с. 66-69.
  18. Нестеренко О.І., Нестеренко Н.Г.  Витискування елементів проникнення в перехідній зоні під дифузійними шарами, що зростають. Фізики і хімія твердого тіла, 2015.- Т. 16.-  № 1.- С. 202-206.
  19. Нестеренко О.І., Куликов С.И., Нестеренко Н.Г. К вопросу повышения точности аппроксимации граничного условия при решении двумерной задачи Стефана в многосвязной области. Naukowa przestrzen Europy – 2015.- V.25.- P.81-84.

Students regularly participate in specialized conferences in Ukraine and in the CIS countries, are engaged in scientific research at the Department, take part in the Olympiads. After graduation, they have the right to apply for a postgraduate study. Students engaged in scientific activities take part in various scientific and technical contests.

Olympiad on technical electrochemistry (Dnipropetrovsk, SHEI USUCT, 2010 )

Scientific work of students in the laboratory of Lithium Current Sources and laboratory of Electrochemical Hydrogen-Oxygen Generators. Scientific work is creativity. The results of scientific work are reported by students at scientific conferences and congresses, published in scientific journals.

Students-electrochemists at the scientific and technical conference
(Kyiv, KPI, 2007 )

Poster report of students at the scientific conference (Lviv, 2009 )

In 2008, Vitalii Klokun and Maryna Meshkovych became the winners (2nd place) of the scientific competition of the Ekointelukraina 2008, in Ukraine and the USA. Their names are assigned to individual asteroids.

Laboratory workshop on mathematical modeling of technological processes takes place in the display class.

Lecture for students in the auditorium of the Academic Council.


1. Koshel M.D. Theoretical foundations of electrochemical energy [Text]: textbook / M.D. Purse – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2002. – 430 p.

2. Nefedov, VG Equipment of electrochemical manufactures and design bases. Part 1. Structures of electrochemical apparatus and auxiliary equipment [Text]: textbook / VG Nefedov, AF Nikiforov – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2002. – 296 p.

3. Koshel M.D. Computer modeling of electrochemical systems and processes (software complex "Electra"). Dnipropetrovsk, UDChTU, 2007. – 262 p.

4. Nefedov, VG Equipment of electrochemical manufactures and design bases. Part 2. Technological calculations of electrochemical devices. Part 3. Fundamentals of the design of electrochemical manufactures [Text]: textbook / VG Nefedov – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2009. – 410 p.

5. Koshel M.D. Fundamentals of the theory of electrochemical systems and processes [Text]: textbook / M.D. Purse – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2011. – 216 p.

6. Koshel M.D. Theoretical Foundations of Electrochemical Systems and Processes [Text]: Textbook / M.D. Purse – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2012. – 300 p.

7. Nefedov, VG Equipment of electrochemical manufactures and design bases: a collection of tasks [Text]: textbook / VG Nefedov – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKHTU, 2013. – 150 s.

8. Nefedov, VG Structural and lining materials of electrochemical systems [Text]: textbook / VG Nefedov, AM Kvasha, N.G. Bunny – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2013. – 240 p.

9. Nefedov, VG Electrochemical energy. Lead Batteries: Arrangements, Production, Calculations [Text]: Textbook / VG Nefedov, Yu.V. Polishchuk – Dnipropetrovsk: Dvnz UDKhTU, 2013 – 298 p.

10.  Koshel M.D Brief dictionary of electrochemical terms and concepts [Text] / N.D. Purse – Dnipropetrovsk: UGHTU, 2016. – 291 p.

The following courses are taught at the Department for the students who receive bachelor's
degree in technological, mechanical and computer specialties:

  • electrical engineering and electronics basics;
  • electrical engineering and electromechanics;
  • electrical engineering, electronics and microprocessor technology;
  • basics of electrical engineering and electronics;
  • general electrical engineering;
  • electrical supply of industrial enterprises;
  • theory of electric and magnetic circles;
  • theory of electrical signals and circles.

Lectures of the Department, who teach the disciplines of Electrical Engineering

While studying in the lecture rooms of the Department, which is located in the mechanical building of the university, students study basic subjects as well as special training. Each academic discipline contains in its composition a theoretical and practical (laboratory) block of classes. All practical classes are held in the laboratories of the Department, equipped with modern electrical equipment and experimental facilities.

The staff of the Department organize and conduct the first round of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad for students of technological and mechanical specialties in electrical engineering every year. At the State Olympiads, they occupy leading positions among the students of technological specialties.

Students study characteristics of rectifiers

From the very foundation of the Department, its staff began intensive research. The technology of continuous obtaining of zinc and copper foil, manganese, pure aluminum powder, refining of alloys, offered metal-oxide anodes that are not destroyed, as well as new technologies of synthesis for chemical current sources have been developed at the Department.

In 1973, the branch laboratory of chemical current sources was created. It began its work on the development of fundamentally new sources of current using organic substances. The quinone-hydroquinone battery was the world’s first current source, which did not contain any metal in its entirety, and was very cheap.

