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The main areas of scientific activity of teachers of the graduation department of computer technologies and higher mathematics:

  • mathematical modeling and research of physical and chemical processes in the elements of equipment of chemical production;
  • development of intelligent information systems, in particular – in systems of distance education;
  • research in the field of numerical methods for solving systems of equations of mathematical physics and nonlinear mathematical programming;
  • development of numerical methods with application of models and methods of computational intelligence.

Scientific directions at the department are headed by doctor of technical sciences, professor D.G. Zelentsov

The theme of the research work of the teachers of the department – “Application of information technologies in the modeling of complex nonlinear systems” (state registration number 0110U002991).

Prof. D.G. Zelentsov carries out scientific supervision of graduate students and applicants. Over the past 10 years, 6 postdoctoral theses (under the direction of professor D.G. Zelentsov) and 1 doctoral dissertation (under the direction of Professor I. A. Kolesnik) were defended by the faculty.

In 2011, D.G. Zelentsov received the academic title of the professor of the department. In 2012 there were registered 2 certificates of registration of the copyright for the product computer programs: 1) “Neural network models of calculation and optimization of corrosive structures” (certificate number 41871 dated January 20, 2012, developers DG Zelentsov, OA Radul ); 2) “Intellectual information system of numerical solution of systems of differential equations” (certificate No. 41872 dated January 20, 2012, developed by DG Zelentsov, L.I.Korotk). During the last years of the Department’s activity the candidate’s theses were defended by the assistants O.A. Lyashenko, LI Short and postgraduate O.A. Radul; Academic rank of associate professor of the department got by N.Yu. Naumenko, O.A. Lyashenko, S.O. Borzov and L.I. Short

September 20, 2012 graduate student O.A. Radul defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Determination of durability and optimization of corrosive structures using neural network models” (05.23.17 – construction mechanics), supervisor professor D.G. Zelentsov

10.10.2012 the assistant of the chair L.I. Shortly defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Increasing the efficiency of computational methods for modeling the behavior of corrosive structures” (01.05.02 – mathematical modeling and computational methods), supervisor professor D.G. Zelentsov

Photo thesis defense:

The defense of the candidate’s thesis N.U. Naumenko April 10, 2008 Ukrainian Research Design Institute for Steel Structures named after. VM Shimanovsky (Kiev).

The defense of the candidate’s thesis O.A. Lyashenko November 19, 2009 Dniepropetrovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Dnipropetrovsk).

The defense of the candidate’s thesis L.I. A short October 10, 2012 National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk)

In 2012, the monograph “Informational support for calculations of corrosive objects” came out of print. Mathematical Models and the Concept of Systems Designing “. Authors – teachers of the department D.G. Zelentsov, O.A. Lyashenko, N.Yu. Naumenko

With the participation of the lecturer of the department, associate professor VI Olevskii, “Mathematical modeling and structural-extrapolation analysis in enrichment problems”, 2010 (co-authored by PI Pilov, AM Miltsina) and “Prognostication of the bearing capacity of cylindrical shells with technological imperfections”, 2011 (co-authored by A. M. Miltsin).

Since October 2001, at the department, the interuniversity scientific seminar “Modeling and optimization of complex systems” is constantly being implemented at the department. Scientific supervisor of the seminar Dr.Sc., professor D.G. Zelentsov Over the period of the seminar, more than 60 papers were made on it, including 11 candidate and 4 doctoral dissertations. The leading scientists, post-graduate students and students of the Secondary School of Medicine and other educational and scientific institutions of the city and Ukraine take active part in the work of the seminar.

Teachers of the Department together with students take an active part in scientific conferences of different levels; in the work of the cathedral seminar and olympiads of different levels.

Photo of conferences of different levels:

April 17 Ph.D., prof. cafe KTVM D.G. Zelentsov

September 30, 2010 Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. cafe KTVM V.O. Baranenko

August 26, 2011 Poltava, assistant professor. Short L.I.

За ініціативою кафедри інформаційних систем з 2015 р. у ДВНЗ «Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет» відбувається міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Комп’ютерне моделювання та оптимізація складних систем», яка забезпечує учасникам та гостям платформу для спілкування та зарядження новими плідними ідеями. Співорганізаторами конференції виступають провідні наукові організації та університети, зокрема: – Національна Академія Наук України Інститут кібернетики ім. В.М. Глушкова; – Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. О. Гончара; – Національний аерокосмічний університет ім. М.Е. Жуковського «Харківський авіаційний інститут»; – AGH University of Science and Technology, (Krakow, Poland); – Institute of Computational Technologies SD RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia); – Vilnius University (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius); – Azerbaijan Technical University (Bakuб, Azerbaijan); – Belarusian State University of Transport, RB (Gomel, Belarus). За матеріалами конференції публікується збірник тез (ознайомитись з матеріалами КМОСС-2017 можна на сайті КМОСС-2017. Найкращі роботи традиційно рекомендуються до публікації у збірнику праць «Комп’ютерне моделювання: аналіз, управління, оптимізація».