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All-Ukrainian integrated EPAM Teachers Internship program-2022

Teachers Internship – All-Ukrainian comprehensive internship program for teachers from the company EPAM, was launched back in 2017 and since then helps educators enrich theoretical knowledge with practical project experience and see the work of an IT company “from the inside”.

The specialty of Teachers Internship is a broad view of understanding the modern IT industry instead of focusing on a specific technology. Along with an overview of applied specializations such as Java, DevOps, .Net, QA, Frontend, students learn the basics of project management, Scrum methodologies, Git and Jira tools, etc.

In the mode of daily online classes for four weeks, the educational project was launched twice during 2022.


Associate professors of the department of information systems L.I. Korotka, N.Yu. Naumenko, O.A. Lyashenko, Solodka N.O. participated in the winter and summer sessions of workshops and practices. Participants trained Hard skills and acquired relevant skills for working on educational projects in distributed teams. Communication with young specialists interested in their work inspired further modification of training courses and educational programs.

Participating in an internship from the largest IT company of Ukraine is an opportunity to better understand today’s realities of the IT sphere and to give students the most applicable and relevant knowledge and skills for their successful career in the future.