Powerful fuel cells and water-lithium sources of current for marine use were developed, and installations designed to accumulate solar and wind power plants were designed.

Later, the main direction of the laboratory’s work became lithium current sources. The laboratory has extensive foreign contacts with scientific laboratories and enterprises. The laboratory staff take an active part in international symposiums, are published in the leading international journals. In the laboratory, equipped with modern experimental and computer technology, the best students undergo experimental practice. Postgraduate students work and study there as well as master the technology of scientific work and teaching skills.

In the direction of environmental technologies, fundamentally new equipment for film-bubble water purification from organic impurities and heavy metal ions has been created, the technology of cleaning industrial wastewater and the removal of non-ferrous metals from them. The exact and effective method of computer diagnostics of removal of solutions from galvanic baths is developed. A compact and economical flow diaphragm electrocoagulator of a fundamentally new design for the local extraction of heavy metals from washing water, containing impurities of ions in small concentrations is proposed. Based on this technology, the method of electrochemical synthesis of nickel hydroxide for use in the battery industry has been proposed.

Today, the main direction of the scientific work of the Department is the study of the macro-kinetics of processes in the systems of electrolysis and chemical current sources:

  • solid phase reactants of chemical current sources: mechanisms and kinetics of electrochemical processes, synthesis of active substances for chemical current sources;
  • mathematical modeling of macro-kinetics of electrode processes;
  • regularities of formation of germs in the gas phase with electrolysis;
  • studying the mechanism of anomalous electrical conductivity at the interface of gas-electrolyte section;
  • the study of the macro-kinetics of electrochemical processes and processes of mass transfer on the boundary electrode-solid-polymer electrolyte.

Over the past 10 years 9 candidate’s theses have been defended at the Department; 3 are being prepared for the defense at the moment.

At present, there are 6 faculty members of the Department of Electrochemical Production and Electrical Engineering including 2 doctors of sciences, professors, 4 candidates of sciences, 4 associate professors. The staff of the Department constantly undergo advanced training in specialized organizations and at enterprises.

6th  Ukrainian electrochemical Congress (Dnipropetrovsk, 2010  r . ). On this forum, Ukrainian scientists report on their latest scientific achievements. The guests participating in the forum came from near and far abroad.



Guests from Oxford. Professor Ksenzhek explains the principle of the photoelectrochemical process – a promising technology for converting solar radiation into electricity.


Work of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “MODERN AND RESOURCE SAVING TECHNOLOGIES. PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS», Odessa, 2015

Areas of scientific activity

  • The theory of non-stationary electrochemical methods for analyzing the kinetics of electrode processes
  • The mechanism of flow of electrode processes at high potentials
  • Anode-spark electrolysis technology
  • Energy saving complexes in the power supply system of enterprises
  • Efficiency of technological systems of power supply and consumption of electric energy

During its existence, the Department has been working closely with leading enterprises and research institutes such as BIAM, IELAN, Autoprom (Moscow); Institute of Materials (Lviv); shipbuilding organizations (Mykolaiv), Alma-Ata State University and many others. Research work of the leading scientist V.I. Chernenko and his students received widespread recognition of domestic and foreign electrochemical science. More than 200 scientific papers were published, 9 copyright certificates were obtained, Russian Patent No. 227872, class D05B57 \ 10 /.

Theoretical studies of the Department are distributed in the electrotechnical direction. In parallel, the Department improves the technologies of applying coatings by developing electric power systems “power source – electrolyzer”, developing energy-saving complexes in the system of power supply of enterprises. The systems of automatic switching of the AVR reserve and the distribution cabinets of a wide range with advanced protection levels have been developed and implemented at the enterprises of small business; work is underway to implement differential protection systems. Particular attention is paid to the development and implementation of reactive power compensation systems and improvement of the quality of electric energy. Specialists of the Department of Electrical Engineering are constantly working on the improvement of the University’s electrical engineering. The system of automatic protection of boilers is developed, which are heating student dormitories, the system of compensation of reactive energy; the modern system of staging illumination of the assembly hall of the university was introduced, blocks of protection of unique electronic equipment. The Head of the Department is the chairman of the commission of the University for power engineering supervision.

The device for compensating reactive energy, which is installed in the TP 5005, 5006 SHEI USUCT

The system of the main and two reserve inputs of electricity supply

Distribution control of the electric heating system of the USUCT main building

Frequency converter switching system

Switching system with pulse control and voltage level control

The system of automatic control of the staging illumination of the USUCT assembly hall 

The automatic control system of the gas boiler house of dormitory №2

The automatic control system of the gas boiler house of dormitory №3

Automatic power supply unit for power supply system

Overvoltage compensation and stress control unit in the University’s unique equipment supply systems

Perspective directions of scientific activity of the Department are research and introduction of alternative power sources (solar, wind energy, etc.); development of systems of non-fuel energy; increase of efficiency of power plants. These problems are very relevant today due to the decrease of Ukraine’s fuel resources.