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Scientific and Technical Exhibition in China

Possible payment of expenses by the Chinese side: for flight, accommodation, translation into Сhinese and poster making.

The state enterprise “Сenter for scientific and technical information and promotion of innovative development of Ukraine” (SE Ukrtechinform), the Harbin international center for technology transfer and the Heilongjiang center for industrial-technical cooperation of the academy of sciences of the Heilongjiang province in the framework of the cooperation agreement carry out the selection of projects and reports of organizations of Ukraine for presentation at the 7th Harbin International Exhibition of Scientific and Technological Advances, the third innovation forum “45 ° north latitude” (October 11-14, 2018, Harbin, China).


  • People’s government of Heilongjiang province
  • People’s government of Harbin.

Organizers of the exhibition:

  • Department of Science and Technology of Heilongjiang province
  • Department of Science and Technology of Harbin.

Within the limits of the exhibition will be:

  1. Exhibition of scientific and technical achievements and products
  2. Third innovation forum “45 ° north latitude”

Organizations of Ukraine wishing to take part in the Exhibition of scientific and technical achievements and products must fill in the form of Appendix 1 of the newsletter (see attached documents), and for the participation in the third innovation forum “45 ° north latitude” – Appendix 2 form (see attached documents) and send electronically to the SE “Ukrtechinform”

(e-mail: until July 10, 2018

After July 10, 2018, the filled forms will be centrally sent to the Chinese partners for translation into Chinese and distribution among Chinese organizations.

Based on an analysis of the interest of Chinese enterprises and organizations in presenting projects and reports, the exhibition organizers will select participants who the Chinese side will pay for, will provide exhibition space, provide translation into Chinese of selected posters and their production. The authors of individual projects, which will be revealed the most interest, the Chinese side will be paid, in addition, the flight in both directions.

List of applications:

1) letter

2) invitation

3) application forms