Anatolii Ivanovych Kosolap
Head of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (specialty 01.05.02 - mathematical modeling and computational methods), professor (2014)
The theme of the doctoral dissertation: “Development of deterministic models and methods of global optimization using convexity” (2012).
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, qualification – “mathematician, teacher of mathematics” (1969).
Disciplines taught:: System software, VBA programming, Optimal design of computer systems.
Concerning the fact that Professor A.I. Kosolap is a well-known specialist in the field of optimization of complex systems, students gain modern knowledge and practical skills in the optimal design of computer systems. In addition, A.I. Kosolap is a practicing programmer with extensive experience, therefore, students have the opportunity to quickly and efficiently master the basics of programming.
Scientific interests: modeling of complex systems and their optimization, software development.
Publications: published over 200 scientific papers in the field of optimization, including 6 monographs, 5 textbooks.
Management of post-graduate students and doctoral students: the head of 2 post-graduate students, has prepared one candidate of sciences.
A.I. Kosolap is a specialist in the field of mathematical modeling and optimization of complex systems. Developed an Excel_SP application package for modeling and optimizing complex systems as well as dozens of other programs to solve optimization problems.
Participated as a speaker at more than 30 international conferences, including international research optimization forums in Germany (Remagen, 2009) and France (Toulouse, 2010, 2013), etc.
In the field of optimization of complex systems, he has developed several new areas of research. Analyzed the world’s achievements in the area of optimization and further developed a convex analysis, the theory and methods of semispecific optimization, nonsmooth optimization, deterministic global optimization, which are widely used in optimal design, artificial intelligence, economics, complex projects execution, image recognition, chemistry, and many other applications. areas. He has developed new effective methods for solving these task classes.
A.I. Kosolap is a member of the European Research Foundation for Continuous Optimization – “EUROPT” and international scientific society – “Mathematical Optimization Society”.

Anatolii Petrovych Alpatov
Doctor of Technical Sciences (1968), Professor
Basic education: Kazan Aviation Institute, specialty – “Flight and Control Dynamics”, qualification – “Mechanical Engineer” (1965).
Disciplines taught: Digital processing of signals and images, Designing of computer systems for diagnostics of technical complexes, Computer control, and analysis of signals.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, Professor A.P. Alpatov has extensive experience in designing real complex systems. In his lectures, students gain modern knowledge and practical skills. His knowledge is unique to every thinking student.
Publications: the author and co-author of 260 scientific publications, 15 monographs, 30 inventions.
A.P. Alpatov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Astronautics, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of the Harbin Polytechnic University (China).
He was a member of the section of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences on traffic control and navigation, a member of the National Committee of the Ukrainian Association of Automatic Control of the IFAC. He is currently a member of the International Committee on Outer Space Affairs. He was a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. Member of editorial boards of a number of scientific journals. He currently manages the Department of System Analysis and Management Problems of the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine.
The basic direction of fundamental research is connected with the development of the theory and methods of modeling the motion of complex mechanical systems in the conditions of outer space. Developed a theory of mobile space flight control, mathematical models of dynamics of spatially developed mechanical systems with elastic bonds, including manipulation systems, space cable systems, and solar power stations space-based.
Much attention is paid to pedagogical work. He was a professor at Dnipropetrovsk State University, head of the Department of Medical Cybernetics, created by him at the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute. At present, he is a professor at the department of specialized computer systems at the Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University.
Has trained 3 doctors and 9 candidates of sciences.

Sergii Viktorovych Khoroshylov
Doctor of Technical Sciences (specialty 05.13.03 - systems and processes of management), Professor
The theme of the doctoral dissertation: “Methodological Bases of Guidance of Orientation of Solar Power Stations of Space-Based” (2013).
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University, Faculty of Physics and Technology, specialty – “management in technical systems”, qualification – “engineer” (1995).
Disciplines taught: Research of computer systems of artificial intelligence, Design of systems of artificial intelligence, Tools of development of network applications, Theory of automatic control, Methods of identification of systems.
Scientific interests: Dynamics and control of spacecraft; management of large space constructions; the theory of adaptive and robust management; the problem of space debris.
Publications: published over 100 scientific works, including 4 monographs.
S.V. Khoroshylov has more than 25 years of experience in space systems and advanced technologies. The results of his work have been awarded by the President of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the State Space Agency of Ukraine. The mathematical models, methods, techniques, and algorithms developed by him were used by Pivdenne Design Bureau in the development of a number of space missions.
S.V. Khoroshylov participated in the international project LEOSWEEP (improving Low Earth Orbit Security With Enhanced Electric Propulsion), funded by the European Union, gave lectures and reports in Austria, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Canada, China, and other countries.
S.V. Khoroshylov is a permanent expert of the State Space Agency of Ukraine in the Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee on Space Debris, a member of the certification commission and the central body of the Space Technology Certification System in Ukraine.
S.V. Khoroshylov is a member of the editorial boards of the following scientific journals: “Computer modeling: analysis, management, optimization” (USUCT); Technical Mechanics (ITM NASU and DKAU); Bulletin of the Dnieper University series “Rocket and Space Technology” (DNU).

Oleksandr Heorhiiovych Kapitonov
Candidate of Chemical Sciences (specialty 02.00.05 - electrochemistry), Associate Professor (2012)
The theme of the candidate’s thesis: “Consideration of the element of a constant phase in relaxation electrochemical measurements” (1996).
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), qualification – a physicist, a teacher of physics” (1976).
Disciplines taught: System programming, Peripherals, Computer systems, Research and design of specialized computer systems, Research and design of embedded computer systems.
Scientific interests: mathematical modeling of phase formation processes.
Publications: over 40 scientific papers.

