Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (UDUT) is one of the winners of the Erasmus+ competition

The Department of Inorganic Materials Technology and Ecology of the National Research Institute of the Ukrainian State Technical University is pleased to announce that the department’s piggy bank of winning international projects has been replenished with another Erasmus+ project!
At the beginning of this year, the department, as part of a team of 9 universities from Norway, Moldova, Serbia, Romania and Ukraine, took part in the preparation of a project application for a grant under the Erasmus+ program in the direction of “Capacity Development in Higher Education”. The powerful team and the interesting and relevant content of the application allowed us to win a grant for the implementation of the project “Strengthening Digital Skills in the Water Sector of Higher Education” (DIGISKILLS) in fierce competition.
Project coordinator – Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet), Ås (Norway).
Project participants:
- University of Niš (Univerzitet u Nisu), Niš (Serbia);
- University of Galati “Dunarea de Jos” din Galati, Galati (Romania);
- Technical University of Moldova (Universitatea tehnica a Moldovei), Chisinau (Moldova);
- State University of Moldova (Universitatea de stat din Moldova), Chisinau (Moldova);
- Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro;
- National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne;
- National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv;
- National University Lviv Polytechnic, Lviv.
The DIGISKILLS project is a continuation of the long-term cooperation of the Department of TNR and E within the framework of a series of international projects Water Harmony under the leadership of Prof. H. Ratnavira (Norwegian University of Life Sciences).
The goal of the DIGISKILLS project is to improve the quality of water education in Moldova and Ukraine through the development of digital skills and the transfer of innovative technologies and best practices of EU member states. To implement the project’s goals and objectives, the exchange of best European practices and initiatives in the digital transformation of the water sector and higher education with Moldova and Ukraine is envisaged by training teaching staff and students in the use of digital solutions in classes, providing universities with modern equipment and software for digital transformation.
The implementation of the project should increase the competitiveness of university graduates in the water sector in both Ukraine and Europe and activate educational attention to digital skills needed in the labor market. This will also be facilitated by annual summer schools at European partner universities of the project, which are provided for students of educational programs Ecology and Environmental Protection (specialty 101 Ecology) and Chemical Technologies and Engineering with a professional focus on Drinking Water and Industrial Water Treatment Technologies in the Production of Inorganic Substances (specialty 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering), studying at the Department of TNR and E.
We congratulate the entire project team on the victory and wish them successful implementation of projects and new achievements in further project activities!