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Winners of the Petro Jacyk International Ukrainian Language Competition 2024

From October 27 to November 11, 2024, on the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, the first stage of the Petro Yatsyk International Ukrainian Language Competition was held at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (UKUNT).

The competition was held in a distance format using the Moodle learning platform.

In total, 40 people took part in the competition, including students of 1–3 years of full-time study, as well as university teachers.

Переможців було визначено за результатами виконання інтерактивних завдань, а також написання есе на тему «Раби – це нація, котра не має слова, тому й не зможе захистить себе»​.

За кількістю отриманих балів переможцями конкурсу серед студентів стали:

NoNAMENumber of pointsFaculty
1Kondratyuk Olena Vilenivna12.80KN and I5-TM
2Avramenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovich12.20F and BT1-FC
3Sikan Yaroslav Serhiyovych11.85Х and ХТ3-HT
Komova Anna Sergiyevna11.66X and XT3-CDK

Congratulations to our winners! We wish them success in their studies,
and to all of us – VICTORIES of Ukrainians over Russian invaders!