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Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Sukhyi

Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Sukhyi

Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

In 1998, Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Sukhyi graduated with honors from the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and qualified as a specialist.

In 2002, he defended his dissertation on specialty 02.00.06 – chemistry of macromolecular compounds. In 2014, he defended his doctoral dissertation on specialty 05.17.06 – technology of polymer and composite materials.

Since 2015 he has been a member of the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Physical and technical problems of materials science”.

In 2018, he was elected an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine (Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine).

He is a member of the editorial boards of two scientific journals – “Questions of Chemistry and Chemical Technology” and “Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies”, which are part of the scientometric database Scopus; member of organizing committees and participant in a number of international scientific forums in France, Spain, Greece, and Ukraine.

Participated in the implementation of international and domestic research projects (Bulgaria, Hungary, the State Fund for Basic Research of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a grant from the President of Ukraine).

Member of two specialized scientific councils at SHEI USUCT for the defense of dissertations for the degree of doctor (candidate) of sciences in the specialties: “Organic Chemistry”, “Chemistry of Macromolecular Compounds”, “Technology of Polymer and Composite Materials”.

He was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2018).

He is engaged in sports – is a multiple champion of Ukraine, and winner of the European Rowing Championship 2012.

Research interests:

  • development of methods for the synthesis of new polymeric Quaternary ammonium salts;
  • polymer nanocomposites;
  • polymer electrolytes in the solid state.

Publications: 168 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 25 scientific works, which are included in the scientometric databases Scopus and / or Web of Science, 23 patents of Ukraine; co-author of textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Contacts: +38 (056) 746-33-56


Petro Ivanovych Bashtanyk

Petro Ivanovych Bashtanyk

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Research interests:

  • Basaltoplastics of structural purpose on the basis of polypropylene;
  • Basaltoplastics of structural purpose on the basis of polyamides;
  • Polymer composite materials for special purposes;
  • Refractory compositions based on polyvinyl chloride.

Publications: more than 300 publications, including more than 50 articles, defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific editions, and more than 25 author licenses and patents for invention. She is co-author of 4 textbooks with a stamp from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and 2 textbooks with a stamp from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

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Yurii Mykolaiovych Vashchenko

Yurii Mykolaiovych Vashchenko

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Yurii Mykolaiovych Vashchenko graduated from DCTI in 1983 with a degree in Rubber Technology.

In 2011, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Scientific and technical basis for the development of elastomeric composite materials for resource-saving technologies”

Research interests:

His research interests are related to scientific and technical problems in the field of chemistry and technology of elastomers, namely – innovative and resource-saving technologies for the production and use of bio-ingredients based on raw materials of plant and animal origin in elastomeric compositions.

Areas of research:

  • Development of scientific and technical bases for the creation of high-quality multilayer elastomeric materials;
  • Research of the problem of efficient use of production and consumption waste of the rubber industry,
  • Creation of new types of composite materials based on elastomers, including the use of grinding products for worn tires and other rubber products.
  • Scientific and technical bases of creation of composite ingredients on the basis of bio raw materials

Disciplines taught:

  • Theoretical bases of processing of polymers and elastomers,
  • Technology of elastomer processing equipment,
  • Recycling of polymeric and elastomeric materials,
  • The latest technologies for processing polymeric and composite materials,
  • Theoretical and experimental methods of research of polymeric and elastomeric composite materials.

The total number of scientific works is over 400, including 122 articles, 25 copyright certificates, and patents of Ukraine, more than 40 works of a methodological nature, co-author of a monograph, and three thematic reviews.

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Vitalii Oleksandrovych Holovenko

Vitalii Oleksandrovych Holovenko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught::

  • Technology of oil and gas processing,
  • Designing of refineries of fossil fuels,
  • Designing of production of alternative energy resources.

Scientific interests: obtaining fuels from alternative raw materials.

Publications: more than 30 scientific papers and 1 patent for the invention

Yurii Rakhmiielevych Ebich

Yurii Rakhmiielevych Ebich

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Technology

Yurii Rakhmiielevych Ebich graduated from DCTI in 1967 with a degree in “Rubber Technology”. In 1994, he defended his doctoral dissertation on a special topic.

