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Dmytro Hehemonovych Zelentsov

Dmytro Hehemonovych Zelentsov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department

 The theme of the doctoral dissertation “Models and methods of solving problems of structural mechanics of structures with variable geometric characteristics” (2007).

Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar) Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Specialty of dynamics and strength of machines Department of the applied theory of elasticity qualification – mechanic (1984).

Scientific interests: modeling of the behavior of complex systems; computational methods; interval mathematics; systems of artificial intelligence, in particular: the theory of fuzzy sets, artificial neural networks.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Numerical methods; 2) Protection of information in computer systems;

level of higher education – master: 1) Optimal modeling of complex systems; 2) Methods of evolutionary modeling; 3) Intelligent data processing in the information environment; 4) Mathematical modeling of chemical-technological processes; 5) Modeling and optimization of technological processes; 6) Computational intelligence

Publications: more than 50 articles in professional editions, 2 monographs, 5 certificates of registration of copyright.


Viktor Isaakovych Olevskyi

Viktor Isaakovych Olevskyi

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


The theme of the doctoral dissertation is “Mathematical modeling of the mechanical state of shells with deviations and their application in technological processes” (2015).

Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Applied Mathematics, specialty of dynamics and durability of machines, Department of the applied theory of elasticity, qualification – mechanic (1988).

Scientific interests: nonlinear shell theory, the summation of diverging rows, GRID technology, cloud technologies, mathematical modeling of technical systems.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Probability theory, probability processes and mathematical statistics; 2) Mathematical methods of operations research; 3) Data mining; 4) WEB-technologies and WEB-design;

level of higher education – master: 1) Modern management theory

Publications: more than 80 articles in professional editions; 5 monographs, 4 inventions.


Olha Rostyslavivna Denysiuk

Olha Rostyslavivna Denysiuk

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


The theme of the candidate’s dissertation “Models and methods of numerical analysis of numerical analysis of corrosion-hinged-rod constructions” (2017).

Basic education: National Mining University, Faculty of Information Technologies, specialty – information management systems and technologies, computer systems software department, qualification – “professional in the field of information and information technologies, researcher” (in 2013).

Scientific interests: systems of artificial intelligence.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Algorithmization and programming; 2) Operating systems; 3) Theory of algorithms;

level of higher education – master: 1) Methodology and organization of scientific research; 2) Modeling and optimization of technological processes

Publications: more than 10 articles and abstracts.



Larysa Ivanivna Korotka

Larysa Ivanivna Korotka

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


The theme of the candidate’s thesis “Increasing the efficiency of computational methods for modeling the behavior of corrosive structures” (2012).

Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar) Faculty of Applied Mathematics Specialty Applied Mathematics Department of Computational Methods Qualification – Mathematician (1990).

Scientific interests: fuzzy sets; neural networks.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Modeling of systems; 2) Methods and systems of artificial intelligence; 3) Neural networks;

level of higher education – master: 1) Theory of fuzzy sets; 2) Computational intelligence

Publications: more than 50 articles and abstracts; 2 certificates of copyright in the work, 1 monograph.


Oksana Anatoliivna Liashenko

Oksana Anatoliivna Liashenko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


The theme of the candidate’s dissertation “Load-bearing capacity and optimal design of rod constructions taking into account general and local corrosion” (2009).

Basic education: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Mechanical Faculty Department specialized computer systems qualification – computer systems engineer (2004).

Scientific interests: information technologies; optimal design, mathematical modeling of rotating structures.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Organization of databases and knowledge; 2) Design of information systems; 3) Logical and functional programming; 4) Computer-aided design technologies; 5) IT project management

level of higher education – master’s degree: 1) Quantum information and calculations; 2) Methods and means of data integration

Publications: more than 40 articles and abstracts; 2 monographs; 1 certificate of registration of copyright.


Natalia Yuriivna Naumenko

Natalia Yuriivna Naumenko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


The theme of the candidate’s thesis “Adapted Finite Elemental Models for the Solution of the Problems of Construction Mechanics” (2008).

Basic education: SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,  Mechanical Faculty, specialty Economic Cybernetics, Department of Information Technologies and Cybernetics Qualification – an economist-mathematician (2002).

Scientific interests: modeling of the behavior of complex systems; computational methods; economic-mathematical modeling; theory of decision making; artificial intelligence systems.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Theory of decision making; 2) Theory of pattern recognition; 3) Computer monitoring of chemical productions

level of higher education – master: 1) Management and support of decisions in complex systems; 2) Game theory; 3) Information technology in the market infrastructure


Natalia Oleksandrivna Solodka

Natalia Oleksandrivna Solodka

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


The theme of the candidate’s dissertation “Bearing ability and optimal design of beam structures in view of the influence of aggressive environments” (2003)

Basic education: Dnepropetrovsk National University named after. O. Honchar, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Specialty of dynamics and strength of machines, Department of Computational Mechanics and Structural Strength Qualification – Mechanic (2002).

Scientific interests: modeling of the behavior of complex systems; computational methods; nonlinear programming methods.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Higher mathematics; 2) Numerical methods;

level of higher education – master: 1) Expert systems; 2) Game theory

Publications: over 40 articles.


Inna Valeriivna Serbulova

Inna Valeriivna Serbulova

Senior Lecturer


Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar) Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Specialty Mathematics, Department of Differential Equations Qualification – Mathematician (1990).

Scientific interests: mathematics.

Disciplines: level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Probability theory, probability processes and mathematical statistics; 2) Mathematical methods of operations research; 3) Data mining

Publications: more than 10 articles and abstracts

Halyna Mykolaivna Kodola

Halyna Mykolaivna Kodola



Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport, Faculty of Technical Cybernetics, Department of Applied Mathematics, Specialty Applied Mathematics Qualification – Engineer-mathematician (2000).

Scientific interests: programming.


level of higher education – bachelor: 1) Object-oriented programming; 2) Organization of databases and knowledge; 3) WEB-technologies and WEB-design; 4) Computer-aided design technologies

level of higher education – master: 1) Information technology in market infrastructure

Publications: more than 10 articles and abstracts in professional editions.
