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Training “Psychological first aid” from STEP-IN UKRAINE

On July 21, 2023, within the walls of our university, representatives of the international public organization “STEP-IN UKRAINE conducted training for our students on the topic “Psychological first aid”. Students learned how to behave correctly in stressful situations and how to distinguish their true emotions. They got to know themselves better, their emotional state and how to better replenish their resources and many, many other interesting things.

Since life can bring us various trials, stressful situations and internal conflicts, the STEP-IN organization taught us to approach ourselves with understanding.

The speakers of the organization showed us a number of yoga exercises that help restore psycho-emotional health under stress.

Our students had a good time and were able to relax a little and relieve themselves from our reality, because self-help is important for a person’s psychological health.

We sincerely thank the public organization STEP-IN for new knowledge and we will wait for new trainings!