Research interests:

  • Physical chemistry of oligomeric systems and adhesives
  • Development of scientific principles of regulation of phase and three-dimensional structure of composite materials with given properties

Disciplines taught:

  • Chemical technologies of rubber products (production of rubber products and footwear).
  • Calculation, design, and technology of production of rubber products and footwear.
  • Fundamentals of chemical product design.
  • Technology, equipment, and basics of designing rubber products.


More than 485 scientific publications, two monographs, more than 125 articles, 19 copyright certificates and 10 patents of Ukraine, co-author of a manual for students of CIS universities on rubber technology and for students of Ukrainian universities on margarine production, more than 45 guidelines

Natalia Mykhailivna Yevdokymenko

Natalia Mykhailivna Yevdokymenko

Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor.

Natalia Mykhailivna Yevdokymenko graduated from DCTI in 1973 with a degree in “Rubber Technology”, in 1994, she defended her doctoral dissertation on “Synthesis of elastomeric compositions of a given morphology.”

 Disciplines taught:

  • The latest technologies for processing polymeric and composite materials;
  • Chemical technology for the production of rubber products (tires);
  • Calculations, design, and technology of tire production.

Research interests:

  • Fundamental research to identify patterns of functioning of polymeric materials with a wide range of variation of deformation and strength properties.
  • Development of a method for determining the functional activity of the main ingredients of the rubber mixture.

Publications: more than 260 published works, including more than 100 articles in professional journals, 5 articles published in the United States, about 20 copyright certificates and patents. He co-authored 3 monographs. Published 25 guidelines in co-authorship with leading experts in the field of rubber production.

Oleh Oleksandrovych Kalinichenko

Oleh Oleksandrovych Kalinichenko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Technology of obtaining alternative fuels from non-oil raw materials,
  • Equipment of alternative fuel production,
  • Laboratory and practical work on all disciplines.

 Research interests: processes of anodic-spark deposition; calcium phosphate. biologically active coatings for implants, protective coatings, catalysts.

Publications: a co-author of more than 15 scientific works and 1 patent of Ukraine for invention.

Valerii Ivanovych Ovcharov

Valerii Ivanovych Ovcharov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Nutritional and Chemical Technologies


Valerii Ivanovych Ovcharov has been working as the dean of the faculty for over 20 years. He is a member of specialized scientific councils at the National Technical University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky”, SHEI “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Science, Technology, Innovation” (Kyiv), member of the German Rubber Union.

His research interests are related to scientific and technical problems in the field of chemistry and technology of elastomers, namely – innovative and resource-saving technologies for the production and use of bio-ingredients based on plant materials in elastomeric compositions.

Areas of research:

  • Development of resource- and energy-saving technologies for the production and application of silicon dioxide and hybrid fillers based on rice husk in elastomeric compositions;
  • Processes of sulfur vulcanization and modification of the properties of elastomeric compositions in the presence of organic compounds with a quaternized nitrogen atom obtained using vegetable raw materials;
  • Obtaining and using targeted rubber additives from sunflower oil production waste.

Disciplines taught:

  • Basics of searching for scientific and technical information and research
  • Methodology and organization of scientific research
  • Chemical technology for the production of rubber products and footwear

Publications: 373 scientific papers. Of these, 117 articles, 17 copyright certificates, and patents of Ukraine, 5 articles in Scopus journals, 2 monographs, 1 textbook, 248 abstracts of international and national conferences, 15 educational and medical developments.

Valerii Ivanovych Ovcharov has state awards “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”, “For scientific and educational achievements”

Kateryna Volodymyrivna Roienko

Kateryna Volodymyrivna Roienko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Discipline taught:

  • Fundamentals of chemical engineering design,
  • Technology of catching chemical products of coking,
  • Laboratory and practical work.

Research interests: the fight against the formation of oil deposits.

Publications: co-author of 23 scientific works.