Olena Anatoliivna Ponomarova
Candidate of Technical Sciences (specialty 05.13.05 - computer systems and components), Associate Professor (2013)
Basic education: In 1996, O.A. Ponomarova graduated from the Dnieper State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture and received a diploma in “Automation and control of shetechnological processes and production” with honors.
Disciplines taught: Digital signal and image processing, Design of computer systems for diagnostics of technical complexes, Information theory, and coding.
Associate Professor O.A. Ponomarova is a professional computer engineer. He is able to interest students in his subjects. He has significant practical experience in working with computer systems, which he successfully passes on to students.
Research interests: In 2012, she defended her dissertation on specialty 05.13.05 – computer systems and components (123 Computer Engineering) at Odesa National Polytechnic University on “Methods and tools to improve the efficiency of inclinometric converters specialized computer orientation system drilling tools “. In 2013, she received the title of associate professor of information and measurement technologies and systems.
Publications: is the author and co-author of more than 50 scientific publications and patents
Profile Google Scholar.
O.A. Ponomarova participated in three expert commissions for accreditation of educational programs of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education: UIPA, Kharkiv; DSEA, Kramatorsk; Odesa. 2019 Passed the Online training on the Prometheus platform of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Certificate dated September 23, 2019.

Olha Viacheslavivna Serhieieva
candidate of technical sciences (specialty 05.17.01 - technology of inorganic substances), associate professor (2011)
The theme of the candidate’s dissertation: “Technology of plasmochemical liquid-phase extraction of ions of polyvalent metals from galvanic and etching production waste” (2004).
Basic education: Ukrainian state chemical-technological university, specialty – “chemical machine building and machine-building”, qualification – “mechanical engineer” (1995); Dnipropetrovsk State University, specialty – “information systems in management”, qualification – “engineer-economist” (1996).
Disciplines taught: Computer Circuitry, Electronic computers and microprocessor systems, Design of microprocessor systems, Computer monitoring of chemical production.
Associate Professor Olha Viacheslavivna Serhieieva has extensive experience in teaching these subjects. Conducts active research on the use of computer systems in chemical technology. Therefore, in her lectures, students learn to use computer technology to solve applied problems.
Scientific interests: modeling of plasmochemical processes of liquid media processing.
Publications: 71 printed matter, of which 35 are articles in professional editions of Ukraine and 6 are articles in international editions.

Svitlana Victorivna Brazynska
senior lecturer, academic secretary of the SCS Department
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty – “hydro aerodynamics”, qualification – “mechanic” (1979).
Disciplines taught: Computer logic, Discrete mathematics, Automation of designing computer systems.
Scientific interests: distance education, Moodle SDO.
Publications: 15 scientific publications, 46 methodical instructions.

Vadym Anatoliiovych Shcherbyna
Senior Lecturer
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk National University, specialty – “Applied Mathematics”, qualification – “Mathematical Specialist” (1994).
From 1999 to 2008, he worked for a computer company in the United States. Fluent in English. He holds a Microsoft Certificate in Computer Networking and extensive practical experience in designing and installing computer networks and developing websites.
He teaches courses: Computer Networks, Internet Technologies, Client-Server Internet Technology Design.
Senior lecturer V.A. Shcherbyna is an advanced IT specialist. He has extensive experience in developing computer networks, websites and transfers his knowledge to students. His knowledge and experience are in demand by European companies, so students gain modern knowledge and practical skills. There are almost no such students who do not attend his lectures.

Tetyana Mykolaivna Dubovyk
Senior Lecturer
Basic education: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, specialty – “Automated control of technological processes”, qualification – “specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies” (2001).
Disciplines taught: Design of intelligent robotic systems: Computer electronics Computer architecture, Computer technology in office work, Design of computer systems for diagnostics of technical complexes.
Senior teacher T.M. Dubovyk pays considerable attention to the end result of his teaching work – this is the quality of knowledge acquired by most students. Its main purpose is to teach students, in particular, a creative approach in the development of their own computer systems, in particular, intelligent robots.
Scientific interests: development of information technologies for increasing the efficiency of training IT specialists.
Publications: 50 publications 2 co-authored textbooks, 1 collective monograph, 1 co-authored copyright certificate, 35 methodical instructions.

Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Romanchuk
Basic education: In 2015, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Romanchuk graduated from Dnipropetrovsk National University after O. Honchar, a degree in mathematics. From 2015 to 2018, he studied at the graduate school of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems of USUCT.
Disciplines taught: Discrete Mathematics, Java Programming, Parallel, and Distributed Computing.
Lecturer O.O. Romanchuk is a young specialist and teacher but has deep knowledge of mathematics. This allows him to teach students to think logically, the ability to solve complex problems.
Research interests: methods of optimization of complex systems, discrete mathematics,
Publications: 8 scientific publications, and has participated in several international scientific and technical conferences.

Alona Oleksandrivna Dovhopola
The theme of the candidate’s dissertation: “Mathematical modeling and solving of many-extreme problems by the method of exact quadratic regularization”.
Basic education: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, specialty – “metrology” (2013).
Disciplines taught: System Analysis, Efficiency and Reliability of Technical Systems, System Software, Software Engineering, Information Theory and Coding, Computer Architecture.
Assistant Alona Oleksandrivna Dovhopola is quite responsible for teaching. It helps each student to gain practical skills and has achieved significant success in this
Scientific interests: methods of global optimization, metrology.
Publications: more than 10 scientific works.

Tetiana Dmytrivna Penia
engineer of category І
Basic education: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, specialty – “Automated process control”, qualification – “specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies” (2003).