Olha Serhiivna Sverdlikovska

Olha Serhiivna Sverdlikovska

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Research interests:

  • Synthesis of new polymeric Quaternary ammonium salts from available raw materials;
  • Establishing the properties of polymeric Quaternary ammonium salts based on morpholine and alkylaromatic and aliphatic dihalides for the use of these compounds in various chemical-technological processes;
  • Solution of scientific and technical problems of modern technologies, the relevance of which is due to the need for a synthesis of new thermostable low-temperature ionic liquids with high ionic conductivity, as well as reducing the cost and environmental friendliness of the synthesized monomers

Olha Serhiivna Sverdlikovska participated in the implementation of scientific and educational projects: state budget works, which were performed at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian-American project CRDF (Advance Research Chemicals, Inc., Comp., USA), Eurasian-Norwegian educational project.

Publications: 215 scientific works, including 53 articles, 19 patents of Ukraine for inventions, 2 monographs, 102 abstracts of reports at international and national conferences. During his work at the department published 25 scientific and methodological developments, 14 lecture notes.

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Maryna Mykolaivna Tereshchuk

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Maryna Mykolaivna Tereshchuk graduated from DCTI in 1986 with a degree in Rubber Technology. In 1994, she defended her dissertation on “Modification of rubber systems based on reactive oligomers.”

Disciplines taught:

  • Application of computer technologies in scientific research of technology of polymeric and composite materials,
  • Mathematical modeling and optimization of chemical technology objects,
  • Chemistry of elastomers,
  • Chemistry and physics of polymers and elastomers,
  • Composite materials based on elastomers.

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Olena Viktorivna Tertyshna

Olena Viktorivna Tertyshna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Physics and chemistry of oil and gas,
  • Mathematical modeling and optimization of chemical technology objects,
  • Technology of refining of combustible fossil fuels,
  • Technology of processing of renewable regenerating energy carriers.

Scientific interests: regulation of oil stability and utilization of oil deposits.

Publications: author of more than 70 scientific works.

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Artem Olehovych Tretiakov

Artem Olehovych Tretiakov

Candidate of Technical Sciences, AssociateProfessor

Research interests:

  • Polymermatrali (compositions) on the basis of PVC (vinyl plastic, plastics including for cable insulations);
  • General-purpose biodegradable polymers;
  • Recycling is the regeneration of secondary thermoplastic polymers;
  • Materials and Technologies for 3-D Printing

Publications: more than 100 publications, including more than 30 articles, defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific editions, and more than 15 author’s

patents and patents for invention.

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Vitalii Ihorevych Tomilo

Vitalii Ihorevych Tomilo

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Research interests:

  • Polymer nanocomposites;

Publications: more than 30 publications, including more than 7 articles, defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific editions, and more than 2 copyright certificates and patents for invention.

Tetiana Vitaliivna Khokhlova

Tetiana Vitaliivna Khokhlova

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Research interests:

  • Synthesis and study of biologicalactivity of α, β-dehydroaminoacids.

Publications: 58 publications, including 18 articles defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific editions, and 28 author’s patents and patents for invention.

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Denys Olehovych Chervakov

Denys Olehovych Chervakov

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Research interests:

  • Basaltoplastics of constructional purpose on the basis of thermoplastics;
  • Composite materials based on secondary polyethylene terephthalate;
  • Polymer composite materials for special purposes;
  • High-temperature adhesives;
  • Modification of polypropylene;
  • Disposal is the regeneration of secondary thermoplastic polymers.

He is the winner of the competition is the best young scientist in the Dnipropetrovsk region in 2015.

Publications: 65 publications, including 15 articles defined by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as special scientific publications, 5 articles in international journals with Scopus rating, and 2 copyright certificates and patents for inventions.

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Vasylii Kharytonovych Shapka

Vasylii Kharytonovych Shapka

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

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Olena Borysivna Shevchenko

Olena Borysivna Shevchenko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Discipline taught:

  • Equipment of oil and gas industry,
  • Technology of refining of combustible fossil fuels,
  • Modern methods of processing alternative fuels.

Research interests: research of processes of gasification of solid fuels.

Publications: author of 3 textbooks, 2 patents, and more than 40 scientific papers

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